Monday, May 30, 2011

Call for Judgment: Legalize grass.

coppro harvested three times this week.
Now, I can’t believe this not being intentional, he surely knew what e was doing.
So, in my opinion a Nomic is a game about bending the concept of legality to suit your needs (and give you victory), not to break rules trying not to get caught. English has a word for that: cheating.
And I don’t want that the punishment for cheating to be “let’s revert this and don’t speak about it any more”.
So, create a Dynastic Rule called “Desertification”:

Whenever the Farmer named coppro harvests, e shall gain 100 less Sun than what described in rule Resources. E may then repel this rule.

posted by Ely at 30 May 2011 14:40:11 UTC Comments (8)

Proposal: Please keep off the grass.

Add this effect to Weed and Corn in the Gardening Compendium:

Whenever a Shambling Zombie shall Move to a square containing a Crop from this Seed, that Zombie attacks the Crop instead.

Set the Defence of those Seeds to 3.

posted by Ely at 30 May 2011 10:28:08 UTC Comments (7)

Proposal: Last Resort

Add a new crop to the Gardening Compendium, “Catatulip”

Name: Catatulip (&)
Sun Cost: 100
Defence: 10
Shade Requirement: 5
Counterback effect: any Zombie that attacks this Crop is teleported to a random Square in the last column of a random Plot, after which this Crop is destroyed.

posted by Purplebeard at 30 May 2011 08:59:10 UTC Comments (5)

Proposal: Offensive Options

Add the following subrules to “Species”:


* Attack: 2
* Health: 2
* Cost: 10
* Behaviour: Moves a square to the left, then attacks whatever’s there.


* Attack: 0
* Health: 1
* Cost: 15
* Behaviour: Moves at most three squares to the left, stopping if it meets any object or zombie, and then explodes, regardless of where it stopped.

posted by Purplebeard at 30 May 2011 08:17:58 UTC Comments (5)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Call for Judgment: Out-Of-Season Harvesting

It seems that coppro harvested twice last week (as well as a third time, which has been reverted by Ely), on both the 23th and the 28th. I’d revert it directly, but they’ve spent most of the Sun they gained from the second harvest, hence this CfJ.

coppro gained 160 from the illegal harvest, and spent 150 on a shed and two sunflowers.

Therefore, if this Call for Judgment passes, decrease the Sun of the Farmer named coppro by 10 and remove a shed and two Sunflowers from their Plot. If no shed is on their plot, remove three sunflowers from it instead. If coppro had less than 10 Sun at the time this is enacted (and before its effects take place), remove the crop with the lowest Sun Cost from their plot.

posted by Purplebeard at 30 May 2011 07:42:03 UTC Comments (12)

Proposal: Sloth

In rule “The Dead”, after the Paragraph reading:

Any Farmer may cause all Zombies to Shamble, but only if no Farmer has done so in the last 24 hours. When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once. The Farmer who carries out this action may select the order in which Zombies Shamble.


Whenever a Farmer does so for their first time in a week, and there is at least a Zombie in their Plot, that Farmer gains 15 Sun, 5 Wood and 3 Juice.

posted by Ely at 29 May 2011 15:13:25 UTC Comments (11)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Proposal: Run away!

Add a subrule to Constructions called “Unfueled Jeep”

A farmer may spend 100 wood to create an unfueled jeep in one of their partitions.

Add a subrule to Constructions called “Fueled Jeep”

A farmer who owns an unfueled jeep may spend 25 juice to change it into a fueled jeep. If a farmer’s house is destroyed while they own a fueled jeep, then when commanded to roll DICEX, DICEY and DICEZ in the rule “The House”, each dice is instead rolled 3 times and the highest rolled result for each set of 3 is used. (i.e. the highest of the 3 DICEX is used intead of 1 DICEX, etc.) The fueled jeep is then moved to a partition in the farmer’s new wine cellar and becomes an unfueled jeep.


