New Mexico Tech Mathematics Faculty


Dr. Brian Borchers


BS (Computer Science), Rensselaer
MS (Mathematics), Rensselaer
PhD (Mathematics), Rensselaer


I'm currently spending 75% of my time as the project director on a Department of Education grant, "HSI-STEM: Entryway to Engineering Success", that is using a variety of strategies including course redesign, academic early warning, and innovative classroom technology to improve outcomes for students at New Mexico Tech, particularly including hispanic and low income students as well as community college transfer students.

My primary research and teaching interests are in optimization and inverse problems. I teach a number of undergraduate and graduate courses at NMT in linear programming, nonlinear programming, time series analysis, and geophysical inverse problems. My research has focused on interior point methods for linear and semidefinite programming and applications of these techniques to combinatorial optimization problems. I've also done work on inverse problems in geophysics and hydrology using linear and nonlinear least squares and Tikhonov regularization.

Together with Rick Aster (NMT, Geophysics) and Cliff Thurber (geophysics at the University of Wisconsin), I've coauthored a textbook on inverse problems aimed at graduate students in the earth sciences. This textbook is based on a course that Rick Aster and I have been teaching for about 15 years now. The second edition of the book has just been released in February of 2012. You can buy it direct from Elsevier or from Amazon or Barnes and Noble .

If you're an undergraduate or graduate student looking for a project, please see my list of projects. In some cases there is even funding available to pay you for work on these projects. If you're looking for a directed study course, I am also willing to teach directed studies related to optimization and inverse problems, including Data Assimilation, Convex Optimization, and Compressive Sensing.

I am available as a consultant to industry on numerical analysis, optimization, and inverse problems.


Contact Information

If you would like to schedule an appointment with me in my office and you have a Google account, you can make an appointment using Google Calendar.

Office: Weir Hall 222
Telephone: 575-322-2592
Fax: 575-835-5366

Note: 575-322-2592 is a Google voice number that will ring my home, office, and mobile phones. It's the surest way of reaching me or at least getting to my voice mail. 835-5813 is the actual number in my office- it doesn't lead to a useful voice mail.

I don't normally use text messages or chat clients. I will use Skype for long distance communication if I have scheduled a call in advance, but I'm not usually online with Skype. My Skype username is brian.borchers1.

If you need to physically mail something to me, my postal address is:

Brian Borchers
Department of Mathematics
New Mexico Tech
Socorro, NM 87801

Contact Information in .vcf format

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