December 13, 2010

The Perfect Deadline

A hard deadline means no more excuses, no more options, no second chances. It’s literally now or never.

Of course, deadlines don’t usually work that way. That’s the part of the threat of a deadline, and after the deadline passes, threats usually escalate. The stakes get higher; consequences and punishments more severe. You’re not off the hook—the deadline just hangs around your neck like a millstone that keeps growing and getting heavier.

Hard deadlines, with their attendant fearsome consequences, can shut your brain down as the deadline looms, and leave you with reduced cognitive function for up to two days after the event.

What happens to your ability to observe, to problem-solve, even to think clearly when faced with time pressure? Read More...

Posted on December 13, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

November 16, 2010

Avoiding the Infinite Abyss

November's issue of the Pragmatic Programmer magazine, PragPub, has my latest article, Avoiding the Infinite Abyss:

Estimating is never easy. In agile projects we try and get a better feel for estimating over the course of a project as we get more familiar with the pace and capabilities of ourselves and this particular team and technology environment. On most projects we want individual team members to come up with estimates for their own tasks, the ones they’ve selected from the current project backlog. That puts the onus of estimating on the person who actually has to do the work, a nice touch of straightforward reality in an otherwise messed-up world.But for programmers new to this style of working, or new to the team or to the technology, trying to decide on how long a task might take is kinda like trying to pick a winning lottery number: billions of choices, only one right answer.
...Read the rest at

Posted on November 16, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

September 03, 2010

WindyCity Rails

WindyCity Rails is coming up soon, and I'm proud to say that Pragmatic Programmers is a sponsor.

They'll be giving away some of our popular screencasts, and two of our very own Pragmatic authors will be speaking:

• Noel Rappin of "Rails Test Prescriptions"
• Jeff Cohen of "Rails for .Net Developers"

If you're in the Chicago area, this is your chance to hang with some real experts, face to face.


Posted on September 03, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

August 27, 2010

Warning! Deadlines are closer than they appear


Posted on August 27, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (1)

August 25, 2010

How *Not* to Eat An Elephant

The old adage about eating an elephant is wrong. 

As it goes, the answer to "how do you eat an elephant" reads "one bite at a time."  And a lot of agile folks subscribe to that notion in general—you can accomplish any task if you break it up into smaller tasks, and take it one small bit at a time.

Problem is, that doesn't really work.  Once more, it comes down to context (you knew I'd drag that in somehow, right?) There's a great example of this in the new book The Agile Samurai.  One of the examples on estimation starts off asking how long it will take you to eat a cookie.  Based on that, how long will it take you to eat 7 cookies?  14? How about 200?

Context obviously matters: the state of the system initially is not the same as the state of the system after eating 20 cookies (believe me, I've been there).  It's non-linear: input to the system changes the system itself, and it's capacity, and eventually its desire to ever see another cookie again.

So no, "one bite at a time" is the wrong answer.  It's not sustainable.  Instead, the first defense against "How do you eat an elephant?" is to ask the clarifying question, "WHY ARE YOU EATING AN ELEPHANT???"  

Too often, even on agile projects, we take whatever absurd requirement is handed to us and fire up the story cards and the burndown charts and get cracking on it.  It would be a nice first step to dig into the absurdity first, and see why we think we need to make elephant kabobs.  Maybe the real requirement was misheard, and they actually said "add a font and some knobs"  

But it is incumbent upon you to ask.  And if the person you ask replies with "because they told us to" (or something similarly Nuremberg-esque), go up one and keep asking.  

And if it turns out that you do, in fact, need to eat an elephant, then you're going to need  a lot of friends.  Or a lot of Tupperware.


Posted on August 25, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (2)

August 24, 2010

Returning to the Kindle after using the iPad; Konvinced the Kindle can't hold a kandle to the iPad.

Posted on August 24, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (2)

August 23, 2010

Winning is easy; beginning is hard.

