
Comedy And Karaoke, Together At Last
A monthly performance series
Union Hall, Brooklyn
4th Oct 2012

The Jukebox: Ghosts is on Monday, October 8th

The Jukebox: Ghosts is this Monday, October 8th, which also happens to be Columbus Day, which also happens to celebrate the life of Christopher Columbus, who also happens to share a name with Chris Columbus, who also happened to direct the first two Harry Potter movies, which also happened to feature a ghost named Nearly-Headless Nick, who also happened to be played by John Cleese, who also happened to be in Monty Python and the Flying Circus, which also didn’t actually fly in the same manner that the Flying Dutchman didn’t fly, which just so happened to be a ghost ship that can never make port, which also happens to be a type of fortified dessert wine, which happens to be fortified in a different manner than Fort Henry was during the Civil War, which happens to have many battlefields up and down the east coast, which happens to include Gettysburg, which happens to be the place referenced in a fantastic speech from Abraham Lincoln, who happened to hunt vampires, which, along with a werewolf and a ghost, happen to make up the cast of the smash hit show Being Human, which happens to have a version in both the US and UK, which happens to be located right across the English Channel from the Netherlands, which happens to be the homeland of the Dutch people, who happen to have been the earliest settlers of western Long Island, which happens to have evolved into current day Brooklyn, which happens to be the home of Union Hall in Park Slope, which happens to be where our show is located.

You should come!

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