About the WATER-L Mailing List

  • What is WATER-L?
  • What is posted on WATER-L?
  • How do I subscribe to WATER-L?
  • How do I access postings to WATER-L?
  • How do I post a message to WATER-L?
  • How do I unsubscribe from WATER-L?
  • Who should I contact if I require Technical Support?
  • WATER-L is a community announcement list for policy makers and practitioners involved in sustainable water and sanitation policy and practice. This free knowledge-sharing tool is managed and moderated by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services. WATER-L is a peer-to-peer service meant to advance understanding of sustainable water and sanitation policy and practice by allowing subscribers to post announcements related to activities with a strong focus on these topics. WATER-L offers users a tool to better publicize and coordinate their efforts through virtual knowledge exchange.

  • Postings include international water and sanitation policy news, announcements of workshops/conferences, job listings and information on new publications and online resources. Postings also include the Water Update, a compilation of items recently posted to the Water Policy & Practice knowledgebase, which was also developed by IISD.

      The listserv is moderated by IISD, and only announcements that satisfy the following guidelines will be distributed to subscribers:
    1. All postings should be announcements appropriate for an international audience that have a connection to sustainable water and sanitation policy and/or practice: i.e. best practices, announcements or outcomes of water and sanitation-related meetings or sessions/side events, relevant job postings, publications and online resources;
    2. No press releases or postings that are commercial in nature, personal statements, news stories, polemic statements or postings intended to create discussion will be cleared for distribution to the list;
    3. Postings should include the internet address for large documents (URLs) rather than including attached files. If possible, do not send file attachments. If you must attach a file, small PDF files under 200 kb are always recommended. Any message larger than 500kb is rejected by our software.
  • To subscribe to the WATER-L listserv, enter your email address below.

    It is recommended that you set a password when subscribing, to protect your settings and prevent others from posting on your behalf.

      To do this, after subscribing,
    1. Go to your Membership Options at https://lists.iisd.ca/read/all_forums/
    2. In the upper right corner of the page click on ‘not logged in’
    3. Enter the e-mail address you have subscribed with in our lists
    4. Click on WATER-L
    5. Click on ‘my account’ in the left hand menu
    6. Choose ‘advanced’
    7. Enter the password and save the changes made
    8. Log out
  • To receive WATER-L postings in your email, subscribe to the WATER-L listserv as described above.

    To read WATER-L postings online, and to access older posts, visit the WATER-L listserve Archive.

  • Any WATER-L subscriber can post to the list. Just send the message to WATER-L@lists.iisd.ca (in exactly the format that you would like it to be distributed to the list). If your message fits within the guidelines, the moderator will approve it for distribution to all the members of the list.

  • To unsubscribe from WATER-L, visit [Membership Options] at https://lists.iisd.ca/read/all_forums/. This link is available at the bottom of every message posted to WATER-L.

      Log in with the e-mail address you have used to subscribe to WATER-L. Then:
    1. Click on ‘not logged in’ button in upper right corner of page
    2. Enter password (if you set one when you subscribed)
    3. Click on the ‘unsubscribe’ option next WATER-L.

    Alternatively, each message includes an ‘unsubscribe’ option in the bottom footnote, which you can select.

    If you have any difficulty unsubscribing, please contact Diego Noguera <diego@iisd.org>.

  • If you require Technical Support, please contact Diego Noguera <diego@iisd.org>.

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