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#1: Reading for Meaning spacer
“Reading for Meaning” is at the heart of Phil's program on Reading Comprehension Strategies.  Through the use of written text, interactive games, songs, and sound stories, Phil engages students in the process of strategic reading by: activating their prior knowledge, visualizing the story, looking for clues, asking questions, and practicing prediction.  Phil also shows the students a number of fun activities and games that connect their knowledge of sequence, prediction and inference to everyday life.  Finally, he brings it all together with his new version of the classic Rudyard Kipling tale that explains how the elephant got its trunkcomplete with African drums and rhythms, interactive questions, story mapping ideas, and think-aloud games!

#2: Musical Fractions in our World
Enrich your students’ understanding of fractions, measurement, and equivalency with Phil’s fun-filled presentation on Musical Fractions in our World.  Specifically, your students will learn: 1) how musical instruments vibrate in a series of fractions called the harmonic series; 2) how they can build simple musical instruments by measuring fractions of length and liquid volume; and 3) how musical rhythms are based on equivalent fractions of time.  Finally, Phil leads the students in clapping an energetic sequence of musical fractions—from traditional Mariachi folk songs from Mexico, to more modern selections by Los Lobos and Carlos Santana.

#3: Math, Science and Sound
Boost your students knowledge of math and science with Phils new dynamic presentation on Math, Science and Sound. During the program your students will learn how to apply mathematical concepts to scientific principles.  Specifically, they will: estimate the distance of thunderstorms by measuring the speed of sound; see how sound waves travel in the air, on strings, and over light; hear whales communicate over hundreds of miles using sound waves; convert loud and soft sound volumes into numeric decibels; translate higher and lower pitches into frequencies using static electricity; learn how dolphins and bats use echolocation; and predict and listen how sound echoes in the Grand Canyon and in the Great Pyramid of Giza!

#4: Reading Fluency and Singing  
“Fluent reading sounds like talking.” This simple principle is at the core of the Reading Fluency and Singing presentation.  Through the use of familiar rhymes, historical speeches, songs, and popular TV/movie audio clips, students are engaged in an entertaining model of fluent reading. Developed with Reading Specialists, this program reinforces the basics of reading fluency: 1) Modeling Fluent Readers; 2) Reading Together (shared reading); and 3) Repetition and Feedback.  Your students also experience the connections between singing and reading which inspire a natural sense of phrasing, meter and expression.

#5: Know Your Math Facts
Phils new program features Rhythm Mathematicshis new standards-based activities that use West African drum rhythms to teach and reinforce math facts:
doubles & doubles plus one, skip counting, multiplication facts, and fractions and ratios. He presents both primary and intermediate assemblies, and tailors each program so that it is grade-level appropriate.  Phil also provides a free site license CD so your school can continue to reinforce math facts with these exciting rhythms throughout the year.  During the assembly, your students will also participate in a Native American acorn grinding song based on repeating mathematical patterns, and will learn how the ancient Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, used ratios and fractions to make music. Finally, they will hear how fractions are represented in music from Indonesia, Mexico, Africa, China, and the Caribbean.


Family Activity Nights

#1: Story Reading Night  spacer
Invite your families back to school for this wonderful hands-on activity night. The kids build their own didgeridoos, toad croakers, bee buzzers, and duck quackers, and then join together for an interactive Vietnamese musical story about a very special toad.  Phil also shows parents how they can help their kids become better readers by playing comprehension games at home.  Finally, they finish off the night with a sound effects concert featuring some of Phil’s favorite old time radio broadcasts!

#2: Musical Fractions 
Invite your families back to school for this fun-filled evening featuring hands-on instrument making, and music from the Aztec and Incan empires! Students learn how to count ancient Aztec rhythms using pie fractions, and design pan pipes with the fractional lengths used by the Incas. The students build their own maracas and panpipes — based on fractions of length used by the Incas.  Then they join together for a dynamic concert featuring ancient Aztec rhythms using pie fractions.

#3: Math and Science Night 
At the Math & Science Family Night, your families will enjoy an entertaining musical presentation on the mathematical and scientific principles of sound. Phil guides everyone through an enriching series of hands-on FOSS experiments and Exploratorium displays.  Then the students apply their knowledge by making rhythm and string instruments and joining together for an exciting concert featuring Dragon Dance Drumming from China!

#4: Reading in Rhythm 
Get ready to move on this one! Reading in Rhythm begins with an entertaining exploration of the rhythms of language through shared reading, hand and body movements, and a variety of Caribbean, African and Latin American instruments. Next, the students make their own rain sticks, talking tubes, and guiros, and then join together for a concert of reading, rhythm and movement. In addition, Phil also covers the major elements of how parents can read with their children through a number of helpful handouts and displays based on Jim Trelease’s classic, The Read-Aloud Handbook.

#5: Rhythm and Math Night
At the Rhythm and Math Night, the kids learn how to make musical instruments with geometric shapes and fractions, and apply their knowledge to build origami poppers and tube drums. Then, they perform popular hand drum rhythms from Nigeria, Guinea, and Liberia, and join together to form a giant drum circle featuring rhythms from around the world!




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