Don’t ask how you build a car out of wood and make it run on tomato juice. I don’t know.

posted by SingularByte at 29 May 2011 07:07:56 UTC Comments (9)

Call for Judgment: It’s a ma-thingy

Passes at 9-1. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 30 May 2011 07:24:23 UTC

Move every sunflower on a square with shade 0 or 1 four spaces leftward. If there is already a plant at the destination square, the sunflower is instead destroyed and no wood is created as a result of this.

Allows myself and Bucky not to be harmed by the bug if we pay enough attention when planting from now on.

posted by coppro at 28 May 2011 19:57:22 UTC Comments (9)

Passed out in the sun

Darth Cliche, Florw, Keba, Oze, spikebrennan, and Travis all appear to be asleep, and have gone inactive due to inactivity. Quorum is now 8.

posted by coppro at 28 May 2011 19:52:02 UTC Comments (0)

Proposal: Tree Farming

Passes at 9-1. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 30 May 2011 08:34:19 UTC

Add a new plant to the Gardening Compendium with the following attributes.
Name: Deadwood (D)
Sun Cost:15
Shade Requirement:2
Effect:When the Planter Harvests, if this has been a Crop since the last time that Planter harvested, it is destroyed.

posted by Bucky at 28 May 2011 16:29:18 UTC Comments (10)

Call for Judgment: Seasonably Hot Weather

Reaches quorum against and fails at 0-9. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 30 May 2011 07:23:42 UTC

Destroy all Crops that have a Shade requirement greater than the Shade of their Square.  Do not create any wood as a result of destroying crops that way.

A bunch of Farmers have illegally-planted sunflowers in low-shade areas.

posted by Bucky at 28 May 2011 16:23:41 UTC Comments (10)

Proposal: The Waves beside them danced; but they // Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:

Times out and passes at 7-1. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 30 May 2011 08:31:57 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule called “The Horde”:

As a weekly action, the LandLord may Summon a Wave of Zombies. To do so, they shall make a Story post containing the word BWAAAAAARGH (any number of A’s) in the title, stating what Species of Zombies shall come, and how many per Plot, plus some flavour because everyone likes Zombies’ flavour. Then, they shall create for free that number of Zombies of that Species in each Plot, in the squares with the least Shade. If possible, the Landlord should create the Zombies in the same square for all the plots (e.g. Jonny(5|5), Mario(5|5), LucyInTheSkyWithDynamite(5|5) etc).
The Landlord May not Summon anything before 04/06/11.

We have a week left…

posted by Ely at 28 May 2011 08:30:55 UTC Comments (9)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Proposal: A Win Condition

Reaches sufficient AGAINST to fail without a vote changing; 3-8. -coppro

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:21:46 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Something to fight for” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

Replace the subrule of “Farmland” titled “The House” with the following:

Each Farmer has an amount of defeats tracked in the GNDT.  This is initially set to 0, but farmers who join the game or de-idle after [time this proposal passed + 14 days] have their defeats set to 1 greater than the maximum number of defeats of all current players.

Every Plot contains a house. For the purposes of movement, a house is considered to be a square to the left of, and adjacent to all squares in the first column of its plot.

If a zombie moves into a house at any time and its Plot is owned by a farmer, that Plot is marked as destroyed on the Garden Patch, and is no longer owned by any farmer although it continues to be tracked. The former owner then receives a new Plot that is immediately below a random plot, and then DICEX, DICEY and DiceZ are rolled, where X, Y and Z are the farmer’s Sun, Wood and Juice respectively. Their resources are then set to the results of the respective dice rolls.  Their Defeats are then incremented by 1.

The zombie that moved into the house is then destroyed.

If one player has fewer defeats than all other players for a period of 24 hours, that player may declare victory.

If this proposal passes, the admin enacting this proposal must replace [time this proposal passed + 14 days] with the time this proposal passed + 14 days (on the ruleset, not in this post).

