
Bar Room Bar, Call Lane

Thurs 11th Feb, 6:30pm



Andy Clarke

spacer Andy Clarke has been called a lot of things since he started working on the web ten years ago. His ego likes words like “ambassador for CSS”, “industry prophet” and “inspiring”, but actually he is most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a “(triple talented) bastard”.

Andy took ten months of his life to write the best-selling Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, but his passion is amazing web design. He loves designing for the web, writing about design, and teaching it at workshops and conferences all over the world.

Now he is pulling all of those passions together to create For A Beautiful Web, a unique series of web design master classes that cover topics including visual design and best-practice use of technologies.

Chris Mills

spacer Chris Mills works for Opera (the Viking web browser vendor), splitting his time between evangelising Opera’s software and web standards, and heading up Opera’s developer education activities. This last part includes speaking at conferences, publishing regular web design and development articles on dev.opera.com, and being the creator of the Opera Web Standards Curriculum.

He is a self-confessed web geek and English language geek, having worked in various geek education roles for the last 8 or 9 years. Outside of work, Chris is a heavy metal warrior, playing really fast drums for many bands, including the mighty Conquest of Steel. He lives in grimy Oldham with his lovely girlfriend Kirsty, son Gabriel, baby daughter Elva, and 3 Macs.

Stuart Smith

spacer Stuart Smith is the Founder of 3 Sheep Ltd. He is passionate about helping business make the most of mobile technologies. 3 Sheep Ltd. is based on Stuart’s international award winning research into mobile service development at The University of Manchester. Stuart has presented on the use of mobile technologies at conferences and workshops across the world. Also, he has worked on several UK Government sponsored mobile projects and worked with digitally leading organisations such as the BBC.

3 Sheep Ltd. is the commercial application of his research to the emerging mobile and web convergence markets. The company specialises in designing and building usable systems that are available on a number of platforms; from the iPhone to the desktop.

You can read a list of Stuart’s publications and presentations at www.3sheep.co.uk/stuartsmith/


6:30pm Registration
7:00pm Welcome
7:15pm Good Reasons Not To Bother With the Mobile Ecosystem – Stuart Smith
7:45pm HTML5 & CSS3, The Future Now – Chris Mills
8:15pm Break
8:45pm I, the Jury – Andy Clarke
9:30pm Wrap up and Competitions
9:45pm Socialising!


Bar Room Bar, Call Lane

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