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Page history last edited by Ryanne 4 years, 4 months ago

UPDATE: **Have Money Will Vlog is currently on Hiatus**

feel free to rally your support network and raise money using a tool like ChipIn.




HMWV is a volunteer steering group that promotes Videobloggers to the general public toward financial support. Here's a step-by-step description of our evolving process.

If you want us to help you promote your project to get money, see below.

We usually are able to help raise between $2-3000 for projects we really love.



Have Money Will Vlog considers a videoblogging project for promotion when a group member advocates it to the HMWV email list. Choose and contact an advocate from the list below, and get in touch as the advocate suggests. If that person falls in love with your idea, he or she will help craft your proposal and bring it to the group. 'Crafting' means shaping proposals in ways more likely to succeed within our open source community.


To apply for an advocate, simply...

1. Read our blurbs below and choose someone to approach

2. Make first contact by sending the person what their blurb asks for

3. If the advocate takes you on, be ready to answer some tough questions and adjust your proposal a bit.


If it doesn't work out, you can always change your proposal and try again, or approach a different member of the group. Above all, don't lose heart. If your work doesn't mesh perfectly with HMWV, we recommend Fundable or our PledgeDrive Wordpress plugin. Using these tools, anybody can raise funds anywhere and we're happy to help you do that. Go for it. The PledgeDrive plugin will be ready for use on other sites the end of Sept 2006. Keep checking back for updates.


A wee bit of 'ADVICE': Check out the projects we've successfully promoted so far.









spacer Jay Dedman: accepting requests for advocacy at this time? YES

I love videoblog projects that get create interaction between the creator and audience. I like projects that open windows to other cultures that traditionally don't talk to each other. I also like projects that are "creepy".

Email is jay.dedman (AT) gmail.com



spacer Smithie Boho- Mumblefunster all around charcter

Core funhouse 320x240 

I got on the bus and haven't gotten off. Minstrel, Digital Cinematographer, Journalist.

"Is it true you hitchhiked all through out the country?" Yes, it is true. I have backpacked from Vancouver to the Keys and Windsor to Tijuana..I also met my wife of ten years while on that "trip"

K-den you know a little about me. I am interested in many aspects of development and I want to help you reach your goals. Don't hesitiate to contact me with matters regarding-bail bonds, pawnshops, video cameras, production, G-Vloggging (G is for Gorilla)and guidance to get your awesome project funded here.

Always accepting requests for advocacy.

Reach out and touch someone Please feel free to email me @ bofoboho at yahoo dot com



Ryanne Hodson- accepting requests for advocacy at this time? YES


I'm interested in most all projects. Things I love, that might help you choose me as an advocate: People educating each other in new media (and most anything else), videoblogging (duh), video editing, artsy stuff, interactive projects, green and sustainable projects, tech geeks, green geeks, geek geeks, art geeks, creators. Yeah I know this is broad. Michael Verdi and I co-wrote Secrets of Videoblogging and we Co-run Freevlog.org and we co-founded NODE101 so as you can tell, I love to educate people on how to videoblog.

My Videoblogs: RyanEdit, Ryan Is Hungry, Freevlog.

E-mail Me: ryanne.hodson AT gmail dot com, AIM: videorodeo, with an explanation of your project, a brief video explaining or demonstrating further, and links to previous work. Let's discuss!



Markus Sandy - accepting requests for advocacy at this time? YES


About: teacher, software developer and videoblogger.

Contact: email or aim/ichat: markus dot sandy at mac dot com

Vlogs: The Digital Dojo, Apperceptions

Projects: SpinFlow for moving media, map.etitio.us for maps, HMWV for this.

Interests include: projects around distributed production, collaborative video , documentaries, story telling, vlog interactivity and education. I am primarily interested in projects that educate and place media in the public domain or that are licenced appropriately for creative reuse and remixing.



Devlon Duthie - accepting requests for advocacy at this time? Not at the moment


Main Site: devlonduthie.com

Videoblog: ByteMe

Co-founder: loadedpun.com

About Me: Programmer/Analyst, videoblogger. Once my schedule opens up a bit I will be accepting requests for advocacy. I created the PledgeDrive Wordpress plugin for use with HMWV projects and your own projects. It will be ready end of Sept, 2006 for use on your own site.



Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen - Accepting requests: Yes.


About: Graduate student at Aalborg University in Northern Denmark where I write about videoblogging under the program in Mediated Communication.

