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AJAX API for TelHosting Software

This reference describes the new JavaScript-format AJAX interface that the TelHosting Software exports. The web interface for the .tel control pane uses the same API.

This interface closely follows the web interface layout, and is divided into the following groups of functions:

  • Login - logging into the TelHosting Software system
  • Wizard - preferences
  • Settings - password and related settings
  • Zone management - checking zones for domains
  • Folder management - subdomains
  • Profile management - profiles and associated records
  • Text header management - TXT record contents
  • Node information management - NINFO records for status
  • Location management - LOC record contents
  • Record management - NAPTR (naming authority pointer) record(s) content
  • AdSense management - Google AdSense advertising blocks
  • Group management - groups of readers for privacy settings
  • Keyword management - keywords for search indexing
  • Export / import - operations to store/retrieve a copy of the data in XML
  • Design - operations to adjust colour and other display settings for the proxy

The document assumes that the reader is familiar with basics of the .tel technology. For introductory materials, please read the whitepapers.

  1. AJAX API for TelHosting Software
    1. Method call format
  2. Login
    1. login (inputLogin, processResult, processError)
    2. logout (null, processResult, processError)
    3. passwordRetrieval (inputLogin, processResult, processError)
  3. Wizard
    1. setDashboardPreferences (inputPreferences, processResult, processError)
    2. getDashboardPreferences (null, processResult, processError)
  4. Settings
    1. changePassword (inputPassword, processResult, processError)
    2. getEmail (null, processResult, processError)
    3. changeEmail (inputEmail, processResult, processError)
    4. clearRecentLocations (null, processResult, processError)
    5. setLocalLanguage (input, processresult, processerror)
    6. getProxySettings (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    7. changeProxySettings (inputSettings, processResult, processError)
  5. Zone management
    1. checkZone (zone, processResult, processError)
  6. Folder management
    1. getSubFolderList (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    2. storeFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    3. renameFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    4. deleteFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    5. setDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    6. getDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    7. getExpireInfo (domainName, processResult, processError)
  7. Profile management
    1. getProfileList (inputProfile, processResult, processError)
    2. activateProfile (inputProfile, processResult, processError)
    3. deleteProfile (inputProfile, processResult, processError)
    4. storeProfile (inputProfile, processResult, processError)
  8. Text header management
    1. getTextHeader (inputTextHeader, processResult, processError)
    2. storeTextHeader (inputTextHeader, processResult, processError)
    3. deleteTextHeader (inputTextHeader, processResult, processError)
  9. Node Information management
    1. getNodeInfo (inputNodeInfo, processResult, processError)
    2. storeNodeInfo (inputNodeInfo, processResult, processError)
    3. deletenodeinfo (inputTextHeader, processResult, processError)
  10. Location management
    1. getLocRecord (inputLocRecord, processResult, processError)
    2. storeLocation (inputLocation, processResult, processError)
    3. deleteLocation (inputLocation, processResult, processError)
    4. saveLocationSearchString (inputSearchString, processResult, processError)
    5. getLocationSearchString (inputSearchString, processResult, processError)
  11. Record management
    1. getRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    2. getRecordList (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    3. storeRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    4. getServiceKeys (null, processResult, processError)
    5. getLocations (null, processResult, processError)
    6. orderRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    7. enableRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    8. disableRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    9. deleteRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    10. copyRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    11. moveRecords (inputRecords, processResult, processError)
    12. getNTNAPTRRecordList (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    13. storeNTNAPTRRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    14. deleteNTNAPTRRecords (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    15. getMXRecordList (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    16. getMXRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    17. storeMXRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    18. deleteMXRecord (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
    19. replaceMXRecords (inputRecord, processResult, processError)
  12. AdSense management
    1. getAdSenseData (inputDomain, processResult, processError)
    2. storeAdSenseData (inputAdSense, processResult, processError)
    3. deleteAdSenseData (inputDomain, processResult, processError)
  13. Group management
    1. getGroupList (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    2. getGroupRecords (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    3. getGroupFriends (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    4. addRecordsToGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    5. removeRecordsFromGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    6. addFriendsToGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    7. removeFriendsFromGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    8. storeGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
    9. deleteGroup (inputGroup, processResult, processError)
  14. Friending
    1. checkDomainState (domain, processresult, processerror)
    2. getSoUserName (domain, processResult, processError)
    3. disconnectFromSo (domain, processResult, processError)
    4. getChallenge (credentials, processResult, processError)
    5. sendChallengeAnswer (challengeAnswer, processResult, processError)
    6. pollFromSo (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    7. getMessageList (inputFolder, processResult, processError)
    8. getMessages (messageIdList, processResult, processError)
    9. acceptRequestMessage (message, processResult, processError)
    10. acceptRequestMessages (message, processResult, processError)
    11. acceptInvitationMessages (message, processResult, processError)
    12. rejectMessages (message, processResult, processError)
    13. sendFriendingRequest (newReqMessage, processResult, processError)
    14. sendFriendingInvitation (newInvMessage, processResult, processResult)
    15. getFriendList (friendInput, processResult, processError)
    16. deleteFriends (friendInput, processResult, processError)
    17. renameFriend (friendInput, processResult, processError)
    18. addToBlacklist (messages, processResult, processError)
  15. Keyword management
    1. getValidKeywords (null, processResult, processError)
    2. getKeywords (domain, processResult, processError)
    3. getSuggestions (inputKeyword, processResult, processError)
    4. addKeyword (newKeyword, processResult, processError)
    5. addSecondaryKeywords (newKeywords, processResult, processError)
    6. addKeywordStructure (keywordData, processResult, processError)
    7. updateKeyword (keywordData, processResult, processError)
    8. deleteKeywords (keywords, processResult, processError)
    9. copyKeywords (keywords, processResult, processError)
    10. moveKeywords (keywords, processResult, processError)
    11. reorderSubkeywords (subkeywordOrder, processResult, processError)
  16. Export/Import
    1. getValidDomainsToImport (null, processResult, processError)
    2. importDomains (domains, processResult, processError)
    3. exportDomains (HTTP POST, no AJAX function)
  17. Design
    1. getDesignProperties (domainName, processResult, processError)
    2. changeColours (inputColours, processResult, processError)
    3. changeCssTemplate (inputTemplate, processResult, processError)