The 24 hour rule is in part because I worry some sort of rule relating to shambling might allow a user to declare victory while a shamble is in progress, immediately before their house is captured but after an enemy’s house is captured.
The extra defeat for newcomers is because I suspect there is some way to game this rule by de-idling with good timing (e.g., if some disaster was about to cause every player to be defeated simultaneously).

posted by aguydude at 27 May 2011 08:32:45 UTC Comments (27)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Proposal: From the bottom to the top.

Reaches quorum 8-2 and is enacted. -coppro

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:07:42 UTC

Replace all the text in Appendix Rule “Prioritisation” to:

If two parts of the Ruleset contradict each other, precedence shall be construed in the following order:
  1. The Appendix has precedence over any Rule;
  2. A Dynastic Rule has precedence over a Core Rule, unless that Core Rule explicitly says it can’t be overruled by a Dynastic Rule;
  3. If both contradicting parts are a Core Rule, or if both of them are a Dynastic Rule, the part with more limited scope applies. (e.g. if the rules “Players may Kick each other” and “Players may not kick each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, players may not Kick each other.)
  4. If two parts with the same scope contradict each other, the negative rule applies. (e.g. with “Players may Punch a Spaceman on Friday” and “Player may not Punch Spacemen on Friday”, then Players may not Punch Spacemen on Friday.)

Add to the Rule “Calls for Judgement”:

This Rule may not be overruled by Dynastic Rules.

Here it comes.

posted by Ely at 27 May 2011 07:27:40 UTC Comments (14)

Proposal: Incentives Redux

Reaches quorum 10-0 and is enacted. -coppro

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:04:33 UTC

If the Proposal titled “The Bribe” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

In the rule “Incentives”, replace

Whenever a proposal is enacted, the Farmer who proposed it gains 5 Sun.


Whenever a proposal is enacted, the Farmer who proposed it gains 5 Sun, unless at least half of the EVCs contain the word ‘trivial’.

posted by aguydude at 26 May 2011 22:57:32 UTC Comments (11)

Proposal: A few fixes

Reaches quorum 11-0 and is enacted. -coppro

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:03:17 UTC

In the rule “Storage Space”, add to the end of the second paragraph “The shed has a defence of 10.”
In the rule “Woodworking tools”, change the sentence “This increases the Defence Value of that square by 5” to “Fences increase the defence of any object on the same square as them by 4.”

In the rule “Planting”, change

Each type of Seed must have at least a Name, Initial, Sun Cost, and Shade Requirement.


Each type of Seed must have at least a Name, Initial, Sun Cost, Defense, and Shade Requirement.

Add to the end of the first paragraph of the rule “planting”, “A seed may also have a Counterback Effect, which takes effect if a zombie destroys the crop.”

Set the Defence for all the Crops to 2, Except:
* Weed and Walnut and Watermelon to 3;
* Peas, Cabbage, Potato and Corn, to 4;
* Pumpkin to 5.

posted by SingularByte at 26 May 2011 21:03:15 UTC Comments (11)

Proposal: A to Z

Reaches quorum 9-0 and is enacted. -coppro

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:03:08 UTC

In rule “Farmland”, change the word “leftmost” to “rightmost”.

Change rule “The dead” to:

A Zombie is characterized by:

* a Name, that shall be the name of an Idle Player, and shall be different from any other existing Zombie’s Name.
* a Species, that must be one of those listed in the rule “Species”.
* an Attack value, defined by its Species.
* a Health, which begins at the starting value specified by its Species.
* a Location, which must be a Square in a Plot. It shall be written as Abc(C|R), where Abc is the name of the Farmer owning the Plot where the zombie is located, and (C|R) indicates the Square.
* a Cost, which must be a positive amount of Juice.

The Location of each Zombie shall be listed together with its Health and Species in the Garden Patch page, immediately below the Plot where they are located.

A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at a Square with shade 0 of their choice on any Plot.

Any Farmer may cause all Zombies to Shamble, but only if no Farmer has done so in the last 24 hours. When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once. The Farmer who carries out this action may select the order in which Zombies Shamble.

The Powers of a Zombie are special actions that a Shambling Zombie may perform under certain conditions.

