














spacer Marat Fayzullin

spacer My Resume

I have got my PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland in College Park, worked for Intel Inc. for a while, and am now doing software consulting work for different clients. I am always open to new job opportunities though, contract or otherwise. If you are interested in hiring me, please, see my resume. I have also written several freeware and shareware emulators of old computer systems and game consoles and maintain a variety of web pages that you will find linked below.

At This Site

Web Pages
spacer Computing History Page
spacer Computer Emulation Resources
spacer Nintendo GameBoy Page
spacer #Russian IRC Channel Homepage (ancient)
spacer MSX Page

spacer Computer Emulation Resources
Portable emulators of Z80 and 6502 CPUs that my other emulators are based upon, sound chip emulators, tools, as well as other assorted source code and information.

spacer fMSX
fMSX emulates MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ 8-bit home computers. fMSX is written in C and successfully ported to Amiga, Macintosh, PC (MSDOS and Windows versions), and other platforms by a dozen of different people around the Net. The original version has been developed on Unix.

spacer Virtual GameBoy
Virtual GameBoy (VGB) is an emulator of GameBoy and GameBoy Color portable videogame systems produced by Nintendo. Virtual GameBoy is written in C and therefore can be run on any sufficiently fast system, given the hardware-dependent drivers for display and keyboard.

spacer ColEm
ColEm is an emulator of the old ColecoVision videogame console. It is basically a simplified version of fMSX, as ColecoVision has almost the same hardware as MSX1.

spacer iNES
iNES emulates an old 8-bit NES (also known as Famicom or Dandy) console from Nintendo that has been very popular all over the world, albeit under different names.

spacer MasterGear
MasterGear emulates several 8-bit SEGA consoles and home computers: the old SG1000 / SC3000 / SF7000 family, the MasterSystem, and the portable GameGear. MasterGear is using the same Z80 emulation as fMSX and ColEm.

spacer Virtual GameBoy Advance
Virtual GameBoy Advance (VGBA) emulates the newer GameBoy Advance handheld console from Nintendo. Equipped with a 32-bit ARM CPU and SNES-derived graphics chip, GBA is not easy to emulate in software, but it can be done :).

spacer Speccy
Portable Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. Speccy runs software written for 48k and 128k Spectrums and Timex Sinclair computers. It also supports many hardware addons, such as joysticks, mice, printers, etc.

spacer AlmostTI
Portable emulator of graphing calculators from Texas Instruments. AlmostTI currently supports TI82, TI83, TI83+, TI85, and TI86 calculators from Texas Instruments.


At some point in my life, I maintained several USENET FAQ documents. Other people have taken over the maintenance of these FAQs since then. For historical purposes, I am providing the original FAQs below:

spacer MSX.FAQ
FAQ about MSX computers from comp.sys.msx. I have been maintaining this FAQ for a while, as nobody else has taken the job.

spacer GameBoy.FAQ
FAQ about Nintendo GameBoy portable videogame console from After a while, it turned into a separate web site.

spacer Spectrum.FAQ
FAQ about Sinclair ZX Spectrum computers from comp.sys.sinclair. Damien Bourke has eventually taken over its maintenance.

HAM radio control software (old)
ScanNow for AOR AR8000
ScanNow is a program to control a radio scanner from the computer. It takes very small screen estate and disk space, but includes a lot of features one would expect from a much bigger program. Only AR8000 scanner is supported at the moment.
Amiga software (ancient)
WBGames 2.5
Six simple games which can be played on any public screen: Tetris, Columns, 15, Minesweeper, Boxman (Soukoban clone), and Boulder (BoulderDash clone). Picture included.

DashBoard 1.7
A utility showing CPU load and memory usage with two nice gauges (a la xload). Picture included.

SuperDashBoard 1.1
A newer version of DashBoard which also includes system structures browser and real-time zoom. Picture included.

Protector 1.2
Password protection for Amiga. This program is supposed to be run in startup sequence before any other program. It opens a screen and displays a login window on it. Program supports multiple users and logging. Picture included.

Periodically maintained by Marat Fayzullin [marat at komkon dot org] is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.