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What is Truly Green™?

At GreenQloud we call our commitment to GreenIT and Sustainability: Truly Green™. Why? We feel it is the best way to emphasize our mission to achieve a cleaner IT industry.  GreenQloud’s public compute cloud and data storage services are hosted at renewable energy-powered facilities. We strongly advocate and evangelize the adoption of renewable energy power in IT.

Why are we passionate about improving Sustainability in IT?

In 2007, Gartner reported that the IT industry was responsible for approximately 2% of global green house gas emissions– equivalent to the aviation industry at the time. Since then the number of data centers worldwide has surpassed 500,000. This massive and growing need for energy is contributing, in a big way, to the global carbon emissions crisis, due in part to  the energy grids data centers use, which are powered by ”dirty energy,” or fossil fuels.

We see a great opportunity in utilizing Iceland’s abundant 100% renewable geothermal and hydro energy infrastructure, naturally cool climate and strategic location as a means to clean up IT and greatly reduce the industry’s carbon footprint.

In short we put a lot of thought into defining what it means to be Truly Green™:

  1. To run a sustainable public compute cloud that is 100% carbon neutral
  2. To use renewable energy, not carbon offsets, to meet our goals
  3. To enable our customers to live monitor their energy metrics and carbon savings
  4. To ensure credibility and full environmental management by ISO 14001 certification

Our Truly Green™ brand is a guarantee of GreenQloud’s commitment to providing to our customers high-quality sustainable cloud computing that is easy-to-use and reduces carbon emissions.

Sustainable Energy and GPUE

GreenQloud requires its data center partners to be very efficient and maintain a Green Power Usage Effectiveness rating that supports GreenQloud’s commitment to being carbon neutral.

GreenQloud’s primary data center facilities, Verne Global and Thor DC (Advania), exclusively use 100% renewable geothermal and hydro power energy.

Environmental Management

GreenQloud is working towards attaining the ISO 14001 environmental management certification. Likewise, GreenQloud vets partners and suppliers based on ISO 14001 compliance and their commitment to utilizing, as much as possible, renewable, climate-friendly resources.


GreenQloud manages its waste responsibly.  All disposal of electronic equipment is in accordance with the standards set in GreenQloud’s ISO 14001 compliance manual.

Energy Efficient Equipment

GreenQloud uses very energy-efficient equipment without compromising server performance. GreenQloud specifically chose its server and networking suppliers based on an excellent track record in GreenIT.

TrulyGreen™ Certification

Our Truly Green™ certification has been defined based on the issues our stakeholders consider most important. The Truly Green™ certification acts as a checklist for important sustainability criteria relating to emissions, equipment, energy usage, waste management, datacenter management, company management systems and company policy.
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We intend to extent GreenQloud’s Truly Green™ certification to GreenQloud’s customers so they can display their commitment to sustainable IT in a provable manner. By displaying the Truly Green™ logo and or the Truly Green™ widget with a link to our verification service, our customers and their partners or clients can rest assured that their cloud services live up to the highest sustainability standards possible.


The Truly Green™ certification is subject to constant review and updated based on changing stakeholder views or changes in the business environment.


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