
A Bing News Plug Where It’s Most Needed: To News Gatherers

2013-02-22 by Phil Butler

For the news or information consumer surfing the web, switching to Bing News integrated with Facebook may be a painless operation. That is, once you see how well info gathering can get using Microsoft’s search portal. The swap to Bing-Facebook will be for many, a painless move to super cool utility in my book.

President Obama, By the Fireside, at G+, On Thursday

2013-02-11 by Phil Butler

On Google’s Official Blog the announcement President Obama will enjoin constituents via Google + a couple of days after his State of the Union Address comes as the striving social network tops a sort of crest in pursuing Facebook. Well, a “crest” according to some. The rest of the web thinks G+ is in the tank profits wise, but that’s no matter here.

Social Media In Focus: The TweetDeck Ostrich Move

2013-01-23 by John Coxon

“TweetDeck” is facing being closed down and dissolved and has been given just three months by the UK’s business regulator ( Companies House) to put its business practice in order. But the service seems to be performing what amounts to an ostrich-like maneuver instead.

The Crash of 80 Million Livestrong Bracelets – Hitting the Floor

2013-01-18 by Phil Butler

Shock, disenchantment – mild, far too mild are these terms for what Lance Armstrong affected onto the world – and not just the world of sport. When Tiger Woods spat on all of us by revealing a no class crybaby instead of another Arnold Palmer, we were enraged at having been betrayed somehow by an idol and and icon. Lance Armstrong, for whom I was personally a supporting holdout I admit, has show a far worse face for excellence than Tiger Woods.

Google FTC Evil Robber Barons Winning Machiavellian War

2013-01-11 by Sheepy

On Wednesday January 9th, 2013, Google’s Kojo Ako-Asare, Senior Manager, Corporate Finance, posted an announcement on the Official Google Blog about the company investing in renewable energy. Wind investment deep in the heart of Texas. But before this…

Apple vs Google: Which Tech Giant Will Rule 2013?

2013-01-10 by EPR Contributor

The short and sweet version is, Apple will be the likely winner of 2013, although the last quarter of the year might be dominated by news of a Google surge going into 2014. Both companies are destined to make noteworthy splashes, characteristic of multi-billion dollar corporations. Big talents, like these, having to share the limelight [...]

Christmas PR: Do Something or Be Doomed

2012-11-30 by Violeta-Loredana Pascal

Christmas isn’t only about religious and spiritual meanings anymore. It is also a lot about marketing. Businesses in any field try to come up with great ideas for this time of the year, struggling to capture the biggest slice possible of that money cake available for holiday shopping.

BP, Deepwater Horizon, and Other Corporate Travesties

2012-11-29 by Phil Butler

When BP’s Deepwater Horizon blew up, killing 11 rig workers, spewing into the Gulf of Mexico a record environmental hazard, we covered the story extensively, as did many news outlets. Yesterday, the BBC reported on a so called “temporarily suspended from new contracts with the US government.” Below are my personal observations, which I am [...]

Social Media Policies: Where do you draw the Line?

2012-11-05 by Violeta-Loredana Pascal

To limit or not employees’ access to social media accounts is a major concern among many companies worldwide, and there seems to be a fine line between what is fair and what isn’t in this area. Employers want productivity and some think social media is a disturbing factor for employees. On the other hand, employees say that limiting their social media presence restricts their freedom of speech and it’s a breach of their rights.

2012 Public Relations Survey – PR Firm News

2012-11-04 by Ronn Torossian

A new survey of public relations professionals conducted by Public Relations Global Network, an international network of 44 independent public relations firms has some very interesting findings.

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