Jul 20 2009

Web fonts — where are we?

Untangling the tangle

With all the talk about web fonts, I think it’s time I tried to outline the present situation. I’ve not attempted to do so before, owing to the complexity of some of the material, and the speed at which things are moving.

Web designers are generally not interested in technical specifications, TrueType Hinting instructions, and extended OpenType permissions tables. They have one pressing question: when can I use font x in my web pages? Today, in Atlanta, Georgia, at TypeCon 2009, the faithful met to talk about Web Font Embedding: The New State of the Debate. At the foot of this article, I’ve included highlights from the twitter feeds of @typographica (Stephen Coles) and @splorp (Grant Hutchinson). Many thanks to them for the great job they did in reporting.

What web designers want

Web designers want more options, they want more fonts. sIFR, Cufón, and numerous other replacement techniques permit web designers to go beyond the so-called web-safe palette of fonts. However, all those techniques are, fundamentally, hacks. Moreover, their practical use is limited to headlines, or short bursts of text.

What type designers & foundries want

Foundries do not want their raw (.ttf and .otf) fonts uploaded to Web sites where they can easily be downloaded (stolen). @font-face permits linking directly to the raw font file. When I say raw, I mean an uncompressed, unprotected font file, just like you’d find in the font folder on your computer. [see also Stephen’s comment below.]


Downloading those font files would be as easy as downloading an image. For obvious reasons, foundries don’t want that. In fact, no-one wants that. Here, the music industry comparison doesn’t work. The type industry is in fact, not an industry; it’s not regulated by any kind of governing body, and the industry comprises thousands of small players — the vast majority of type foundries have a staff of one. Font piracy hurts them.


Way back in 1997, Microsoft developed its proprietary EOT (Embedded OpenType Format — basically a compact version of OpenType, that permits sub-setting), that only supported Internet Explorer. Hoping for widespread adoption, Microsoft opened it up for all, and in 2007 submitted their EOT proposal to the W3C (for inclusion in CSS3). Later that year, the proposal was rejected, for, among other reasons, security. In 2008, the proposal was resubmitted:

The Embedded Font Format (EOT) was developed by Microsoft to enable OpenType fonts to be linked to web pages for download to render the web page with the font the author desired. This appendix specifies the format of the .EOT file so that User Agents can download, extract and temporarily install fonts of the .EOT file suffix that are included in the @font-face definition of a CSS style sheet. Example pages can be found at the Microsoft Typography site on Font Embedding for the Web.
Downloaded fonts are only temporarily installed on the user’s machines for use by the particular web page while the page is actively being used.

I once heard EOT described as DRM icing on an OpenType cake. Once EOT was associated with DRM (and whether it’s strictly DRM is debatable), then EOT was doomed. For all the technical features of EOT, see the W3C’s Embedded OpenType (EOT) File Format. So what happened to EOT? To cut a very long and complicated story short: it didn’t gain the necessary support from foundries. [I was wrong; see Richard Fink’s comment, & Thomas Phinney’s comment.] Remember, the W3C is not mandated to push these formats through, to run around drumming up support. The consensus must come from the foundries, and from distributors.


Recently, two highly respected type designers, Tal Leming & Erik van Blokland (they are programmers too) proposed an alternative to EOT. It’s not proprietary, and its implementation is relatively uncomplicated. Via twitter, H&FJ described the .webfont proposal as:

Smart, compact, open, elegant, forward-thinking, realistic. — source.

Basically the .webfont font is a compressed file (perhaps .zip), comprising two files (the actual font data, plus info.xml). The embedded permissions or meta data are then read by supporting browsers, that could determine whether the font should be downloaded and displayed.

With such huge support from type foundries and many in the type community (even TypeKit supports it), the dot webfont proposal could well be a winner. So, we’ll all be using .webfont by this time next year, right? No. First, the W3C needs to be convinced that the majority of type vendors support the .webfont format. Then, and only then, will its slow wheels begin to turn. Then the browser vendors need to come aboard the .webfont ship, and build support for this new format into their respective browsers. Though the .webfont format is, in my opinion, the best proposed solution, don’t hold your breath. It will be years before we can start to link to .webfont files in our CSS.

If you’re not already confused, then let me introduce you to David Berlow’s (The Font Bureau) Permissions Table for OpenType proposal. (Technical specification here). Without getting too technical, I think Berlow’s proposal can be summed up thus: embed ‘meta data’ in the OpenType font file. These data will be information about the permissions for which the font is licensed. For example, the permissions table (not separate from the font file, but embedded) would include information about permitted use; e.g. whether it can be used on a web site — previewable for web.

