
Contact Us


A quick notice…

We do not provide technical support for your computer via our support desk.

Sorry, but it is just too time consuming for us. If you have a specific problem you need help with, go to our forums and post your problem there. You are sure to get quick help from our loyal members. You can also request help by asking PCMech a question. This will put your question into our queue for potential answering on our public site.

With that in mind, you can email us using this form:

    This is important so your message is routed properly.

Snail Mail Contact

You can snail mail us at:
PC Media, Inc.
P.O. Box 1417
Riverview, Florida 33568

Phone (With Strings Attached):

VOICE: 813-418-6909
FAX: 815-572-8953

IMPORTANT NOTE … the phone number is a direct line to David Risley, the owner of the site (that’s me). Don’t expect me to pick up the phone. You will go direct to voice mail, more than likely. It isn’t that I’m a snob, but I am very careful to guard my time as I’m a very busy man. A few rules…

  • Please be very specific about the reason you’re calling. You won’t ever hear from me with a “Hey, this is XXX, call me back. Thanks” voice mail. Give me a compelling reason to call you back.
  • Don’t call me about issues with your orders. Instead, please us above so the appropriate procedures can be followed in-house. I know calling on the phone feels more direct and more personal, but we’re not a big, stuffy corporation and I promise you that your support tickets will get answered. No need to call me about that. In fact, that’s the SLOW way to get the help you need.
  • Funnily enough, I’ve had people call me thinking I’m Uniblue. I’m not. Never have been. Please contact them directly.

Again, it isn’t a snobby thing… this is just called “time management”. Phones are nuts in that they interrupt you without your control unless you set the rules. So, that’s what I’m doing.


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