
Archive for the ‘Alli Side Effects’ Category

Does Alli Have Any Side Effects?

December 20th, 2009 admin No comments

spacer Alli is an FDA approved Over-The-Counter weight loss pill. Its main ingredient is chemical. It is not a medicine, it is not a dietary supplement, it is not a fat burner,  it is a fat blocker or fat binder. It is a relatively new product and is definitely one of the popular weight loss products on the market today.

Since excess calories happen to be the main cause of weight gain and fat is the major contributor of the excess calories, binding the fat from being digested definitely helps in reduction of weight and Alli aims to do that.

Alli acts by blocking about 25% of the fats eaten by you from being acted upon by enzymes so that it is not digested. This undigested fat passes through your body in the natural way. Since it prevents fat from being digested, its effectiveness in weight reduction is called as “instant” action.

Alli starter kits advise that you should limit your meals to a reduced-calorie diet of 15 gms of fat each. If you are not able to restrict yourself to the 15-calorie limit per meal, manufacturer’s literature points out (not “warns”) that you may experience side effects which the makers of Alli call as “treatment effects”.

The McDonald’s Big Mac has 34 grams of fat, and the Burger King Whopper has 40, they leave the limit of 15 gms specified by Alli miles behind so far as fat content is considered. It is obvious that to avoid the “treatment effects” successfully you may have to drastically alter your diet and reconsider the way you have your meals now.

These restrictions on your life style are bad enough, but if you happen to stray to the wrong side of the 15 gm-“barrier”, you may have very unpleasant consequences to face. Alli literature refers to these consequences as “treatment effects” but in layman’s simple language it means that you may suffer uncontrollable bowel movements, loose stools, very frequent visits to “loo”, “farting” with oily discharge, etc.

Known Side Effects of Alli

Based on information submitted to the U.S. FDA in order for Alli to be approved, the following side effects were reported in clinical studies.

  • spacer Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
  • Fecal urgency (an urgent but controlled need to have a bowel movement)
  • Gas(farting)
  • Oily spotting (uncontrolled anal oil seepage)
  • Gas with a small amount of oil or stool
  • Fatty or oily stool
  • Diarrhea
  • Oily evacuation (bowel movements of just oil, without stool)
  • Sinus infection
  • Soft stool
  • Increased frequency of bowel movements
  • Uncontrolled, spontaneous bowel movements (known as fecal incontinence)
  • Back pain

So after searching the market for a natural, healthy alternative that can offer the most safe and effective weight loss results, We think we have found the perfect product : Proactol™

What is Proactol™?

Made from the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica, Proactol™ is 100% organic and is clinically proven to:

  • Bind 28% of your daily fat intake and make it indigestible
  • Suppress your appetite and food cravings
  • Cut your calorie consumption by 300 – 450+ calories a day
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Enhanced joint flexibility and movement
  • Decreases aches and pains
  • 100% side effect free!

 *For more information on Proactol works visit Proactol website or read full Proactol review.

Alli or Proactol™ – which one ranks #1 amongst consumers?

Reliable, dependable and free from all forms of side effects, Proactol™ when placed next to Alli is by far the more superior product. Offering user’s confidence in its usability and its long term effectiveness.

There is no shelf life to how long consumers can use Proactol™. Whether their goal is to loss a few lbs or maintain their current weight, users can use Proactol™ for as long as they need with no need for hesitation or concern.

This is not to say that Alli is not beneficial to the body. Studies taken on Alli have found that over a year period, 35.5%-54/8% of test subjects lost up to 5% of their body weight, whilst 16.4%-24.8% experienced a weight loss of over 10% their body mass.

But it is a supplement that comes with restrictions. 

If Alli users do not lose up to 5% of their body weight within 12 weeks, physicians recommend that they discontinue.

Then there is their daily fat intake allowance of less than 30%. To achievements these incredible results, users suffer the risk of messy uncomfortable side effects and a time limit.


Proactol™ : 100% side effect free

So if you are searching for a natural solution to weight loss that is free from health risks and side effects, we recommend Proactol 100%.

With this supplement, consumers can experience all the gains of a healthier, happier body and know whilst they are using it that their bodies are in safe hands.

Visit Proactol official website and offer your body a natural solution to weight loss - Click here


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