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Joint EWRI-AFS Fish Passage Reference Database

About This Database
Search for Citations
Submit a Citation to the Database
Browse the Entire Database

About This Database

This site serves as a portal to access citations of current and historic literature on fish passage engineering, biology, design, and relevant disciplines. It is meant as an open resource for fishery biologists, managers, engineers, and the public and private sectors to find information on fish passage that is both published and unpublished (i.e., reports, gray literature), and a clearinghouse for new literature as it becomes available. The database was conceived, designed, and funded through the efforts of the American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ASCE/EWRI) – American Fisheries Society Bioengineering Section (AFS/BES) Partnership Development Ad Hoc Committee in June of 2011 as part of its goal to develop initiatives for new projects to assist fish passage information and technology transfer. This database is a compilation of existing literature databases and bibliographies from multiple sources (e.g., USGS S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Laboratory).

Search For Citations

At present the database only contains citations (and occasionally abstracts) of literature sources; due to copyright constraints, it is the responsibility of those using the database to locate the source for and obtain the actual articles.

To Search for Citations:
Go to the Advanced Search window in the upper sidebar of the main page. Select All Fields (Advanced Search), then enter keywords, authors, date or other search term in the Search box. You may also select within date of publication within Advanced Search. Articles that are found in the database will be displayed; some will contain abstracts. Select an article of interest and the full citation/abstract will be displayed. You can copy/paste the citation directly from the page.

Submit a Citation to the Database

To submit an item to the database:

The database does not check for duplicate records, so before submitting, please search the database to make sure the item you would like to submit is not already there.

Click on the link for the type of material you would like to submit (i.e. Book Chapter, Report, Journal Article). On the right sidebar under the Author Corner heading, click the Submit Research link (you may have to scroll down a bit to see it). This will bring you to the login page; click Create New Account on the right side of the page. Create your account and click on the link that will be sent to your email to verify and activate your account.

After your account is verified and you are able to log in, read and accept the terms for submission. After accepting the terms, you will immediately be taken to the submission page. Fill out all of the boxes you have information for (only Title, author, and publication year are required, the rest are optional).

IMPORTANT! ScholarWorks automatically assigns you as the first author on any item you submit. If you are not the first author, delete yourself from the authors list by clicking on the red X on the line with your name:


To add a first author, click on the yellow pencil on line 1:


If you need to add subsequent authors, click on the blank square at the bottom right of the authors box:


When you have finished filling out the form, click Submit at the bottom of the page. All submitted items must be approved by the database maintainers. An e-mail will be sent informing them of your submission. Submitted item may take up to a week to appear in the database.

Thank you for your contribution!

Browse the Entire Database

It’s also possible to view the entire database holdings. However, there are thousands of citation entries, so “browsing” the database in its entirety may not be very efficient.


Browse the Joint EWRI-AFS Fish Passage Reference Database Collections:

Book Chapters


Conference Proceedings

Dissertations & Theses

Journal Articles

Miscellaneous Publications


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