Two’s Program

Maimonides’ Drop off Two’s program is designed to fit the students based on the individual and group stages of development. Teachers strive to create an environment that is warm nurturing, fun, as well as one that opens the doors to learning about their world. We encourage parents to talk with our experienced staff about any issues or concerns you might have as well as simply following their progress in the classroom. Parental involvement is encouraged.

For the 2-year old, we focus on emotional growth such as promoting independence, coping with separation, and of course always supporting the development of a positive self-esteem. In addition to providing activities that help with their developing socialization and gross and find motor skills, we also teach pre-literacy skills, math, art, science, and music.


Program Goals

1. To provide children with a nurturing, learning environment that promotes the children’s developing sense of independence as well as growth in the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical spheres.

2. To assist children and families with achieving healthy separation.

3. To help the children develop language skills, self-help skills, and appropriate socialization and pre-literacy skills.

4. To help children learn how to follow direction and to listen.

5. To promote and encourage a love of learning through the daily schedule.

6. To provide a safe environment for their children to explore the senses.

Monthly Themes

The curriculum is designed to meet the above goals and to support an environment of learning through interesting monthly seasonal themes. Each month the structured daily schedule is molded around a variety of themes. The themes are listed below according to the month.

1. September – New Year, New Friends
2. October – Nature
3. November – Thanksgiving
4. December – Winter
5. January – Time
6. February – Animals
7. March – Weather
8. April – Trees and things that grow
9. May – Israel and other cultures
10. June – Summer


Daily Schedule

The schedule is structured to be similar each day in order to help create a safe and expectant environment for the children. Though the schedule will remain more or less constant, the themes will of course add a different flavor to each time period.

The daily schedule is as follows:

8:30 – 9:00 Free Play

9:00 – 9:30 Hands-on-activity time,
Fine Motor, art, science, math

9:30 – 10:00 Theme Introduction Story time

10:00 – 10:30 Snack, Social Skills,
Self-Help Skills, Socialization

10:30 – 11:00 Activity, Gross Motor

11:00 – 11:30 Individualized Activity Time, clean-up is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.