In the subrules to rule Species, set the Cost for Wanderer to 3 Juice, for Zoombie to 5 and for Herbivore to 7; change “Starting Attack” to “Attack” and “Life” to “Health”.

Add this Powers to the first two Species:

Whenever it kills or destroy anything, it moves a square to the left.

Repeal rule “Floral Defences”.

If the proposal “When the Rotten come” passes, add the following text to the end of the rule “The Dead”:

The health of a Zombie is a integer. If a Zombie has an Health of 0 or less, that Zombie is destroyed (i.e. cease to exist, also known as die).
Behaviour and Powers may include one of these actions the Shambling Zombies may perform:
Move: the Zombie changes its Location to a Square that is adjacent to the previous Location.
Teleport: the Zombie changes its location.
Attack an object (shed, zombie or Crop): If the result of 2DICE@ (where @ is the Zombie’s Attack) is major or equal than the object’s Defence, the Object will get destroyed. The Zombie shall then suffer the object’s Counterback Effect, if any.
Explode: The Zombie will destroy anything located in the same square than its own, and then die.

The last part just reenacts the effects of the “When the Rotten come” proposal should it pass.

posted by Yoda at 26 May 2011 20:18:07 UTC Comments (9)

Proposal: Something to fight for

Adminned at 28 May 2011 20:00:07 UTC

If the word “leftmost” exists in the rule “Farmland”, change it to “rightmost”.

Create a subrule of “Farmland” called “The House”

Every Plot contains a house. For the purposes of movement, a house is considered to be a square to the left of, and adjacent to all squares in the first column of its plot.

If a zombie moves into a house at any time and its Plot is owned by a farmer, that Plot is marked as destroyed on the Garden Patch, and is no longer owned by any farmer although it continues to be tracked. The former owner then receives a new Plot that is immediately below a random plot, and then DICEX, DICEY and DiceZ are rolled, where X, Y and Z are the farmer’s Sun, Wood and Juice respectively. Their resources are then set to the results of the respective dice rolls.

The zombie that moved into the house is then destroyed.

In the rule “A bit of Renovating”, replace “Every farmer has a wine cellar” with “Every house has a wine cellar”.

Times out 10-0 and is enacted. -coppro

posted by SingularByte at 26 May 2011 19:06:06 UTC Comments (10)

Protosal: One step back, one sideways. Jump.

Add to the Core Rule “Ruleset and Gamestate”:
If two parts of the Rulesset contradict each other, precedence shall be construed in the following order:

  1. The Appendix has precedence over any Rule;
  2. A Dynastic Rule has precedence over a Core Rule, unless that Core Rule explicitly says it can’t be overruled by a Dynastic Rule;
  3. If both contradicting parts are a Core Rule, or if both of them are a Dynastic Rule, the part with more limited scope applies. (e.g. if the rules “Players can Fight each other” and “Players cannot Fight each other on Tuesdays” exist, and it is Tuesday, players cannot fight each other.)
  4. If two parts with the same scope contradict each other, the negative rule applies. (e.g. with “Players can Fight each other on Tuesdays” and “Player cannot fight each other on Tuesdays”, Players cannont fight each other on Tuesdays.)

I found this one at the Ruleset Draft. Credit to Chronos Phaenon.
I don’t know why and when it has been repealed (or if it has been part of the ruleset at all), and I don’t want to mess with the Core Rules, so I’d ask what do you all think. (additionally, I don’t have free slots at the moment.)
EDIT: changed Glossary to Appendix.

posted by Ely at 26 May 2011 13:12:43 UTC Comments (4)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Proposal: The Conservative Principle

Times out and passes 6-3. -SingularByte

Adminned at 28 May 2011 17:03:20 UTC

Add the following as a sub-rule to the Appendix rule called Clarifications, entitled Prioritisation:

Unless the contrary is specifically stated, a rule which prohibits a Farmer from taking an action always takes priority over a rule that explicitly or implicitly permits that action.

posted by Josh at 26 May 2011 07:37:19 UTC Comments (16)

Proposal: it lives….sorta

Self-killed. Josh

Adminned at 27 May 2011 15:10:12 UTC

If the Proposal titled “29 Hays Later” failed, this Proposal does nothing.

