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Table of Contents

  1. Quick Help
    1. A) Why register?
    2. B) How do I submit a bug/feature request?
    3. C) How do I refer to other tickets, milestones, changesets or files?
    4. D) How can I keep track of a specific issue?
    5. E) How can I get the latest version from the repository?
    6. F) How can I contribute code?
    7. G) Contact and support
    8. H) Workflow
    9. I) Special purpose tickets

Welcome to the WikkaWiki Tracker

Notice: Due to the actions of low-life dregs of society who have nothing better to do with their time than post spam, I have disabled ticket creation by anyone other than admins until further notice. Please feel free to report Wikka bugs via the other channels that are available.

On this server you will find tools to keep track of the development of  WikkaWiki (next release: 1.4).

  • Search the tracker for a specific issue
  • Report a bug or suggest a new feature *
  • Browse the ticket list:
    • open
    • closed
    • all
  • Check the development roadmap
  • Browse the latest source from the svn repository (also available via  WebSVN)

[* New user? Please sign up here]

Quick Help

A) Why register?

To report a bug or submit a request you need to register a free user account and login. This restriction was recently introduced as a measure against spammers. This tracker uses Akismet to detect spam, by filling a username and email address in the user settings you reduce the risk that your contributions be marked as spam. Adding a valid email address will also allow you to be automatically notified of any discussion or progress on your requests.

B) How do I submit a bug/feature request?

Once you're signed in you can report a bug or suggest a new feature by opening a new ticket or commenting on an existing ticket. Please help us address your request by:

  • making sure your issue has not already been addressed: search the tracker
  • providing accurate information: select the appropriate component your ticket refers to and its severity.

You don't need to specify a milestone or priority, this will be decided by Wikka developers once your request is reviewed.

C) How do I refer to other tickets, milestones, changesets or files?

When adding a new ticket or a followup to an existing ticket , you can use the following syntax in the description field to refer to any other tickets, reports, changesets, milestones, source files (links are auto-generated):

  • Tickets: #1 (displays as: #1)
  • Changesets: [1] (displays as: [1])
  • Milestones: milestone:1.2 (displays as: milestone:1.2)
  • Files: source:trunk/wikka.php (displays as: source:trunk/wikka.php)
  • A specific file revision: source:/trunk/wikka.php#4 (displays as: source:trunk/wikka.php#4)

D) How can I keep track of a specific issue?

You can receive email notifications anytime a specific ticket is updated just by adding your email address or username in the cc: field of the corresponding ticket. Notifications are also sent automatically to ticket owners, if an email address is specified in the reporter field when the ticket is created.

Alternatively, you can subscribe via RSS feeds to any item in the svn repository (following the Revision Log link) and in the ticket list (clicking on RSS feed' at the bottom of the page).

E) How can I get the latest version from the repository?

To anonymously access the repository through a  svn client, use the following command:

svn co

Alternatively, you can use the latest  nightly build automatically generated from trunk. Before installing an unstable release please read this  disclaimer.

F) How can I contribute code?

You can submit code contributions that we'll consider for inclusion in future releases. Contributed code should comply with the  Wikka coding guidelines and be licensed as GPL. To contribute code to the repository, please follow these instructions:

  1. Find the specific issue your contribution applies to. If you are contributing code for a new feature or for a yet unreported bug, you should first create a ticket describing the issue addressed by your code.
  2. Upload your code as an attachment using the form found at the bottom of the ticket. Please upload your code with the appropriate name (the original filename if the contribution is a patch of an existing action or handler or a meaningful name in the other cases). Attachments are preferred in source format (e.g. PHP, JavaScript, CSS) or, alternatively, as  unified diff patches.

G) Contact and support

  • You can subscribe to the  wikka-community mailing list to obtain support from other list members and Wikka developers.
  • If you prefer to receive emails only for important news and release announcements, you can subscribe to the  wikka-news mailing list.
  • You can chat with the Wikka developers and contributors in the  #wikka IRC Channel at

H) Workflow

With the upgrade to trac 0.11, the workflow has been modified to closely reflect  this state diagram.


Suggestions on how to improve this workflow?

I) Special purpose tickets

The following conditions require posting an additional ticket reference in the commit message (in addition to the ticket that references the issue being addressed):

ConditionReference this ticketAdd this to keywords
Catch-all ticket for notice fixes in 1.3.1#1055
Catch-all ticket for notice fixes in trunk#1056 is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.