Letters condemning suspensions

The Campaign has received scores of letters condemning the management decision to suspend four students and three members of staff on Friday 25 May 2010, pending an investigation into the recent occupations at Trent Park. We’ve only had time to post a small handful so far, typical of the general tone:

Gilbert Achcar
American Philosophical Association (Edward Casey)
Emily Apter
Etienne Balibar
Bruno Bosteels
Nathan Brown
Philippe Büttgen
David Cunningham
Phil Cole
Steve Edwards
Stuart Elden
Graham Harman
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, faculty
Institute of Education UCU branch
Gordon Lafer
Todd May
Todd May and John Protevi letter
Gregor McLennan
Michael Neocosmos
Nick Nesbitt
Ian Parker
Parlement des philosophes (Strasbourg)
Diana Paton
Richard Pithouse
John Protevi
Gerhard Richter
Kenneth Surin
Theory and Event
Alberto Toscano
UCU (London and the East)
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Philosophy
University of Essex, Ideology and Discourse Analysis
University of Leeds, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
University of Manchester, Sociology
University of Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar Istanbul, Department of Sociology
University of Oslo, Seminar of Aesthetics
University of Sussex, Department of Philosophy
Peter Weibel
James Williams
Alenka Zupancic

One Response to Letters condemning suspensions

  1. spacer Christopher Norris says:
    26 May 2010 at 14:41

    I was appalled to hear of the management-driven escalation of events at Middlesex and the suspension of students and staff in this latest instance of brutal, arrogant, pig-headed behaviour by a bunch of administrators clearly engaged in some kind of self-promoting power-game. I hope that Dean Esche knows what he is doing in lending his name and office to the victimization of three academics who are without any doubt among the most distinguished and influential philosophers working (or, sad to say, currently not working) in this country today. I salute those students and staff who have had the courage to stand up against this blatant case of managerial harassment and intimidation.


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