Earn points and get cash back!

Rewards Sign-In

Sign In
Don't have an account? Register one today.

Use your Owner Account Management email and password.

Why Password Protect?

Westgate Rewards is filled with customized details specific to your Owner account. The information is uniquely designed to help you update and track your own personal referrals, review account activity and track or redeem your Rewards. As a result, your information is now securely password protected. To get started and see all the tools at your fingertips, simply login using the same email and password associated with your existing Westgate Owner Account Management (OAM) login.

What is Westgate Rewards?

The Westgate Rewards program is a valuable Owner benefit designed to help you earn money! Whether you share the joys of a Westgate vacation with friends and family or shop your favorite stores online, you can earn points that give you cash back on a pre-paid VISA gift card.