tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:/forums/100171 WebSphere Unconference on UserVoice 2012-04-29T21:52:27+02:00 tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11253161 2012-04-29T21:52:27+02:00 2012-04-29T21:52:27+02:00 Recommendations to carry out the implementation of a project with BPM, SOA and ILOG so successful in your organization. [is now started] Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252888 2012-04-29T20:33:41+02:00 2012-04-29T20:33:41+02:00 DevOps [is now started] <p>DevOps - how this emerging cloud enabled approach can make you responsive to customer needs in an innovative manner</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252832 2012-04-29T20:20:06+02:00 2012-04-29T20:20:06+02:00 Is WebSphere really prepared for the new age (mobiles, tablets...)? [is now started] <p>It is not only about standars, protocols, formats... is more about everything in the cloud with connected communities, people, messages, information flowing from one device to another... More variables than ever: INFORMATION, TIME and PLACE from any kind of device to another powered by automation or people. Could be the future Let&#39;s talk about the future, is it is driving the change to another server model?</p> Anonymous tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252812 2012-04-29T20:12:37+02:00 2012-04-29T20:12:37+02:00 Think you could improve IBM software? You can. Here&#39;s how. [is now started] <p>The customer requirements process for most companies is very simple. You carefully submit your idea to your friendly company rep, who then puts it in an internal system known as a black hole. You then sit back with your telescope and cross your figures. Well, not any more. As with many IBM software products, CICS and WebSphere now use a considerably more open and transparent requirements system called “Request for Enhancements” – or IBM RFE. Built on WebSphere, Rational and DB2 technology (of course), you can now directly create new requirements, and view, comment and vote on other requirements. This system allows you to directly interact with the decision makers in the lab that will either accept or reject your ideas. This session will give an end-to-end demo this new system - including a behind the scenes look at the back-end that you don&#39;t normally see. Plus, it will give you a number of hints and tips on the best ways to actually get your submitted requirements implemented. So next time you read an announcement letter you can highlight your implemented ideas, stick it on your fridge, and brag to all your friends that you did that!</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252810 2012-04-29T20:12:01+02:00 2012-04-29T20:12:01+02:00 JavaScript Anti-Patterns - Moving from Java to JavaScript (Lightning Talk) [is now started] <p>As JavaScript continues to grow in popularity, an increasing number of ex-Java developers are moving to the language. Each language has its own set of best practices and patterns for creating clean code and they aren&#39;t always transferable. In this lightning talk, I&#39;ll explain a number of common &quot;anti-patterns&quot; that I&#39;ve repeatedly seen in &quot;recovering&quot; Java developers who have moved to JavaScript. I&#39;ll also be providing the solutions to help remove these issues from your codebase today!</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252809 2012-04-29T20:11:52+02:00 2012-04-29T20:11:52+02:00 Socket to me! WebSocket and Dojo’s Socket API [is now started] <p>As web applications continue to become more interactive and sophisticated, real-time messaging and updates are becoming increasingly prevalent. Performance optimizations and constraints for real-time web and mobile web applications are crucial to successful application deployment. One of the hottest new APIs in HTML5 is WebSocket, which enables true duplex communication without the overhead, complexity, and extraneous latency of HTTP-based solutions. Although WebSocket is an exciting new API, we can easily fallback to HTTP-based techniques when WebSocket is not available with Dojo&#39;s Socket API. Finally we&#39;ll review the future of real-time applications, including bi-directional audio and video streaming.</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11252808 2012-04-29T20:11:37+02:00 2012-04-29T20:11:37+02:00 Mobile: Web? Hybrid? Native? So many choices, so little time [is now started] <p>Your company needs a Mobile solution fast but there are so many choices to make! Should you take a Mobile Web approach? Or go with a Hybrid or Native app? Serve content or package it in the app? Can you have code reuse with multi-channel delivery? What do these questions even mean? Discuss these and more on the road to Mobile!