Spiritual World

spacer Beyond the reality that can be experienced by the physical senses is a spiritual world that can be known only through the human soul and psyche. Just as the physical world cycles its energy, from the decay of a fallen leaf to the renewal of a new sprig of green, so the energy of the spiritual world grows and retracts around us. When open to the force of the spiritual world, the human spirit flourishes. When shut off from its energy, humanity stagnates and atrophies.

Throughout history, wise women and men have recognized that sometimes the patterns, traits and symbols of the natural world have a correlation with aspects of the spiritual world. Whether from a careful study of the night sky, by a thoughtful contemplation of dreams or by a seemingly random order of a play of cards, those attuned to the spiritual realm of human existence have learned how to interpret natural phenomenon in order to gain wisdom and insight.

Horoscopes, dream interpretations, psychic readings and the reading of Tarot cards help bridge the unseen gap between the natural and spiritual world, presenting glimpses of a reality that is seldom seen and offering opportunities for spiritual growth and revelation.


Journey Of Getting Old

The journey of getting old is a journey that all creatures must embark upon. In a sense, this journey begins at the moment we are born. In our younger years, little thought is given to the time in our own lives when we are no longer young.

Although sometimes, the hours and days can creep by slowly, the years have a way of accumulating that can seem astonishingly fast. One day, our eyesight is fine, the next day, the words we are reading start becoming blurry.

Whereas at one point we were boundless reservoirs of energy and could run without effort, one day on the journey of getting old we notice that traversing a flight of stairs leaves us slightly winded.

There comes a day on everyone’s journey of getting old when we look into the mirror and see the first of what will be many more gray hairs. The lines around the eyes and the wrinkles on the forehead mysteriously appear and the skin begins to sag in certain parts of the body.

Therefore, since the journey of getting old is one that has to be taken, we might as well do good and enjoy the journey.

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