Method call format

To call a method from this interface, use the namespace for the method's group and the method itself, e.g.:

/g2/json/domain/record/gettextheader.action - This calls method gettextheader to retrieve the TXT record for the given domain.


The namespace for this group is: namespace=/g2/json/

login (inputLogin, processResult, processError)

 * this method is used to login a user;
 * depending on the type of user logging in, a URL is returned, which can
 * be used by the dashboard to forward the user;
 * the flag usedTempPassword tells, whether the user is logging in with
 * a temporary password; in this case, the user should prompted to change
 * his password immediately, since he won't be able to log in using this
 * password another time

inputPreferences = {
	userName: "johnsmith",
	password: "secret"

successResult = {
	success: true,
	usedTempPassword: false,
	urlForward: "localhost:8080/ps-server/g2/dashboard.action",
	actionMessages: ["user logged in successfully",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["invalid user name or password",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: login (inputLogin, processResult, processError)

userNamelogin allowedcheck login permission based on "Allow web login" permissionAJAX API
userNamelogincheck of combination username and passwordbackend
passwordlogincheck of combination username and passwordbackend

For security reasons, any errors in the combination of username and password or a non existing username will lead to the same error.

logout (null, processResult, processError)

 * this method is used to logout a user

/** no input needed */

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["user logged out successfully",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["an unexecpted problem occurred",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: logout (null, processResult, processError)

no validation required as the method does not have any input values

passwordRetrieval (inputLogin, processResult, processError)

 * this method allows the user to reset his password; a valid
 * e-mail address has to be supplied and an an e-mail is sent to this
 * containing new temporary passwords for every user having this
 * address

inputLogin = {
	email: ""

successResult = {
	actionMessages: ["e-mail sent",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["e-mail address does not exist",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: passwordRetrieval (inputLogin, processResult, processError)

the input is not validated


The namespace for this group is: namespace=/g2/json/preferences

setDashboardPreferences (inputPreferences, processResult, processError)

 * this method sets the four flags for the dashboard preferences; these
 * preferences can be different for each second-level domain

inputPreferences = {
	domainName: "",
	enablePrivacy: true,
	enableProfiles: false,
	enableFolders: true,
	displayFriending: true

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["preferences successfully set",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot set preferences",
               	       "more errors here..."]

getDashboardPreferences (null, processResult, processError)

 * this method returns the four flags for the dashboard preferences
 * of the given (second-level) domain; if a subdomain is submitted, the
 * preferences of its second-level domain are returned

inputPreferences = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	enablePrivacy: true,
	enableProfiles: false,
	enableFolders: true,
	displayFriending: true
	actionMessages: ["request successful",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot get preferences",
               	       "more errors here..."]


