Jan 18

Goodbye from Formulists



“The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things..”
Or specifically, one very important news update.

Like all start-ups, we have been working within a very tight budget for a while now, and are sad to announce today that due to cash constraints we will have to shut down the Formulists website.  The team has learned a lot through our experience and have had a lot of fun working with and serving all our users.  We deeply appreciate all the kind support and feedback we have received over the last year, so thank you all for that.

If you still wish to make lists with us we encourage you to do this as soon as possible since the site will be unavailable very soon. Those who have already made lists with us will get to keep them, although they will no longer update on their own.  Also, all users who have paid for either pro or supreme level accounts will be reimbursed for the unused time within a month.

To help ease any potential Formulists withdrawal symptoms, I have compiled a list of a few very awesome apps to help you achieve some of the same goals Formulists assisted with.  If you know others you think should be on the list, please just let me know and I will add them.  

General Twitter list management
“Adding more than five users through the Twitter web interface is tedious, but doing it through Twitilist is a breeze.”

Managing Followers/Unfollowers
“…the Twitter management tool with stats!”

Tracking Fans
“Focus on Your Highest-Value Relationships: Influencers that drive awareness, supporters that spread your message, potential new leads..”

Discover and Share Lists of Awesome People
“Lists made social! Make collaborate, shareable lists”

Track Unfollowers

Name says it all :)

If you need help with anything, feel free to reach out to us.  You can direct any questions you have to our Twitter account, or reach us by email: contact@formulists.com

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    “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things..” Or specifically, one very important news update. Like...
  3. spacer dbuntinx reblogged this from formulists and added:
    sad. A service I used
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