
Can Kevin Kelly Lead 1000 True Fans to the Afterlife?

Noah J Nelson on Wednesday, Jun. 27th

I’m a big fan of Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly’s “1000 True Fan” hypothesis. It has influenced a lot of my thinking in the past few years about what is possible and what is sustainable with creative endeavors. So it is heartening– and maybe a little scary– to see Kelly put his money where his mouth is.

He’s released the first book in his graphic novel series The Silver Cord– a sic-fi tale about androids and the afterlife– as a free read online. At a whopping 210 pages it’s a substantial piece of work. Yet if readers want to see the conclusion of the story, Kelly is asking them to contribute to a Kickstarter fund to produce the second half. The perks include physical copies of both books, digital editions and the like.

To run the math: if Kelly can get 1000 fans to kick down $40 a piece he’ll reach the projects goal of $40K. That works out to $20 a book for the two 210 page tomes. Not a bad margin even by current digital comic standards.

So far he’s only got 152 backers in play for this passion project, running in at just shy of $10K. Which means a lot of drama: can the godfather of arts crowdfunding drum up a community on the strength of free goods?

comics • Kevin Kelly • kickstarter • Silver Cord • Wired


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An Extra $50K For Five Top Startups At SF’s Launch Festival

Reflections from tech industry leaders like Twitter’s Evan Williams and (the especially engaging) Chamath Palihapitiya were the banner events at the Launch Festival in San Francisco this week, but the energy that fueled the conference came from the inventive young founders debuting their startups at the three day showcase.




Straight Talk for Startups At San Francisco’s Launch Festival

Rockets that launch commercial satellites and robots that manipulate cell phones are the sort of big, bold ideas that excite some of the Silicon Valley investors who addressed the opening of the sixth annual Launch Festival on Monday in San Francisco.


‘Pride & Prejudice’ Adaptation’s Bittersweet End, Behind The Scenes Panel

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, known to fans as TheLBD, reframes Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride & Prejudice as an interconnected series of vlogs and social media accounts.


Get Ready For The Next Industrial Revolution

Flexible computers?


Not To Be Outdone: IndieGoGo Funds Oscar Winner Too

Remember when we told you yesterday about Innocente, the Oscar winning documentary short that got its finishing funds from Kickstarter?

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