</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11214469 2012-04-23T18:30:02+02:00 2012-04-23T18:30:02+02:00 Securely rolling out mobile applications <p>Rick Goldberg suggested:<br />Over the next few years, just about every organization will be rolling out mobile applications, either internally, or externally. How can we ensure that roll out is secure and how does our security program need to evolve to address the new concerns that mobile introduces? </p> Rick Goldberg tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11214452 2012-04-23T18:26:46+02:00 2012-04-23T18:26:46+02:00 Building security into the development process <p>Rick Goldberg suggested:<br />The best way to build secure applications is by integrating security practices into every phase of the software development process. However, all too often, security testing is tacked on to the end of the test cycle, or ignored altogether. Let&#39;s discuss what it would take, to build white box and black box application security testing into your development organizations.</p> Rick Goldberg tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11214289 2012-04-23T18:00:09+02:00 2012-04-23T18:00:09+02:00 Lightweight software on Lightweight hardware - Liberty Pi <p>Simon Maple suggested:<br />Come and see the coolest thing I&#39;ve ever done at IBM :o) A Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer designed for encouraging school children to program. I&#39;ve taken that uber-lightweight computer and installed Debian Linux, Java and the new Liberty Profile. Come to this session to have a play with the Raspberry Pi to hear what I did and some of the problems/fun I had! Also you&#39;ll what&#39;s likely to be the smallest computer WebSphere App Server has *ever* run on in the world, for your own eyes! For more info see www.raspberrypi.org/faq www.wasdev.net</p> Simon Maple tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11214086 2012-04-23T17:35:46+02:00 2012-04-23T17:35:46+02:00 Getting your hands dirty with a no charge trial of IBM PureApplication System <p>Chris Wyble suggested:<br />By now, you&#39;ve heard about IBM PureSystems solutions, the expert integrated systems that bring together the collective knowledge of thousands of deployments, established best practices, innovative thinking, IT leadership, and distilled expertise. But did you know that you can begin trying your hand at IBM PureApplication System, via our no charge trial? Come see a live demonstration of IBM PureApplication System, presented by a subject matter expert from IBM developerWorks. Experience firsthand the power of integrated hardware and software optimized for performance and efficiency, built-in shared services like load-balancing and session replication, and tools that make it simple to import your existing applications—regardless of platform—and be up and running in no time. Come and see how IBM is revolutionizing IT. </p> Chris Wyble tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11214052 2012-04-23T17:31:13+02:00 2012-04-23T17:31:13+02:00 IBM PureSystems: What is an expert integrated system anyway? (Lightning talk) <p>Chris Wyble suggested:<br />Earlier this month, IBM introduced the PureSystems family, a new class of systems that combine the flexibility of general purpose systems, the elasticity of cloud computing, and simplicity of an appliance with IBM&#39;s integrated expertise. In these five short minutes, we&#39;ll cover what you need to know about PureSystems solutions to begin talking about them with your teams, clients and partners. Expert integrated systems represent the collective knowledge of thousands of deployments, established best practices, innovative thinking, IT leadership, and distilled expertise. IBM PureSystems solutions make every part of the development lifecycle easier for you, so that you can spend more time on your application and less time on its plumbing.</p> Chris Wyble tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11213214 2012-04-23T15:22:19+02:00 2012-04-23T15:22:19+02:00 What is the best remote API technology today? <p>Erik Burckart suggested:<br />There are lots of choices in how to expose your application APIs remotely. We can use REST, Web Services, SCA, and lots of other technologies...but what are the downsides and upsides to each? Which are best for creation and consumption?</p> Erik Burckart tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11204154 2012-04-21T15:56:18+02:00 2012-04-21T15:56:18+02:00 Using IBM BPM Lombardi only as a Process Managment System <p>Sergey suggested:<br />What if Lombardi is not enough to fully cover our problems? For example, we must to provide rich user interface (based on gwt, vaadin, jsf and so on), or, in our processes uses very complex data which leads to poor performance. In this case, we can create our enterprise application, and inside it, we can use Lombardi in the backend. But which Lombardi API should we use to achieve that purpose? Rest API, webApi? A classic architecture of enterprise application consists of three major layers: presentation, business logic and integration (persistence). So, in business logic we should operate with Lombardi and do some other actions. So, what about two-phase transactions, security is this case?