June 30, 2011 · 8:00 am
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The Things He Cherished: A Sestina

In my cottage by the sea,
hours spent admiring the garden,
I wait patiently for my children
to return home, direct
from the city to cherish
this place. Its uniqueness and beauty.

Flowers, surf, majestic beauty—
sharp, blue sky against the sea,
it reflects in my children’s eyes; I cherish
watching them work in the garden
my husband’s eyes in theirs, a direct
melding of our souls into those of our children.

My son, my daughter, walk the lane. My children
still seem so young, their beauty,
their clear sense of life’s direction,
wanting to pay homage to their father, ashes in the sea.
My tears water the garden—
this garden that he cherished.

And oh! He cherished
this home, his dream, and his children,
his handprints still fresh in the garden
his loving touches made it beautiful.
The wind, the water. How he loved the sea–
echoes of his voice saying they provided him direction.

Now heaven’s offering him direction
from above—a new view to cherish–
this diminutive cottage dwarfed by the sea.
Will he see our children?
Will he remember the beauty
he created, lovingly, tenderly in the garden?

My hands are not those of a gardener,
his passion for it—teaching the children
his tricks. How to tend to nature’s beauty,
wanting something to cherish.
Grateful for them, knowing my children
will comfort me in his cottage by the sea.

Seawater sprinkles the vibrant garden.
The children comforted by the direct sun warming us,
He, at peace, thankful for the beautiful things he cherished.

© 2011 Stephanie Verni

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Filed under Poetry

3 Responses to The Things He Cherished: A Sestina

  1. A.J.Abbiati
    June 30, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    That was beautiful and evocative! Lots of thoughts and images running through my head…some happy, some sad, all vivid.

    Wonderful poem, Steph.


  2. Pingback: My First Published Poem on The Whistling Fire | Steph's Scribe

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