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The Writers Room provides over 350 writers with a quiet, affordable place in which to work. In addition to workspace, the Room offers a reference and research library for the use of its members; seminars and workshops on subjects of interest to writers; readings of members’ works; and community for people working in a solitary profession.

Emerging and established writers may apply. The only qualification for membership is seriousness of intent. Applicants must provide the Room with three professional references which may include agents, publishers, editors, teachers, and associates who can speak to the applicant’s seriousness.

Memberships vary from $600.00 to $800.00 per half year (payment is due on January 1st and July 1st). There is a one-time initiation fee of $75.00.

All memberships are subsidized by grants, gifts, and contributions.

Large loft with 42 partitioned desks; writers’ reference and research library; internet access; LexisNexis account; storage for computers and materials; kitchen/lounge; telephone room.

Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

The trustees of The Writers Room are professional writers. The advisory board comprises leading members of the writing community and industry.

Join the Writers Room and find out how much more productive you can be!
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