Weekly Sponsorship

If you’d like to promote your product or service to the fine readers of Web.AppStorm, this is the most direct way to do so. You receive an exclusive sponsorship position for one week, and it gets you:


A short promotional post about your product or service at the beginning of the week.

This is essentially our personal recommendation of your product. For this reason, we only accept sponsors who produce an application we absolutely love, and are happy to recommend! If you’d like, you can also include a discount code for our readers.


A promotional tweet.

This is sent out later in the week, and is our second follow-up endorsement of your application.


A feature in our monthly “Thanks to the Sponsors” post.

You’ll receive prime position in this monthly post, which goes out to all our RSS and Twitter subscribers.

Who Will I Be Reaching?

Web.AppStorm has nearly 14,000 RSS subscribers, around 12,000 Twitter followers, almost 3,000 Facebook fans, and receives around 600,000 page views per month.

AppStorm readers have their finger on the pulse of new, interesting software. They have a love for beautifully designed apps that help them work smarter. They read, write, design, program, produce music and video, and get excited about Apple’s keynote presentations. Over 50% of our readers said in a recent survey that they’d found an app they love from a sponsorship.

The AppStorm brand is widely known as one of the leading networks of software blogs. We focus on quality over quantity, investing time and care into our reviews, articles, and editorial content.

Pricing & Availability

Exclusive weekly sponsorship costs $299 per week, and you can book multiple consecutive weeks if you’d like to.

We do have a really, really high standard for the type of apps and services we’ll feature each week, so you need to make a top notch product. If we’re going to personally recommend an application, it has to be one that we’ve used and really love!

Think you’re up to the mark? Then send us your details:

Just fill out an enquiry form and we’ll take a look at your app!

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