</p> Sergey tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11186225 2012-04-18T21:21:01+02:00 2012-04-18T21:21:01+02:00 DevOps: Infrastructure as code <p>Dan Berg suggested:<br />In this talk we will explore a thought invoking DevOps concept of using agile development tools for source code management to manage environment configuration changes to ensure consistent and repeatable updates to running environments. The DevOps community often call the environment configuration changes that are stored in a version management system as &quot;Infrastructure as Code&quot;. Another controversional point that will be covered is the question: &quot;Who developes Infrastructure as Code?&quot;. We will introduce the notion of a new role called an &quot;Infrastructure Engineer&quot; into the vocabulary of the attendees as the role that would produce &quot;Infrastructure as Code&quot;. </p> Dan Berg tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11169059 2012-04-16T21:44:47+02:00 2012-04-16T21:44:47+02:00 Scaling the database discussion. <p>Anonymous suggested:<br />While you can always add an addiitonal web server or appserver, how do you scale the database? It seems to be the one thing that you have to protect at all costs. Also while much of the data in a webapp is read only and can be cached, there is always user data that has to be kept consistent and up to date, how do you and others manage this? Do you Federate your data among various partitoned databases? Do you use a massive SMP box and store all of your data together? What other options are there?</p> Anonymous tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11108266 2012-04-06T20:20:35+02:00 2012-04-06T20:20:35+02:00 New hyrbrid models for Enterprise Service Bus <p>Jeff Sinason suggested:<br />More and more of the concepts of agility and performance are based on the ability to abstract services and scale them to meet the individual SLA&#39;s for that service. With new models of implementing such as a caching ESB and federated ESB&#39;s new patterns and considerations are having to be considered. </p> Jeff Sinason tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11089302 2012-04-04T09:53:43+02:00 2012-04-04T09:53:43+02:00 Troubleshooting WAS Issues for Connections, Sametime and Lotus [updated] <p>As the Lotus stack invades WAS more and more, it seems many in the WAS community are called on to support it. But they get stuck on the Lotus side and the Lotus admins get stuck on the WAS side. Key areas of discussion around SSL/Security, LDAP, rights and directories as well as the basics of networks, telecom and firewall. </p><p>Dave Hay said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Would love to see this, as it&#39;s a subject very close to my heart :-)</p></div></p> Dave Hay tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11083024 2012-04-03T16:25:03+02:00 2012-04-03T16:25:03+02:00 DevOps [updated] <p>DevOps - how this emerging cloud enabled approach can make you responsive to customer needs in an innovative manner</p><p>Don Thomas said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Excellent topic. Cloud enables you to enforce standardization from design through production deployment and provide validated development, test and production environments rapdily. When coupled with inegrating visibility of issues across development and IT operations it can significantly reduce issues and drive down the software delivery lifecycle. </p></div></p> Don Thomas tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11082876 2012-04-03T16:08:27+02:00 2012-04-03T16:08:27+02:00 Accelerating the Software Development Lifecycle using Application Virtualization <p>Don Thomas suggested:<br />Application virtualization can produce dramatic results when driven by governance and process, including cycle time reduction, quality improvement and cost reduction. When coupled with Cloud, it allows you to rapidly create sandbox environments for development and test teams that maximizes resource utilization and removes availability constraints in the environment. It eliminates the need for laborious stub programming and allows you to perform more complex testing, like Integration, System and even Performance testing early in the software development lifecycle. It also reduces the amount of infrastructure that needs to be provided in early stage development and testing. </p> Don Thomas tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11062275 2012-03-30T18:00:46+02:00 2012-03-30T18:00:46+02:00 How to use Websphere MQ to integrate in the cloud <p>Ed suggested:<br />Cover topics of JMS Queue&#39;s, High Availability and scalable workload processing for MQ that could be distributed on the &#39;cloud&#39;.