An Inspiring Blogher ’11 Recap…

August 7, 2011

I was not quite sure what to expect at a Blog conference with 3500 women and a handful of very smart men.   Would it be overwhelming, would it be inspiring, would it be fueled by coffee or wine, would it be dancing on stages with new friends and strangers, would it be wearing McDonald’s bags on your head, would it be getting your picture taken in the bathroom with The Bloggess, would it be trying to cop a feel of Bob Harper during an early morning work-out(not by moi of course), would it be a flash-mob, would it be chaos, would it be fun, would it be exhausting, would it be informative, would there be babies in attendance that made my heart hurt to be home with my family, would there be moments I simply let go and enjoyed just being about me for a change, would I get the chance to read a book on plane and not cut up anyone’s food, would it be blisters, would it be hilarious, would it be calm, would you see most women carrying around a swag bag containing both a vibrator and some scotch tape and a stuffed Elmo, would it be fashionable, would there be tears, would there be laughter that just would not stop, would there be private conversations and large meetings, would there be parties I wasn’t invited to, would there be parties that we all could attend, would there be meetings I did not get, would there be meetings that I did attend and were perfect, would there be hugs, would there be curious looks, would there be sweat, would there be SQUEEEEEEEE’s o’plenty upon meeting some of your best friends or the writer you admire.


It was all of that. And more.

spacer (Jenny, The Bloggess)

It was in a word – fabulous.


It was everything I thought it would be. And more.

spacer (Yuliya, She Suggests – and a California Raisin of course)

It was energizing and inspiring.


It is so much more than a “blogging” conference. It’s a connection conference, a collaboration conference, an alliance conference, a working together conference, a letting go of your insecurities conference and knowing that there is a place for YOU in this scene.

spacer (My Trainer Bob Harper – OMG SQUEEEEEE……)

I am no one particularly special. I’m a mom. I have a shopping addiction. I love fashion. I am a wife. I have three amazing children. I have a blog. My blog is my blog. I have readers. I love that my mom reads my blog as well as a dear friend in France. I have followers. I have comments. I have pictures. I have content.  I am a writer.  I like to laugh.


And I am okay. I am not in any competition to be any better than anyone else. I let go of my “not getting along with other women” thing so long ago. My blog is not in competition with your blog. Maybe my blog and your blog can work together and do great things?

spacer (My twin in Desigual – the lovely Gigi, Kludgymom)

I play well with others. I am a hugger. And a squeeee-er. I talk to everyone. I like feeling connected to others.


In my 40′s I am so inspired by brilliant women who do so much more than I do – and instead of feeling jealousy or want of what they have and do  – I just purely want to go up to each of them and hug them and squeeze them and look them directly in their eyes and thank them for what they are doing for all of us.


As women. Making it a more beautiful place for all of us.


Yes, I’m happy and sappy and BlogHer for me was perfect – because of all of you. And perhaps also because of my mother making me listen to Helen Reddy in the early 70′s.

 spacer (So thrilled to see the incredible Romy Raves again!)

…oh and I met her and her and her and her and her also her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and  her saw her again, and then stalked her and her and her and her and her ..shhhh, but they were super nice about it. I roomed with her and her and they are the loveliest ladies EVER. And also I love her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her and her  and her and her …and more..can I link 3500 people in my post? Oh, and I held and smelled her baby, and met her baby….

 spacer (Team Amazeballs at the BlogHer 5K – clothing sponsored by Champion USA)

Oh, and I finally met my soul-mate in person in this crazy world of connections. I squeeee’d and maybe cried and maybe spanked her ass but also kicked her ass in the 5K. Not that it’s a competition or anything.  Now to convince our husbands that we all need to live together.  She completes me in this space.




About Tracy

My name is Tracy Morrison and I live in sunny Minnesota. I'm neither British nor a nun - I'm just a Midwesterner with a headache. This is mainly a humor and lifestyle blog that documents the lighter side of parenting. I am an ex-corporate ladder climber turned freelance writer, social media manager, and fashion expert - and ruler of my own little universe(very small). Aren't we all. I would love for you to contact me at

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102 Comments - Leave a comment!
Tags: Blogging, Friends, Fun, Love, Social Media, women
102 Responses to An Inspiring Blogher ’11 Recap…
  1. gigi
    August 7, 2011 | 11:28 pm

    Meeting you was truly one of the highlights of the conference.