The proposal does not require any change in font format; it only requires that more data (about permissions) be stored in the font file. Some have pointed out that its greatest strength — XML to describe the permissions — is also its greatest weakness. What’s to stop users from opening font files and editing the permissions? Another of its obvious strengths is that it does not require any kind of wrapper, and can be used with @font-face, which will soon be supported by most, if not all browsers.

In the meantime

While we’re waiting on .webfont et al., there’s Typekit, a simple solution that involves web-only font linking licenses. Basically, a font file, or a subset of the font is stored on a third-party server.


You pay a subscription to Typekit to rent (not buy) the font. The rest is simple enough. Include a call to a JavaScript file (that handles delivery of the font, I guess), and simply include your ‘subscription font’ in your fontstack, like:

#introduction .one p {

Great to see David Březina’s Skolar on screen. Go to for a beautiful web to see Typekit in action. Typekit is still in beta, but it looks very promising.


One of the most exciting aspects of the Typekit solution is best described by Thomas Phinney:

…the most interesting thing about Typekit & Kernest is they provide a service, a subscription, a brand new model for font licensing.

Multiple jars of jelly

We need consensus. They only way a consensus can be reached is through compromise. There exists no governing body of type, so there can be no democratic vote. The closest thing we have to consensus is the list of foundries that support the present .webfont proposals.

Despite concerns about the security of the .webfont format, most of the larger and important foundries have come out in favour of the .webfont proposal; and that’s what really matters. See @typegirl’s Most of the important foundries are supporting #webfont list.

If no consensus is reached then .webfont will forever remain a proposal. If there is consensus, then perhaps at the very soonest we’re looking at .webfont in our browsers by 2011-2012 at the earliest. @splorp sums it nicely in <140:

We just need to have one #webfont initiative to start solidifying. That’ll help. Right now, we’re tip-toeing around multiple jars of jelly.

Regardless of which format or proposal actually wins the fight, type designers are going to be very busy indeed. Most fonts are not optimised for on-screen viewing, so, if they are to compete with those that already are (e.g. Verdana), then they have lots of work ahead of them. (Type Designers have the joyous prospect of mastering TrueType hinting instructions).

Final thoughts

In my opinion, EOT is as good as dead. [Cf. Tiffany’s comment below; and Thomas Phinney’s.]

EOT may be dead, but Ascender Corporation is proposing EOT Lite — think of it as a less restrictive implementation of the original EOT. In what way is it less restrictive? Well, the new EOT Lite does away with URL binding (limiting use to a specific domain or URL), and proprietary compression technology (MTX compression) — the two principal objections to the original EOT specification. Ascender hopes to have it up and running within months. [added July 21, 2009].

Will .webfont ever come to our browsers? Who knows. But with the backing of the majority of influential type foundries, it could. In the meantime, TypeKit appears to be a viable, workable solution. And Typekit is now. I know I’ve omitted mention of other proposals like EOT Lite or Kernest from Ascender Corp., etc., but this article is intended as a non-technical, brief [laughs] overview. If you have questions or comments, then please leave them below.

[Update (July 21): fontdeck joins the fray.]

Highlights from TypeCon 2009’s Web Font Embedding panel discussion, courtsy of @splorp and @typographica

Eleven font nerds and a microphone. @typographica is live tweeting from the huge #webfont panel discussion this morning.
Audience unrest already. Only one web designer on a panel of 11. Via @nicewebtype — @splorp
Using a service like @typekit or @kernest is similar to buying/selling faces through distributors like @myfonts.… except that you’re not renting the typeface via a modified license. It’s not yours to use perpetually. — @splorp
@opentype They don’t want fonts that users currently have to be used as web fonts. Should be a separate license and product. — @typographica
“… the thinness of the wrapper is disturbing …” — John Hudson on the .webfont format. — @splorp
“Any new font format we come up with … takes years to be implemented.” — Bill Davis, Ascender — @splorp
Dewitt: Foundries, if you don’t have a license that addresses the web, do it. Have a position that allows for some of these things. — @typographica
Bill Davis — “I think we’re on the cusp of something happening very quickly here …” That’s because web designers are frustrated. — @splorp
There’s a big ostentatious EOT Lite petition at the door. Presumably placed there by Bill Davis. Waiting to hear his invitation to sign it. — @typographica
John Hudson of Tiro Typeworks is explaining @typesupply’s .webfont format. “… super easy to implement … ” — @splorp
Mason: The W3C doesn’t lead, it follows. It takes steps once groups find consensus. — @typographica
Hudson explains the problem with a new format: IE is slooooow. IE users are slooooow to update. (Could take years for .webfont to be real.) — @typographica
Bill Davis — “I think we’re on the cusp of something happening very quickly here …” That’s because web designers are frustrated. — @typographica
@_Baylink I don’t think that’s the case. The foundries aren’t terrified, they’re cautious. None of these solutions will ‘eliminate’ misuse. — @splorp
Thomas Phinney: URL binding was a non-starter because vendors don’t want to enforce that. Worse, users might be open to DMCA liability. — [see Thomas Phinney’s comment for clarification.]
Basic Q. What happens when any of these schemes don’t work? A. You’ll get the fallback font. Whatever specified in CSS, what you see today. — @typographica
Verdana is still a pretty good typeface. — John Hudson — @splorp
Gabrowitsch (F[ont]F[ont]): We support .webfont and “EOT Lite, Medium, or whatever”. As long as there’s no chance to use existing fonts on the web. — @typographica
Relevant commentary from Tim Brown @nicewebtype: Type sellers, web fonts, and Typekit. link — @typographica
Typekit is willing and excited to incorporate .webfont proposal in their product. — @typographica
Final question from moderator: how urgent is it?
A. Garrick Van Buren (Kernest): We’re 10 years behind.— @typographica
Hudson: You can say yes to .webfont or EOT. It’s not an either or situation. But foundry weight behind one format will influence browsers.
End. Applause. Matthew Carter first to stand. Maybe wants out of here. — @typographica
Looks like everyone is walking out without batting an eye at the giant petition. Not sure the pen has been touched.
— @typographica


