APF Manual

Welcome to the APhotoFolio help and information pages.

If you are new to APF begin with our Quick Start Guide then watch our Admin Video and our Template Settings Video. Finally, read up on specific topics here.

Help my Site is Broken - - Read This First

Help with website settings

How do I update my profile and contact information?
How do I update my browser title and meta tags?
How do I change my home page (entry page)?
How do i use the ‘email photo’ option on my site?
How do I change my color settings for my site?
How do I paste tracking code (Google Analytics, Mint, Sitemeter) into my site?

Help with text pages

How do I create a new page?
What are sub-pages?
How do I create a new sub-page?
Can I add links in pages?
Can I format the text on my page?
How Can I Make an Email Address Linked, so it Opens an Email to Send?
How can I put spaces between the galleries and pages or in between the pages?

Help with images and galleries?

How do I prepare my images for my website?
How do I upload images to my site?
What is the image bank?
How do I combine two images and delete multiple images?
How do I add Captions to images?
How do I create a home page slideshow?
What’s the best method to handle the color of my images?
How can I password protect or hide galleries?
How can I hide a category?

Help with email

How is email handled for APF sites?
Google is asking me to verify my account, how do I do that?
How do I create new email accounts and aliases?
How do I set up my email client?
How do I access webmail?
How do I transfer email from another account?
Is there a limit to the number of emails I can send?

Help with video

How do I load videos on my site?
How do I upload a thumbnail?
How do I get videos to display on my site?
What video formats are supported?
What are the recommended settings for video?
Can I add more than one video to a gallery?
Common Problems With Video
How Do I Embed Vimeo Videos?

Help with the Menu, Fonts and Logo

How do I create spaces/style the menu?
How do I knockout the logo background?
How can I see what the page fonts look like?
How can I see what the Menu and Title fonts look like?
How do I avoid conflicts between my logo and menu text?
Template Settings
How do I add social networking icons to my menu?

Help with the iPad version of my site

How do I log into my iPad admin?
How do I change the colors?
How can I change the contact page information?

Help with the iPhone/Android version of my site

How do I change the colors on the mobile version of my site?
How do I add videos to the mobile version of my site?
How can I adjust the images on the mobile version?
How do I add my contact form?

Help with the iPad APP

Where do I get the App?
How do I load my site onto my iPad?
How can I make adjustments?

Help with billing

How do I update my credit card information?

Ready to make your new website “live”? Click here to make it happen >>>

If you need additional help submit a support ticket.

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.