</p> Ed tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/11060409 2012-03-30T11:47:12+02:00 2012-03-30T11:47:12+02:00 Think you could improve IBM software? You can. Here&#39;s how. <p>Andy suggested:<br />The customer requirements process for most companies is very simple. You carefully submit your idea to your friendly company rep, who then puts it in an internal system known as a black hole. You then sit back with your telescope and cross your figures. Well, not any more. As with many IBM software products, CICS and WebSphere now use a considerably more open and transparent requirements system called “Request for Enhancements” – or IBM RFE. Built on WebSphere, Rational and DB2 technology (of course), you can now directly create new requirements, and view, comment and vote on other requirements. This system allows you to directly interact with the decision makers in the lab that will either accept or reject your ideas. This session will give an end-to-end demo this new system - including a behind the scenes look at the back-end that you don&#39;t normally see. Plus, it will give you a number of hints and tips on the best ways to actually get your submitted requirements implemented. So next time you read an announcement letter you can highlight your implemented ideas, stick it on your fridge, and brag to all your friends that you did that!</p> Andy tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10999502 2012-03-20T21:32:48+01:00 2012-03-20T21:32:48+01:00 JSR for Batch Applications? You bet! <p>Chris Vignola suggested:<br />Get the inside scoop on JSR 352 Batch Applications for the Java Platform directly from the Expert Group. Learn how the power of Spring Batch and WebSphere Batch are being skillfully blended together to fill the missing standards gap for batch applications.</p> Chris Vignola tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10956256 2012-03-14T17:23:50+01:00 2012-03-14T17:23:50+01:00 WebSphere Commerce as the foundation for Enterprise B2B, B2C, Mobile, Social Websites. <p>George Niece suggested:<br />Putting all the pieces together from CDN, Search, Reviews, Administration, ERP, Product Management, Integration, Optimization, Agile Implementation, and Technical Project Management utilizing the WebSphere Commerce foundation to build an enterprise-class best-of-breed website </p> George Niece tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10955426 2012-03-14T15:46:05+01:00 2012-03-14T15:46:05+01:00 Free Developer Palm Reading on IDEs! <p>Ernest Mah suggested:<br />Come see what the future holds for your development environment. Ok, maybe we won&#39;t be holding hands, but let&#39;s talk about what the the ideal development environment of the future will be like. We&#39;ll talk about what advanced features already exist in IBM tools today and what the next generation IDE could be like.</p> Ernest Mah tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10955390 2012-03-14T15:42:38+01:00 2012-03-14T15:42:38+01:00 Resistance is futile! Become assimilated into the Agile Team Development collective! <p>Ernest Mah suggested:<br />Gone are the days of the lone coder. With teams distributed by space as well as time, we&#39;ll discuss you how you can work more efficiently and effectively with advanced team collaboration capabilities provided by Rational Application Developer and Rational Team Concert.</p> Ernest Mah tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10955368 2012-03-14T15:40:33+01:00 2012-03-14T15:40:33+01:00 Lightning Round: Create and deploy a Mobile App in 5 minutes! <p>Jay Cagle suggested:<br />From a blank IDE screen to a real app running on a Mobile smartphone. Watch this tools demo to see how it&#39;s done. Don&#39;t blink or you&#39;ll miss it!</p> Jay Cagle tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10955361 2012-03-14T15:39:32+01:00 2012-03-14T15:39:32+01:00 Mobile: Web? Hybrid? Native? So many choices, so little time <p>Jay Cagle suggested:<br />Your company needs a Mobile solution fast but there are so many choices to make! Should you take a Mobile Web approach? Or go with a Hybrid or Native app? Serve content or package it in the app? Can you have code reuse with multi-channel delivery? What do these questions even mean? Discuss these and more on the road to Mobile!</p> Jay Cagle tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10954990 2012-03-14T15:01:00+01:00 2012-03-14T15:01:00+01:00 Zero to Hero Liberty Profile Lightning Demo <p>Tim deBoer suggested:<br />The WebSphere Application Server v8.5 Liberty Profile Beta introduced a lightweight application server that greatly simplifies development. So how fast is it? Join to see some of the cool features of the Liberty Profile in a demo that&#39;s shorter than the product name!</p> Tim deBoer tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10935802 2012-03-11T17:17:43+01:00 2012-03-11T17:17:43+01:00 JavaScript Anti-Patterns - Moving from Java to JavaScript (Lightning Talk) <p>James Thomas suggested:<br />As JavaScript continues to grow in popularity, an increasing number of ex-Java developers are moving to the language. Each language has its own set of best practices and patterns for creating clean code and they aren&#39;t always transferable. In this lightning talk, I&#39;ll explain a number of common &quot;anti-patterns&quot; that I&#39;ve repeatedly seen in &quot;recovering&quot; Java developers who have moved to JavaScript. I&#39;ll also be providing the solutions to help remove these issues from your codebase today!