
Mendeley Institutional Edition

Connecting users and libraries to empower research

Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) is for academic institutions and research groups who want to provide improved services to researchers.  By offering the MIE to your end users you can stimulate their productivity and gain real-time visibility into the usage of your library content. Unlike alternative products that only provide pieces of the solution, our cloud based, real-time platform delivers clear value to both your library and its researchers.

Watch our series of 6 videos for an overview of how Mendeley Institutional Edition, and its set of analytics can help you (click the next button on the player to skip to the next video):

Mendeley Institutional Edition provides users with a premium version of the leading Mendeley research worktool, giving them the most productive integrated combination of reference management, research content discovery and collaboration. It also provides you with unique analytics that enable you to connect content use with consequent research publications and the readership of those publications.  MIE’s analytics also help you to identify how to continuously improve your library services.


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Mendeley Institutional Edition - powered by Swets - English
Introduction: Mendeley Institutional Edition - the future of academic research
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Reading analytics in Mendeley Institutional Edition
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