The namespace for this group is: namespace=/g2/json/settings

changePassword (inputPassword, processResult, processError)

 * method to change the user's password

inputPassword = {
	newPassword: "secret"

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["password changed successfully",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot change password",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["newPassword", "invalid password"]

validation: changePassword (inputPassword, processResult, processError)

newPasswordpresencechecks if input value is not empty or _null_AJAX API

getEmail (null, processResult, processError)

 * method to obtain the user's e-mail address

/** no input needed */

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["email obtained successfully",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot obtain email",
               	       "more errors here..."]

changeEmail (inputEmail, processResult, processError)

 * method to change the user's e-mail address

inputEmail = {
	newEmail: "tel@telinc.nic"

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["email changed successfully",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot change email",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["email", "invalid password"]

validation: changeEmail (inputEmail, processResult, processError)

newEmailpresencechecks if input value is not empty or _null_AJAX API
newEmailemailchecks if input is a valid emailAJAX API

clearRecentLocations (null, processResult, processError)

 * method to reset the recent location strings

/** no input needed */

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["recent location list cleared",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot clear recent location list",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: clearRecentLocations (null, processResult, processError)

no validation required as method has no input values

setLocalLanguage (input, processresult, processerror)

 * set the user's local language, tries to rename some objects (the
 * default profile, the "all friends" group) of the given domain, thus
 * should be called upon initial loading of the dashboard and upon
 * domain change;
 * renaming only occurs if the current name is the name of the object in
 * a supported language (different from the requested one, of course);
 * if the locallanguage parameter is omitted, the browser's
 * language is used as fallback
 * errors occurring during renaming (because an object of the same name
 * already exists) are reported but do not lead to abortion of the
 * operation, i.e. other objects may have been renamed anyway;
 * the returned actionmessages can be used to differentiate between
 * success without any renaming done and success with at least one
 * object name change (s. examples below)

input = {
	domainName: "",
	localLanguage: "de"

successresult = {
	success: true,
	actionmessages: ["default object names successfully updated with local language.",
			 "default object names do not need to be updated.",
			 "3rd message here"]

errorresult = {
	success: false,
	actionerrors: ["please specify a domain name.",
		       "more errors here..."]

validation: setLocalLanguage (input, processresult, processerror)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is not empty or _null_ajax api
localLanguagevalidchecks whether the given language is supported by the systemajax api

getProxySettings (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * method to obtain the domain's proxy settings;
 * the searchConfiguration can be one of the following three value
 * - SearchAll: all .tel domains will be searched
 * - SearchThis: only this .tel domain (incl. all super and sub domains) will be searched
 * - NoSearch: search is deactivated, no search field will be displayed
 * furthermore the returned data says whether the "Manage .tel" link and the link to Telnic
 * will be displayed or not

inputFolder = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	searchConfiguration: "SearchAll",
	showManageLink: false,
	showTelnicLink: true,
	actionMessages: [""]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot obtain proxy settings",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: getProxySettings (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if domain is not empty or nullAJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain exists (domain doesn't exist, if not belonging to user)backend

changeProxySettings (inputSettings, processResult, processError)

 * method to change the domain's proxy settings;
 * the searchConfiguration can take one of the following three value
 * - SearchAll: all .tel domains will be searched
 * - SearchThis: only this .tel domain (incl. all super and sub domains) will be searched
 * - NoSearch: search is deactivated, no search field will be displayed
 * furthermore the user can define whether the "Manage .tel" link and the link to Telnic
 * should be displayed or not

inputSettings = {
	domainName: "",
	searchConfiguration: "NoSearch",
	showManageLink: false,
	showTelnicLink: true

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["Settings updated."]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot change proxy setting",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: changeProxySettings (inputSettings, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if domain is not empty or nullAJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain exists (domain doesn't exist, if not belonging to user)backend
searchConfigurationvalidationchecks whether one of the three values "SearchAll?", "SearchThis?", and "NoSearch?" is usedAJAX API
showManageLinkexistencechecks if input value is presentAJAX API
showTelnicLinkexistencechecks if input value is presentAJAX API

Zone management

checkZone (zone, processResult, processError)

 * this method returns information about the existence of a zone with the given name;
 * it may be called to give the user a visual indication regarding whether the zone
 * for the domain he's looking at exists (i.e., whether the domain is "active" and
 * published in DNS); in case of a successful call, the "exists" property of the
 * successResult contains true if the zone exists and false otherwise

zone = {
	zoneName: ""

successResult = {
        success: true,
        actionMessages: ["Zone checked successfully."],
        exists: true

errorResult = {
        success: false,
        actionErrors: ["some error",
		       "more errors here..."]

validation: be_checkZone (zone, processResult, processError)

zoneNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API

Folder management

The namespace for this group is: namespace=/g2/json/domain/

getSubFolderList (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * retrieve the list of subfolders for the given folder (i.e. domain) name;
 * if the domainName is "tel", a list of all folders of the current user is
 * returned;
 * the input domain name is never returned, so the resulting list may be empty
 * the boolean parameter recursive determines whether all subdomains are
 * returned (true) or only the direct subdomains (false)

input = {
	domainName: "tel",  /** gets a list of all folders */
	recursive: true

successResult = {
	success: true,
	folderList: [{id: 12, name: "", soConnection: "Active"},
		     {id: 23, name: "", soConnection: "Uninitialised"},
		     {id: 14, name: "", soConnection: "Incomplete"}],
	actionMessages: ["request successful",

