
Here are some of my writing about systems and the intersection between developers and operations:

  • Mistakes were Made, given at OSCON 2011 this talk discusses how to run maintenance windows, and suggests a set of goals, and a simple framework for identifying important tasks before, during and after maintenance (successful, or otherwise). I gave a similar talk at PgConf.EU 2011.
  • Broken Windows, Broken Code, Broken Systems – Here I write about the relationship between “broken windows”, little things that aren’t quite right, and the inevitable broken processes that go with them.
  • Restores FTW – A meditation on backups and restores for PostgreSQL, with the focus on what we can do to make testing database restores part of the regular fabric of your team’s work, rather than a one-off.
  • Forgetting: Logging as an ethical choice: my thoughts about the ability to control what is logged about yourself, particularly from the perspective of a sysadmin.
  • Wrapup Meetings provide feedback that teams need to improve: How to run “post-mortems” without pissing everyone off.
  • Better planning for maintenance windows: Lessons learned from maintenance windows done wrong, and well.

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