Vaccine Nation

The East Village Mamele

By Marjorie Ingall

Published May 04, 2007, issue of May 04, 2007.
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When my father was 7, he contracted polio. In a few days he lost all feeling in his legs. He was confined to bed for six months. His second grade teacher came to visit, bringing a record of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and a hardcover of “Alice in Wonderland.” (Thus began a love of great music and psychedelic literature that would last the rest of his life.) He took apart radios and clocks and put them back together. He underwent agonizing physical therapy. He fantasized about hanging out with FDR, taking the therapeutic waters and getting massages in Warm Springs, Ga. Eventually he learned to walk again, lurching around in metal braces and on old-school crutches. One foot remained gnarled, lumpy and uneven; one leg was withered. Despite repeat surgeries, he walked with a pronounced limp for the rest of his life.

And he was one of the lucky ones; he lived. In the epidemic’s worst year, 1952, there were 58,000 cases of polio reported in America — 21,269 children were left with mild to disabling paralysis; 3,145 died. After the Salk vaccine became available in 1955 and the Sabin vaccine debuted in 1962, the incidence of polio plummeted. Childhood immunization has been credited with preventing 450,000 yearly cases of polio worldwide.

Another vaccine that’s saved thousands of lives is the one for bacterial meningitis, an illness that has been described as the only disease that can kill a healthy young adult in 24 hours. Before the vaccine debuted in the United States in 1987, one in 200 kids under the age of 5 contracted the disease every year; 600 died. In fiction, the disease killed John Henry in Carson McCullers’s “The Member of the Wedding.” In a scene that haunted my childhood, his death took 10 days and two brutal pages. “John Henry had been screaming for three days and his eyeballs were walled up in a corner stuck and blind. He lay there finally with his head drawn back in a buckled way, and he had lost the strength to scream.” Today, though, the incidence of this disease has declined by 98%. It seems a relic of literature, as irrelevant as measles. Actually, I’d always thought measles were a minor annoyance, like chicken pox. I had no idea they could lead to pneumonia, diarrhea, brain inflammation and death. But how was I to know? Thanks to a vaccine, it was declared eliminated from the U.S. in 2000, before either of my kids was born.

Today, though, more parents are opting out of childhood vaccinations. They feel that the shots are no longer necessary, that they traumatize children, that they cause illness, and most commonly, that they cause autism. Thousands of anecdotal reports and dozens of poorly designed studies link autism to vaccines, but there has been only one seemingly credible study, published in the British medical journal The Lancet in 1998, that found a link. As it turned out, the study had major methodological flaws. Of the 12 children in the study, some turned out to have had developmental disorders before they were vaccinated and most were clients of a lawyer who was preparing to sue vaccine manufacturers. Oops. The Lancet retracted the study in 2004, and 10 of its 12 co-authors disavowed it.

Still, the notion that vaccines cause autism persists. And today, 48 states allow parents to opt out of childhood immunizations. Every state except Mississippi and West Virginia permits parents to say no on religious grounds, and 18 states let them say no for “personal or conscientiously held” beliefs. Most of these opt-out laws were passed in the last few years…and wouldn’t you know it, disease rates that had fallen for years are climbing again.

In 2005, a 17-year-old girl carried measles back from a visit to Romania, spreading it to 34 people, most of whom were unvaccinated. More than 100 Orthodox Jews, most of them small children, in a heavily-unvaccinated community in Manchester, England, were also recently diagnosed with measles. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also described a 2004-05 outbreak of whooping cough among 345 unvaccinated Amish. But it’s not just the unvaccinated who are at risk; the more unvaccinated people there are, the more everyone is at risk.

Jewish communities have long struggled with issues of personal freedom and collective responsibility. In December 2005, the Conservative movement’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards held an unusual open meeting to consider a question posed by a Solomon Schechter Day School principal: Was the school obliged to accept children who were unvaccinated? The children’s parents had said their decision not to vaccinate was a “religious” one. Rabbi Joseph Prouser of the Little Neck Jewish Center in Queens, wrote the teshuvah; the committee debated and then unanimously accepted it. His view: If a child does not have a serious medical condition that would make being vaccinated risky, he or she must be vaccinated to go to Schechter.

Prouser told me, “My thought process was that the best medicine and science available to us indicates that required immunizations are safe and effective, and unvaccinated students present a danger not only to themselves but to those around them, even students who’ve already been vaccinated, because the efficacy of a vaccine varies from patient to patient, and any reduction in the threshold of immunity in the community can spark an epidemic.”