                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot get folder list",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: getSubFolderList (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
recursivetype cast checkchecks if value is a boolean valueJSON framework

storeFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * add a new folder;
 * the complete domain name of the new folder has to be provided;
 * the id of the new folder will be supplied in case of success 

inputFolder = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	domainId: 25,
	actionMessages: ["folder added",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot add folder",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["domainName", "invalid domain name"]

validation: storeFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
domainNamevalidationchecks if domain name is validAJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain has not been created beforebackend
domainNamedomain create permissioncheck for permission to create domain based on secondary user rightsbackend
domainNamedomain quotacheck for permission to create domain based on "Max. number of domains" permission for sec. usersbackend
domainNamedomain quotacheck for permission to create domain based on "Max. number of domains" permission for primary usersbackend
domainNamelabel quotacheck for permission to create domain based on "Max. number of etRecords" permissionbackend
domainNamezone existencecheck if zone must exist based on user permissionsbackend
domainNamezone quotacheck for permission to create domain based on "Max. number of labels" zone permissionbackend
domainNamedomain quotacheck for permission to create domain based on "Max. number of domains" zone permissionbackend

renameFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * rename a folder;
 * the complete domain name of the old and new folder name has to be provided;
 * the id of the new folder will stay the same; both domain names must be a
 * direct sub-domain of the same domain and they may not be apex domains;
 * all sub-domains of the domain to be renamed are renamed as well; furthermore
 * all non-terminal NAPTRs (domain links) of the current user are checked if they
 * point to the old domain name or one of its sub-domains, if so the NAPTRs will be
 * renamed accordingly; all other domain properties (records, profiles, groups,
 * etc.) remain as they are;

inputFolder = {
	domainName: ""
	newDomainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["folder renamed",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot rename folder",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["newDomainName", "invalid domain name"]

validation: renameFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain the domain exists and is not a root domainbackend
newDomainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
newDomainNameexistencechecks if domain has not been created beforebackend
newDomainNamevalidationchecks if domain name is validAJAX API

deleteFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * delete a folder;
* the complete domain name of the folder has to be provided; the folder
* including all subdomains will be deleted; the folder must not be a
* root domain

inputFolder = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["folder deleted"
			 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot delete root domain",
               	       "more errors here..."]

validation: deleteFolder (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain existsbackend

setDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * set the domain display string for this domain; if the display string is
 * missing or set to the empty string, the domain display string is removed

inputFolder = {
	domainName: "",
	displayString "Stan Cartman: My domain"

successResult = {
	success: true,
	actionMessages: ["domain display string set",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot set domain display string",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["newDomainName", "invalid domain name"]

validation: setDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain the domain existsbackend
displayStringlengthchecks if the byte representation is more than 255 bytesbackend

getDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

 * get the domain display string for this domain; if the display string is
 * not set the method returns null as the display string

inputFolder = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	displayString: "Stan's domain",
	actionMessages: ["domain display string retrieved",
                     	 "2nd message here",
                     	 "3rd message here"]

errorResult = {
	success: false,
	actionErrors: ["cannot get domain display string",
               	       "more errors here..."],
	fieldErrors: ["newDomainName", "invalid domain name"]

validation: getDisplayString (inputFolder, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_AJAX API
domainNameexistencechecks if domain the domain existsbackend

getExpireInfo (domainName, processResult, processError)

* get expire information for domainName
* returns "This domain is due to expire on ..." if domain expires within the next 30 days
* returns "This domain expired ..." if domain expired within the last 45 days
* returns null in any other case
domainName = {
domainName: ""
successResult = {
success: true,
date : null,
actionMessages: null,
displayString: "This domain is due to expire on Tuesday 23 Mar 2010 27 2332800000!. To avoid losing this name please contact your domain provider and request a renewal."

validation: getExpireInfo (domainName, processResult, processError)

domainNamepresencechecks if input value is present and not _null_backend
domainNameexistencechecks if domain has a dns entrybackend

Profile management

The namespace for this group is: namespace=/g2/json/domain/profile

getProfileList (inputProfile, processResult, processError)

 * retrieve the list of profiles for the specified domain;
 * the successResult contains the profileList, consisting of id and name
 * of the profile as well as flags whether it is the default and/or
 * active profile and a list of ids of the records belonging to this
 * profile;
 * an optional parameter simpleVersion may be added; if missing it is set
 * to false with no change; if set to true, the request will not return
 * the recordIds, this list will always be null;

inputProfile = {
	domainName: ""

successResult = {
	success: true,
	profileList: [{id: 12, name is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.