</p> James Thomas tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10921319 2012-03-08T23:54:55+01:00 2012-03-08T23:54:55+01:00 Socket to me! WebSocket and Dojo’s Socket API <p>Dylan Schiemann suggested:<br />As web applications continue to become more interactive and sophisticated, real-time messaging and updates are becoming increasingly prevalent. Performance optimizations and constraints for real-time web and mobile web applications are crucial to successful application deployment. One of the hottest new APIs in HTML5 is WebSocket, which enables true duplex communication without the overhead, complexity, and extraneous latency of HTTP-based solutions. Although WebSocket is an exciting new API, we can easily fallback to HTTP-based techniques when WebSocket is not available with Dojo&#39;s Socket API. Finally we&#39;ll review the future of real-time applications, including bi-directional audio and video streaming.</p> Dylan Schiemann tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10918362 2012-03-08T16:58:39+01:00 2012-03-08T16:58:39+01:00 How about events, rules and process share the same datamodel to enable intrinsic interoperability &amp; communicate via java in WAS 9? <p>srinivasan suggested:<br />How about events, rules and process share the same datamodel to enable intrinsic interoperability &amp; communicate via java layer rather than through webservice layer atleast from WAS 9 onwards. This gives the real power of technology bundling and provide best performance. Please comment</p> srinivasan tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10914945 2012-03-08T03:37:37+01:00 2012-03-08T03:37:37+01:00 i want to vote for grammy! [is now none] <p>Please deploy democrazy in all dimension before it was fully recognized as fair n democratic. :) I wanna to vote in grammy in a fair n transparent way of game. :)</p> Anonymous tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10914942 2012-03-08T03:37:14+01:00 2012-03-08T03:37:14+01:00 i want to vote for grammy! [is now declined] <p>Please deploy democrazy in all dimension before it was fully recognized as fair n democratic. :) I wanna to vote in grammy in a fair n transparent way of game. :)</p> Kathleen Holm tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10911516 2012-03-07T18:24:06+01:00 2012-03-07T18:24:06+01:00 DevOps <p>Larry Carvalho suggested:<br />DevOps - how this emerging cloud enabled approach can make you responsive to customer needs in an innovative manner</p> Larry Carvalho tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10906516 2012-03-07T02:03:06+01:00 2012-03-07T02:03:06+01:00 Bpm on cloud? When? Now? May be.... A lot of thinks must be ready to really have transactions, services and then processes Renzo Disi tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10822964 2012-02-23T23:06:43+01:00 2012-02-23T23:06:43+01:00 TDI: Friend or Adversary? <p>Keith Brooks suggested:<br />TDI, Tivoli Directory Integrator is a part of IBM Connections as well as many other pieces of the IBM stack these days. Useful yet difficult for new people to grasp. You need 100, forget about class 101. Get to know the basics and how to test, troubleshoot it.</p> Keith Brooks tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10822937 2012-02-23T23:03:55+01:00 2012-02-23T23:03:55+01:00 Troubleshooting WAS Issues for Connections, Sametime and Lotus <p>Keith Brooks suggested:<br />As the Lotus stack invades WAS more and more, it seems many in the WAS community are called on to support it. But they get stuck on the Lotus side and the Lotus admins get stuck on the WAS side. Key areas of discussion around SSL/Security, LDAP, rights and directories as well as the basics of networks, telecom and firewall. </p> Keith Brooks tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10813469 2012-02-22T20:48:13+01:00 2012-02-22T20:48:13+01:00 Hot offerings for Developers - free WebSphere Application Server for Developers <p>Kathy Terry suggested:<br /> Developers want early access to top &quot;hot&quot; tools and wizards that they can leverage to build applications very quickly to deploy on any WebSphere Application Server. Will give out web link for a FREE WebSphere Application Server for Developers, as well as discussing NEW capabilities supporting Web 2.0 and Mobile, Telephony, Dynamic Scripting and more. Will also discuss &quot;private cloud”. </p> Kathy Terry tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10793105 2012-02-19T20:57:22+01:00 2012-02-19T20:57:22+01:00 Implementing Patterns with Java EE 6 <p>Stuart Smith suggested:<br />Now that WebSphere 8.0 is released with Java EE 6 support there are new ways to implement common use cases found in applications. In particular for people coming from the J2EE 1.4 world of WebSphere 6.1 it will be helpful to know how much change has been introduced and how with modern Java EE versions you may approach an application completely differently. It would also help to know which of the &quot;J2EE Patterns&quot; are now anti-patterns with the availability of new technologies.