
dealReporter Eastern Europe

dealReporter Eastern Europe provides unrivalled news and analysis on corporate events and M&As across Eastern Europe and Africa.

Our team of journalists on the ground provides news based on information sourced from dealmakers in their local territories.

We differentiate ourselves from our local and international competition by using only primary sources to provide new, unbiased and actionable news for investment professionals. This news is accompanied by analytics including deal spreads and event timetables that are constantly updated by our expert team of analysts.


dealReporter Eastern Europe provides continuous coverage of liquid public M&A transactions in key market of Eastern Europe. Our journalists, who have an extensive network of sources in capital markets and the political arena, provide proprietary news coverage on key privatizations and auctions in each region.

Special Situations

dealReporter Eastern Europe looks at a range of special situations to provide proprietary intelligence and analysis on rumored takeover targets, significant business events, spin offs, demergers and regulatory and legal issues.

Equity Capital Markets

We provide comprehensive proprietary and aggregated coverage of situations tailored to meet the needs of equity capital markets participants. This includes an in-depth coverage of placements & rights issues, convertible bonds, dividend and share buyback, as well as benchmark IPOs.

Regulation & Legislation Developments

dealReporter Eastern Europe provides invaluable analysis sourced from top legal and political sources on potential changes in the regulatory or financial framework of our territories.


dealReporter keeps you fully up-to-date with all the latest global newswire activity by translating, collating and analyzing news from over 3,000 sources – before the markets open.


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