Interested in: Larger than life concepts that has a 'this will change the world' feel. These can be both small and large projects.

Also interested in: Experiments with Form and interactivity.

Do not contact me about: Equipment requests. I will tell you to shoot on a digital still camera.

Contact: e-mail form at the bottom

Blog: solitude.dk



Michael Sullivan


Advocacy Availability: I am accepting requests for advocacy at this time


Contact: sulleleven@gmail.com

Blog: SpreadTheMedia.org

Projects: vlogdir, videobloggers.org, fundavlog

About Me: I'm a social media geek living/working in NY.

Interested in: experimental and/or collaborative music videos, screencasts, animation and remixing the mundane, especially on the road. Various forms of net art and hacktivism and sustainability. Also, truthseeking people interest me.



Dave Huth - accepting requests for advocacy at this time? Not just now, taking a short time to finish a project.


Photo and video projects: davidhuth.com

Videoblog: 90 Seconds of Dave

About Me: College professor teaching mass communication and media arts in western New York. Interested in advocating for experimental animation with strong narrative content, serialized fiction, and digital storytelling/folklore/community documentary. Interested in content related to peace/justice, community life, religion, politics, families, and the arts. Excited by video communication in the spirit of dialogue and community conversation and understanding, rather than strident polemic or partisan politics.

First contact: E-mail me dave-dot-huth-at-yahoo-dot-com with an explanation of your project, a brief video explaining or demonstrating further, and links to previous work.



Michael Verdi - I'm interested in projects that can't be done without the internet. I'm not interested in making a TV show or movie and distributing them on the web - I'd love to see the web and the audience as integral parts of the project.

Check out some video where my head is at:





I'm also interested in machinima and would love to promote a project that uses it - especially created in Second Life. Check out my machinima videoblog: nscape.tv

My contact info is at the bottom of michaelverdi.com



Jan McLaughlin

Interested in projects on the media, collaboration, literature, art & economics. I'm also the local token mobile media afficianado, specializing in road trips and parades. I am accepting acvocacy requests at this time.

Audio/Video Projects: The Faux Press / Road Node 101, Audio Books

About Me: Professional sound geek for money by day and vlogger for love by day and night.

First contact: Email me at jannie.jan@gmail.com with a link to some previous work. Then, we'll talk.

Phone: 862.221.5280

Skype: janmclaughlin

AIM: janofsound



Enric Teller

spacer -

Advocacy Availability: I am accepting requests for advocacy at this time  


Contact: enric@cirne.com

Blog: Cirne

Projects: vPIP (videos Playing In Place utility, Cinegage - Engage With Media (Coming Soon)


About Me: I develop software for and make digital video.

Interested in: Critical analysis of crucial issues (Global Warming, Technological developments to Understanding and Usage, etc.) Exploration of future developments (Technologicaly -- computers, nanotechnology, biotech, ect.) Diversity of ideas, inclusion and participation.








We promote projects we believe in to potential donors. Yeah, donors. There are no direct returns on investments in Have Money Will Vlog. Supporters receive a priceless, permanent place of honor in the hearts and lives of a generation of emerging mediamakers.


HMWV is in essence an imprimatur, a new iteration of 'Producer'. Each one of us is a passionate creator. Our efforts here focus on promoting great content. We apply all the juice at our collective disposal - Google, reputational and otherwise - to assure each project's succeess. Have Money Will Vlog projects are seen by great eyes. We connect creators with audiences that will gleefully pay to see and be part of the process of making compelling video.


What do we get out of doing this? It's cool to meet tons of creative geniuses, like you. We love being pioneers. We get gallons of juice from helping finance fantastic projects. No one in this group is paid for doing this; we just love it. Check out our active advocates for individual motivations.


We usually stray away from commercial projects that will get made with or without our help (but not necessarily); we often smile at people who just want a new HD camera (but we never count it out); we love projects in which the creator sacrifices something to make the project happen (but it isn't a requirement); we love promoting creators who already have a small network who can donate (but we love unknowns as well); we love projects that change how we see the world (no exceptions here).


Questions? Choose someone and email them.








If you don't have a project you need promoted, but would still like to join the steering group to help others find support, simply step up and participate. Your active involvement is both invitation and ticket, and all you need in order to play.


To join HMWV as a group member, simply...

1. Sign up for the email group

2. Put your name and info on this page.

3. When you find a video project you would like to see promoted, bring it to the rest of the group for discussion.


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