</p> Stuart Smith tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10782380 2012-02-17T16:55:01+01:00 2012-02-17T16:55:01+01:00 Recommendations to carry out the implementation of a project with BPM, SOA and ILOG so successful in your organization. [updated] <p>Jose said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Considerations processes, technology and the role of the leaders of processes responsible for changes made ​​to organize the project</p></div></p> Jose tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10782367 2012-02-17T16:54:01+01:00 2012-02-17T16:54:01+01:00 Recommendations to carry out the implementation of a project with BPM, SOA and ILOG so successful in your organization. Jose tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10768089 2012-02-15T19:19:11+01:00 2012-02-15T19:19:11+01:00 Cloud and Social Media [updated] <p>Do you you blog, tweet, or chat about cloud? Do you use social media for business, or want to learn how? If so, please join like-minded individuals in this session (and tweetup) for a discussion about cloud and social media. Find out who the cloud thought leaders are and what they are saying about cloud on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. </p><p>Chuck Hamilton said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>Great irony here that we are thinking about using social media to talk about social media- yet a necessary aspect of the medium. We are using social media and tools like Twitter to talk about cloud computing and just about everything else, but more importantly we are teaching people to listen to what is being said and cull meaning from the discussion. My students tell me that their favorite could solution is DropBox, which they tweet about regularly. Let’s make the social conversation a topic for wider discussion and do that virtually.</p></div></p> Chuck Hamilton tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10760761 2012-02-14T19:59:21+01:00 2012-02-14T19:59:21+01:00 BPM solutions IBM internally - how did IBM make use of Websphere to optimize processes <p>Thorsten Busch suggested:<br />Let&#39;s demonstrate customers how we use BPM within IBM to optimize ourselves.</p> Thorsten Busch tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10731408 2012-02-10T06:17:53+01:00 2012-02-10T06:17:53+01:00 WebSphere Security <p>Rashmi Gupta suggested:<br />Let us explore how best to inform the customer about security for their solutions in Enterprise, Commerce, On-demand applications, or Big Data requirements. -- What security paradigm is required in year 2012 to accommodate &#39;Cloud&#39; buzz for IT platform, infrastructure and software services? -- What sequirty etiquette are essential to utilize &#39;Socila sites on the web&#39;, and Mobile that continue to buzz in year 2012 for communication and collaboration? -- and other...</p> Rashmi Gupta tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10727227 2012-02-09T20:58:09+01:00 2012-02-09T20:58:09+01:00 Trends Mobile Banking <p>Eric Jacobsen suggested:<br />Mobile Banking is all the buzz. How are successful banks addressing the exploding demand for robust apps for their Apple and Droid enabled Smart Phones? What about security? How do you ensure that a cyber-thief isn&#39;t lurking around the corner waiting to steal your bank account or credit information. How will mobile banking will allow payments at the Point of Sale (POS) change the game? In this session, will explore some of these topics and more.....</p> Eric Jacobsen tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10723331 2012-02-09T14:04:34+01:00 2012-02-09T14:04:34+01:00 MQ Advanced Message Security <p>Maditoane Marumo suggested:<br />Getting started with MQ AMS and integration with MQ FTE and WebSphere Message Broker.</p> Maditoane Marumo tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10708940 2012-02-07T18:38:24+01:00 2012-02-07T18:38:24+01:00 Paperless [updated] <p>How IBM can help you in Paperless initiatives</p><p>Fermin Luna said:<br /><div class="typeset"><p>DataPower may be an very important piece in a project like this one! </p></div></p> Fermin Luna tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10708901 2012-02-07T18:34:15+01:00 2012-02-07T18:34:15+01:00 Paperless <p>Fermin Luna suggested:<br />How IBM can help you in Paperless initiatives</p> Fermin Luna tag:websphere.uservoice.com,2008-02-07:Event/10702207 2012-02-06T19:59:42+01:00 2012-02-06T19:59:42+01:00 Cloud and Social Media [updated] <p>Do you you blog, tweet, or cha
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