In the rule “The Dead” remove the following line.

No Farmer may Create any Zombies at any time. This paragraph may be referred to as the Protection Paragraph.

Why have a zombie making rule if we can’t use it?

posted by Darknight at 26 May 2011 03:46:11 UTC Comments (15)

Proposal: When the Rotten come

Timed out and passed, 8-1. Josh

Adminned at 27 May 2011 15:05:42 UTC

Add to the rule “the Dead”:

The health of a Zombie is a integer. If a Zombie has an Health of 0 or less, that Zombie is destroyed (i.e. cease to exist, also known as die).
Behaviour and Powers may include one of these actions the Shambling Zombies may perform:
Move: the Zombie changes its Location to a Square that is adjacent to the previous Location.
Teleport: the Zombie changes its location.
Attack an object (shed, zombie or Crop): If the result of 2DICE@ (where @ is the Zombie’s Attack) is major or equal than the object’s Defence, the Object will get destroyed. The Zombie shall then suffer the object’s Counterback Effect, if any.
Explode: The Zombie will destroy anything located in the same square than its own, and then die.

In the Gardening Compendium:
add the following Counterback Effect to Potato and Cabbage:

Whenever attacked, the Attacker’s Health (if any) is lowered by (DICE3)-1

Add the following Counterback Effect to Watermelon:

Whenever attacked, the Attacker’s Health (if any) is lowered by DICE3

Set the Defence for all the Crops to 2, Except:
* Weed and Walnut and Watermelon to 3;
* Peas, Cabbage, Potato and Corn, to 4;
* Pumpkin to 5.

posted by Ely at 25 May 2011 13:03:41 UTC Comments (12)

Proposal: 29 Hays Later

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 May 2011 07:10:41 UTC

Change “The Dead” to the following:

A Zombie is characterized by:

* a Name, that shall be the name of an Idle Player, and shall be different from any other existing Zombie’s Name.
* a Species, that may be any of those listed in the rule “Species”.
* an Attack value.
* a Health, which begins at the starting value specified by its Species.
* a Location, which must be a Square in a Plot. It shall be written as Abc(C|R), where Abc is the name of the Farmer owning the Plot where the zombie is located, and (C|R) indicates the Square.
* a Cost, which must be a positive amount of Juice.

The Location of each Zombie shall be listed together with its Health and Species in the Garden Patch page, immediately below the Plot where they are located.

A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at an empty Square of their choice on any Plot.

Any Farmer may cause all Zombies to Shamble, but only if this action has not been performed in the last 24 hours. When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once. The Farmer who carries out this action may select the order in which Zombies Shamble.

No Farmer may Create any Zombies at any time. This paragraph may be referred to as the Protection Paragraph.

Add “Cost: 5 Juice” to the entry of each Species of Zombie, and change “Starting attack” to “Attack”.

(sigh) Reproposed with the minor fix added.

posted by Purplebeard at 25 May 2011 12:41:40 UTC Comments (13)

Proposal: Good Day Sunshine

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 May 2011 07:10:29 UTC

Move each Sunflower which is in a Square of 2 Shade or more to an empty Square in the same Plot with 1 Shade or less.

In the Gardening Compendium, change the Shade Requirement:of the Sunflower to 0 and add the following to its effect:

If a Sunflower is located in a Square with 2 or more Shade, it is immediately removed (and therefore destroyed).

This is partly to make up for my earlier mistake in rotating the plots the wrong way, and partly because it makes zero sense for sunflowers of all plants to require shade to grow.

posted by Purplebeard at 25 May 2011 12:31:28 UTC Comments (9)

Proposal: Z

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 27 May 2011 07:03:31 UTC

In rule “Farmland”, change the word “leftmost” to “rightmost”.