His teshuvah makes for fascinating reading. Prouser draws a parallel between vaccination and the biblically mandated building of a parapet on every home. The parapet is intended to prevent people from falling off your roof. “Construction of a parapet on a dangerous roof is an undertaking that necessarily involves a measure of risk,” he writes. “The parapet is thus a particularly apt paradigm for immunization, a protective measure deemed obligatory despite a statistical risk incurred in the process.” Prouser also discusses Maimonides’s list of 24 transgressions that are to be met with bans of excommunication. Among them: “One who has something harmful on his property, for example a vicious dog or an unsafe ladder, we place him under a ban until he removes the hazard.” Hey, hippie parents, your unvaccinated kid is a potentially lethal pit bull of germs!

Prouser also explores the history of compulsory vaccination in the United States. In a 1905 case, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, Mr. Jacobson refused to comply with a Cambridge city ordinance requiring residents to be vaccinated against smallpox. He was fined five dollars. Why? The Supreme Court declared, “The spectacle would be presented of the welfare and safety of an entire population being subordinated to the notions of a single individual who chooses to remain a part of that population.” (Much like parents who count on other families’ vaccinating their children to confer immunity on their own.)

The teshuvah shows that Jews have been backing vaccination for centuries. Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav (1772-1811) said, “One must vaccinate every baby against smallpox before the age of three months, for if he does not do so, he is like one who sheds blood. And even if one lives far from the city, one must travel there even if the season is very cold…” (Ach, it’s cold! Let the baby get smallpox!) Prouser dryly notes that this ringing endorsement of immunization comes from someone who was generally not a fan of physicians. He quotes Rabbi Nachman as having said, “It was difficult for the Angel of Death to kill everybody in the whole world, so he appointed doctors to assist him.” Ha, ha, Rabbi Nachman!

Prouser also shares a story of primitive immunization strategy from Rabbi Shalom Buzagli, a Moroccan-born member of London’s Ashkenazi Bet Din in the 18th century. “Buzagli reported that a child who had survived smallpox and was in the final stages of recovery would be given a handful of raisins to hold until they were warmed by his hand,” writes Prouser. “The raisins would be given to a healthy child to eat, producing the same effect as variolation: mild infection resulting in immunity.”

Yes, I have had my children vaccinated. (Come here, honey, eat these raisins!) At the risk of sounding like Tom Cruise, I did the research; I learned the history. (Anyone who doesn’t is glib and deserves to get their couch jumped on.) I was comfortable with the level of risk involved. Ordinarily my parenting philosophy is not to judge (no one whose 2-year-old still drinks from bottles at naptime and whose 5-year-old just ate four hockey-puck-sized slabs of Hebrew National salami right before bedtime is in much of a position to throw stones) but in this case, your right to swing your fist ends where it meets my face, and your right not to vaccinate your child should end where your front door meets the rest of the world. If parents remembered how bad these diseases actually were, they wouldn’t be so anti-vaccine; it reminds me of the way 20-somethings tend to be more anti-choice than 50-somethings — the latter actually remember back-alley abortions.

All our children deserve the best chance at lifelong health. As for the brand-new vaccine that guards against the virus that causes cervical cancer…well, it’s new. I’m still researching. I need a little time before I start screaming at Matt Lauer. But if you check back with me in four years, I suspect I’ll be for it.

In the days after this piece was published, several readers pointed out that I neglected to discuss thimerosal, a preservative that was once used in many childhood vaccines. Thimerosol contains mercury, which the Food and Drug Administration acknowledged could theoretically cause “neurodevelopmental disorders,” but not autism. In any case, pediatric vaccines were reformulated between ‘99 and ‘01 to eliminate thimerosol. There was no drop in the number of kids with autism and similar disorders, as one might expect if thimerosol were indeed the culprit.

Write to Marjorie at

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Melba Fike Thu. May 3, 2007

Hi, I'm Melba Fike. I also had Polio in 1952, I'm affected on the right side of my body. Arm,leg hips,severly arthritic. I'm having lower back surgery at the end of this month or first part of June. Dr's said I have Post- polio syndrome. Which means it starts to work on your body again, muscle and nerve damage, deteration of joints. Degenerartive disc desease and the whole 9 yards all over again. I've been on pain meds for about 20 years. I'm 59 years of age, live in Arkansas. Hope your Father is doing well. Later, Melba

Dena Davis Thu. May 3, 2007

Wonderful column, Marjorie, but please remember: the HPV vaccine is quite different in that, if I refuse to have my child vaccinated and send her to school, she does not pose a threat to your child. So you can't use the same arguments.

gary Wed. May 9, 2007

Someone referenced Dr. Mendelsohn as an authority on vaccines. Before accepting his views, for more information on this person you should refer to He opposed water fluoridation, immunization, coronary bypass surgery, licensing of nutritionists, and screening examinations to detect breast cancer.

mo garcia Wed. May 9, 2007

Dr. Robert Mendelsohn was an expert on vaccinations. He was a dues paying member of the AMA for over forty years and a practicing doctor and pediatrician. If he was such a quack, why was he allowed to have a license to practice medicine all those years. And btw, Marjorie, he was a devote, religious Jew and the Father-in-law of a Rabbi. So much for being a big quack.

