Who We Are

Our Priorities

Our highest priority is Jesus Christ
We are seeking to be authentic followers

We believe He has offered us a better life and
we are seeking to live it for His cause

We believe we are all learners. We are all in a “process” and should be learning from one another, from the Bible and directly from the life of Jesus.


We have several specific priorities:

Worship. In simplest terms, this is loving God.

Community. This is answering the call to love each other.

Ministry. We are committed to serving others.

Mission. We do not exist for ourselves, but want to reach the community with God’s love.

Training. Jesus trained His followers to share His Word and do His works.  We seek to train in order to prepare people for daily life and ministry.


We value….

Christ Centeredness:  Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is the focus of all we do. We desire his love, mercy and power to shine through us.

Maturity:  We respect the individual and your God-given responsibility for your own life and your own decisions.

The Holy Spirit:  We seek sensitivity and obedience to God’s Spirit, in accordance with His infallible Word, the Bible.

Integrity and Reality:  We wish to be open, honest and objective concerning our experience with God and wish to do nothing “for effect”, but rather to be ourselves and become supernaturally natural.

Being Non-Religious:  Therefore, our language, dress and style of ministry, attempt to be relevant to those we live and work with. We use contemporary music in our services and create a comfortable and casual atmosphere.

Unity:  Our “Church” is only a small part of the One True Church consisting of all true believers who find their life hidden in Christ.

Action:  We desire to see all Christians serving God, and we believe the best way to do so is to train people to minister to the sick, the poor, the brokenhearted and others in need.


If you wish to make a donation to the Valley Vineyard, you can click the DONATE NOW button.
For a Statement of Faith and to learn more about the core values of the Vineyard movement, see The Community of Vineyard Churches website vineyardusa.org

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