    But watch out. I already got dibs on Mommypants. spacer We can be quadsies…we just need to add in Julie Gardner and you spacer

    • admin
      August 7, 2011 | 11:44 pm

      Okay – deal, if Julie joins us we can all play nice together. Love you my dear. xoxo

    • julie gardner
      August 8, 2011 | 10:56 am

      YES YES YES!

      (And if that sounded orgasmic, well alright then. all the better.)

      I’m so jealous. And happy for all of you. and jealous.

      Loved the recap, Tracy. And next time, I’m coming for you.


  2. Lori @ In Pursuit of It All
    August 7, 2011 | 11:32 pm

    Once I figured out that the woman I was running behind was YOU the conference got lots and lots better.

    So so so wonderful to meet you.

    • admin
      August 7, 2011 | 11:45 pm

      So did my ass look okay. I love you to pieces my friend. Still sob thinking about your amazing reading. sigh.

  3. Jen
    August 7, 2011 | 11:36 pm

    you make me want to go … even if I have so many fears of actually doing so. who knows what the next year might bring. good to see you enjoyed so much & made it back safely. xoxo

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:43 pm

      Oh you should go. Just connect ahead of time with some friends and it will go so smoothly.

  4. Alison@Mama Wants This
    August 7, 2011 | 11:39 pm

    Love your recap Tracy. Love. And BOB HARPER OMIGODLOVEBOB!!!!

    And that twin dress with Gigi – love too.

    Just. LOVE.

    So happy for you that you went and had a great time.

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:43 pm

      Gigi and I were twinsies twice. Isn’t that crazy?

      Bob Harper is adorable!

  5. San Diego Momma
    August 7, 2011 | 11:44 pm

    So glad we had the last moments of BlogHer to get to know each other. What would have happened if I didn’t run into you and Mommy Pants in the lobby bar? I shudder to think.

    GREAT recap. X to the O!

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:44 pm

      Seriously that 2am meeting was one of the highlights of my trip. You are so lovely. I have this urge to move to So. Cal now… xo

  6. Tonya
    August 7, 2011 | 11:46 pm

    You got to meet Bob Harper!? Lucky lady.

    I loved meeting you and your comment to me was one of my favorite of the weekend. You said, “You are much taller in real life than you are on your blog.” Priceless.

    Nice recap, so happy to have met you and look forward to reading more…


    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:45 pm

      I know – I’m so weird – I mean I knew you were hot and all – but not that tall and sexy. VaVOOM!!!

  7. Ms. Michelle
    August 7, 2011 | 11:48 pm

    Wow – that must have been an incredible conference. I have been hearing about them, but have yet to attend. How did you pick which one to go to?

    I love your perspective of helping each other with their blogs and not making it a competition. That is so true!

    Maybe I’ll be able to meet you at the next one spacer


    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:46 pm

      I actually went to Blissdom last year thinking I would start small – and truthfully did not like it at all. ..but the energy of this huge conference just fueled me. I know it is not for everyone – but I plan to go back again for sure. I would LOVE to meet you.

  8. Kristin_OPC
    August 8, 2011 | 12:12 am

    It was such a fantastic weekend! I am so happy we got to meet. How silly that we had to go all the way to CA to make it happen!

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:46 pm

      Strangest thing about Blogher – meeting you there. OMG silly. Lunch soon????

  9. Kimberly
    August 8, 2011 | 1:38 am

    So glad that you went and had a great time!

    You met Bob Harper?? I’m so jealous! I love him!

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:47 pm

      He was totally worth getting only 2 hours of sleep over. yummo!!!!!!

  10. Stasha
    August 8, 2011 | 2:31 am

    You mean the Blogess goes to the loo just like the rest of us?
    You look so happy. That makes me very happy too!

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:47 pm

      I KNOW – I totally think she pees and everything. CRAZY!!!

      I am usually not a super smiley person – but I could not wipe it off my face. AMAZEBALLS!!!!!

  11. Ginny
    August 8, 2011 | 4:42 am

    Fun reading! Bob Harper – so jealous – and he is SOOOO – SOOO yummy looking! Happy to hear you had a fab time.

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:48 pm

      Who are you and what did you do with my mother?

  12. jo-lynne shane
    August 8, 2011 | 7:15 am

    You sum it up so well. Glad I got to see you and hug your neck.

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 12:48 pm

      I’ve decided that we need to see each other more often.

  13. JDaniel4's Mom
    August 8, 2011 | 7:24 am

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time! You sure hung out with wonderful bloggers.

    • admin
      August 8, 2011 | 1:04 pm

      It was so amazing. I need to see everyone again very soon.

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