Dashiell Tue. May 8, 2007

"Spend some time with parents who have vaccine damage" Can any of those parents prove that their children were harmed by vaccines? Since as Marjorie said, there are no legitimate scientific studies suggesting such a link, I suspect they have only a heart-tugging anecdote to rely on.

mo garcia Sun. May 6, 2007

Have you ever read anything by Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, observant Jew, prominent pediatrician and the first pediatrician to advocate against routine childhood vaccines? Your column has no facts or figures, only heart-tugging anecdotes which have no basis in fact. Spend some time with parents who have vaccine damage and are chronically ill or permanently damaged and then you can write about vaccines. Me, I am older than you and I do recall having classmates with braces on their legs, and no, I am not vaccinated nor are my children. You cannot advocate for me or my children.

miriam golden Wed. May 9, 2007

I sincerely hope you read a book by Paul Offit "The Cutter Incident", about a little girl who got polio FROM the polio vaccine; she received the vaccine from the same doctor on the same day as her brother who was O.K. She is in her 50s now and in a wheelchair. Melvin Belli was her attorney and this is the case that started his notoriety as an attorney.

Abbi Fri. Jun 8, 2007

"And btw, Marjorie, he was a devote, religious Jew and the Father-in-law of a Rabbi." There are plenty of devout religious Jews whose sons-in-law are Rabbis that are quacks. One has nothing to do with the other. I suspect that many people who've received medical licenses have also turned out to be quacks.

yehudis Wed. Jun 27, 2007

I think that one might draw the line between potentially life-saving vaccines and "convenience" vaccines. For example, while polio is definitely a disease of concern, have you checked into the rationale of varicella and hepatitis b vaccination? Those are money issues. In a double-income world, the public cost of the many days off required to care for chicken pox is not economically reasonable. Similarly, it is less costly in public health terms to vaccinate universally for hep b than to pay for liver transplants down the line. The at-risk population for hep b is a very distinct set of demographic groups. The at-risk population is the most likely to be dependent on multiple hospitalizations and interventions at public expense. In fact, the MMR is a bit of a money issue too, since it isn't the disease itself that is so worrisome, as much as the potential secondary complications. Which evolve mainly in environments where the children do not receive proper care and support through the acute phase of the illness, or were suffering from malnutrition or vitamin deficiency prior to infection. And I speak as someone who has nursed a household through measles, including my own vaccinated self. (When's the last time any of you had a booster MMR, by the way?) The quoted "teshuvah" made strange use of a source. Although Rebbe Nachman of Breslov did say that any parent who did not vaccinate against smallpox could be held accountable for shedding the child's blood, he ought to have checked to see if the mechanism of smallpox vaccination works the same way that our vaccines do. If you examine them, you will find that not a single vaccine currently in use (smallpox no longer being given) works on the same basis as the smallpox vaccine. Smallpox was not an attenuated version of the pathogen; the vaccine was based on the innoculation of a *harmless* pathogen (cowpox) that posed no danger to humans, but did confer immunity to smallpox as a collateral benefit.

Beth Sun. Aug 12, 2007

I fully vaccinated one of my children on schedule. Then, my other child reacted in a very frightening manner, screaming uncontrollably for over four hours. Sounds minor to you? Well, he was six weeks old, not with it at all, and we didn't know what would happen. According to the CDC, 1/1000 children react this way. It's our belief that it was due to receiving a vaccine [word deleted]tail of five vaccines, plus two additional vaccines. Possibly it was the pertussis component. Or the Hep. B. Or the fact that he received too much aluminum (a known neurotoxin) at once. Subsequent vaccines, received one at a time, made him loopy and unable to focus. I am for vaccination. I am against the overloaded vaccination schedule. My child should not be banned from Jewish day school because we don't believe that we should be messing with his brain on an arbitrary schedule. If religious exemption is the only option to satisfy state law requirements, Jewish day schools should accept children presenting these exemptions.

E. Tue. Mar 18, 2008

Darling! Our only child nearly died from Measles single vaccination that lead him to develop aceptic meningitis. It took him a whole year to recover and YES measles component in vaccine DOES cause Autism. So no way somebody like you could talk this kind of propaganda on the Inte is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.