Posted on August 23, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

May 04, 2010

How to Escape Trivia Enslavement

"What are you planning on doing today?"  That's one of the key three questions you must answer during a daily Scrum meeting.  And it's the topic of the first Pomodoro of the day, if you use the Pomodoro technique. No big deal, it's just asking you to think about a goal or set of goals for the day, right?

But a "goal" sounds like an elusive, hard to reach target.  I suppose we've been conditioned by too much football, where the drive to the goal line is a hard-fought contest of brute strength and occasional cunning. 

In some ways, a football goal is an easier target than those we face: everyone knows right where it is, and it's not moving.  In software and in life, goals are rarely that static or cooperative.  So we might need a little help making sure we're actually headed in the right direction.

A study done at the Dominican University showed that three factors contribute to helping you accomplish significantly more toward achieving your goals:

  • Written goals
  • Public commitment
  • Accountability

Just writing your goals down can be a big help.  Sharing those goals publicly, even just with a close friend, helps even more.  And for the trifecta, you can email your friend with periodic status reports on how you're doing.

Without that kind of support, it's easy to wander aimlessly through the jungle of e-mail, IM's, tweets, failed unit tests, and obfuscated requirements until the week has suddenly evaporated. And that's just on the project—your personal goals are just as important; in some cases, more so.

What happens without goals? Heinlein nails it:

"In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it." — Robert Heinlein

So here's today's challenge.  Consider what you're doing. In what way is that advancing you toward your goal, versus daily trivia?


Posted on May 04, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

April 27, 2010

Study shows brief meditation helps cognition

A new study shows 10X improvements in cognitive tests (including ability to focus) from doing brief meditation.  That's not too surprising by itself, as the benefits of meditation have been shown in neuroimaging and behavioral studies for years.  What is surprising, though, is that it doesn't take much to see results.

spacer As it turns out, you don't have to train like a monk for years to get these benefits of enhanced cognitive skills. Researchers found profound improvements after just four days of 20 minutes training per day, doing simple "mindfulness" meditation.

There's a write up over at sciencedaily.

If you haven't given this sort of thing a try, I highly recommend it.  


Posted on April 27, 2010 in Wetware | Permalink | Comments (0)

March 18, 2010

SD Times: Most Influential Software Development books of past 10 years

The February 15th print edition of SD Times lists columnist Larry O'Brien's picks for the top ten most influential software development books of the past 10 years.  Of the ten, he's chosen these fine two books:

  • Practices of An Agile Developer: Working in the Real World
  • Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide

In addition, in his blog comments, Larry mentions the two most influential books during the decade, which were released in 1999: Kent Beck's Extreme Programming Explained, and of course, The Pragmatic Programmer.

So of the 12 books mentioned as most influential of the past decade, I'm privileged to have been co-author on 3 of them. Thanks Larry, I'll try and get my head through the doorway now.  The swelling should go down momentarily.

And a serious thank you to my co-authors, Dave Thomas and Venkat Subramaniam.


Posted on March 18, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (4)

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About Me

  • Andy Hunt is co-founder of The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC, and is well known as a programmer, author, and publisher. His email signature, "/\ndy", dates back to the paleolithic days of uucp and ihnp4.

    See my home page. Follow me on twitter at @PragmaticAndy or subscribe to this RSS Feed

Popular Agile Posts

  • How to Avoid Agility
  • Stage 0: Not Ready for Agile
  • How Not to Eat an Elephant
  • Avoiding the Infinite Abyss
  • The Perfect Deadline
  • Why Johnny Can't Be Agile
  • Timeboxing: Perfect, Good, Done
  • Uncomfortable with Agile
  • Getting Past Advanced Beginner
  • The End of Agile

Books I've authored

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    The Pragmatic Programmer
    The original classic.

    Refactor Your Wetware: Pragmatic Thinking and Learning

    Practices of An Agile Developer
    Winner of 2006 Jolt Productivity award.


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