If proposal “Zombies can attack” passes, the rest of this proposal does nothing. (i.e. anything written after this)

Change rule “The dead” to:

A Zombie is characterized by:

* a Name, that shall be the name of an Idle Player, and shall be different from any other existing Zombie’s Name.
* a Species, that may be any of those listed in the rule “Species”.
* an Attack value, defined by its Species.
* a Health, which begins at the starting value specified by its Species.
* a Location, which must be a Square in a Plot. It shall be written as Abc(C|R), where Abc is the name of the Farmer owning the Plot where the zombie is located, and (C|R) indicates the Square.
* a Cost, which must be a positive amount of Juice.

The Location of each Zombie shall be listed together with its Health and Species in the Garden Patch page, immediately below the Plot where they are located.
A Farmer may Create a Zombie by spending its Species’ Cost in Juice, selecting a legal Name for it and placing it at a Square with shade 0 of their choice on any Plot.
Any Farmer may cause all Zombies to Shamble, but only if no Farmer has done so in the last 12 hours. When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once. The Farmer who carries out this action may select the order in which Zombies Shamble.
The Powers of a Zombie are special actions that a Shambling Zombie may perform under certain conditions.
No Farmer may Create any Zombies at any time.

In the subrules to rule Species, set the Cost for Wanderer to 3 Juice, for Zoombie to 5 and for Herbivore to 7; change Starting Attack to Attack and Life to Health.

Add this Powers to the first two Species:

Whenever it kills or destroy anything, it moves a square to the left.

If more than half of the EVC’s to this proposal include the word “dig”, repel rule “Floral Defences”.

posted by Ely at 25 May 2011 12:18:30 UTC Comments (18)


Crumb, Rodlen, Subrincinator and William all idle out, after over a week of inactivity each. Quorum drops to 11 and their plots become inactive.

posted by Kevan at 25 May 2011 10:26:30 UTC Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Proposal: The Bribe

Reaches quorum and passes 11-1.

Adminned at 27 May 2011 07:01:28 UTC

Add the following rule to the ruleset, entitled Incentives:

Whenever a proposal is enacted, the Farmer who proposed it gains 5 Sun.

If more than half of the EVCs on this proposal contain the text “Wake up admins” then add the following to the end of the newly created rule:

Whenever a proposal is enacted or failed, the admin processing it gains 1 Sun, unless the proposal is 3 days old or older, in which case all active admins lose 1 Sun.

posted by Josh at 25 May 2011 07:51:27 UTC Comments (17)

Proposal: Herbivore Zombie

Times out 10-0 and passes -SingularByte

Adminned at 27 May 2011 06:54:49 UTC

Append to “Species” :

Starting Attack: 1
Starting Life: 1
  If one exists, moves to a random adjacent square containing a sunflower.
  Else if one exists, moves to a random adjacent square that is adjacent to a sunflower.
  Else moves to a random adjacent square.
  After moving, attacks any plants located on the square it is on.
Powers: None.

posted by aguydude at 25 May 2011 01:20:48 UTC Comments (10)

Proposal: Zombies can attack

Timed out and failed, 5-8. Josh

Adminned at 26 May 2011 08:38:57 UTC

In the rule “Planting”, change

Each type of Seed must have at least a Name, Initial, Sun Cost, and Shade Requirement.


Each type of Seed must have at least a Name, Initial, Sun Cost, Defense, and Shade Requirement.

Set the Defense of all Seeds to 2.

Add a new subrule to “The Dead” titled “Attacking” :

A Zombie Attacking a Plant is defined as follows:
- Roll 1DICEY X times, where Y is the Defense of the Plant and X is the Life of the Zombie. 
- If any of those rolls are less than or equal to the attack value of the zombie, the plant is destroyed.
- Otherwise, the zombie is destroyed.

Tracking health of plants and zombies will be a hassle.  Let’s skip it :) Of course, adding zombies which change into other zombies instead of being destroyed when defeated…

posted by aguydude at 24 May 2011 08:15:56 UTC Comments (15) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.