Further reading:
@font-face in IE: Making Web Fonts Work
Web fonts now (how we’re doing with that)
Web font licensing: the basic idea
Type sellers, web fonts, and Typekit
List of foundries supporting .webfont
@typegirl @splorp @typographica @nicewebtype
@font-face in action
Jeffrey Zeldman Questions The ‘EOT Lite’ Web Font Format
Audio from the Web Fonts Panel at TypeCon2009

Tags:    .webfont     @font-face     audio     David Březina     EOT     EOT Lite     EULA     fontdeck     Skolar     TypeCon     Typekit     typographica     W3C     web typography

  1. devolute

    Thanks for this reasonably exhaustive round-up.

    I’m hoping, though, that it will be obsolete in 6 months.

    Jul 20, 2009

  2. Pedro Leal

    Thanks for the brief overview!!!!

    Jul 20, 2009

  3. Bill Biwer

    Great summary, cleared up some questions I had from reading all the random tweets.

    Jul 20, 2009

  4. Rob

    Nice summary. It is funny that this is a *brief* overview, but the effort is still applauded! Should be quite understandable, even for those new to the issue.

    I have to say, I am not sure about EOT being dead already… yes, hopefully it will disappear/be firmly replaced by a superior alternative, but (for the time being) it is a very viable option to bring more fonts to the web. Unfortunately, I imagine we will be serving up several formats and delivery methods for the foreseeable future – until the webfont paths narrow a bit more.


    Jul 20, 2009

  5. Andrew "Pez" Pengelly

    I think you’ve managed to sum up the state of affairs with typography on the web very well. I’ve been reading tweets and pages about this subject all afternoon and this is by far the most comprehensive article I have come across! Thank you!

    Jul 20, 2009

  6. zork

    I’m sorry but DRM just isn’t going to work any more than it did for the music industry and that does not have anything to do with how large the foundries are compared to the recording industry players.

    DRM is just easily defeated snake that won’t really accomplish anything at all and it isn’t like the internet is totally free of unauthorised copies of fonts right now, is it?

    I seriously doubt the web is going to adopt any form of DRM in a serious way for something as fundamental as this. What you’re going to have though, is @font-face and foundries are free to let people take advantage of it at a cost or perish.

    Read this for an alternate take on the issue:

    Jul 20, 2009

  7. Kyle Fox

    Great article, thanks for the overview. With both the webfont discussion and the XHTML2/HTML5 discussion taking place simultaneously, it’s challenging for us web designers to stay on top of things right now.

    However, there’s one thing I’m still confused about: how would the .webfont file format deter font piracy? From what I understand the embedded permissions meta-data would prevent someone from downloading a .webfont from my site and reusing it on their own. Is there something about the .webfont file format that makes it more difficult to hack these permissions?

    Jul 20, 2009

  8. Kari Pätilä

    One of the most exciting and interesting aspects of the TypeKit solution is also the one that makes it unreliable. I don’t see myself using or supporting anything involving a third party. Microsoft had the basic idea right ages ago, which one should expect from a company full of developers.

    “What’s to stop users from opening font files and editing the permissions?” A large percentage of users will edit the permissions regardless of the implementation. The software industry has a poor track record of producing unhackable files.

    Jul 20, 2009

  9. Kerim Friedman

    “You pay a subscription to TypeKit to rent (not buy) the font.”

    What happens to the website when the rent payments stop?

    Whatever solution is adopted it needs to be something that will have longevity and preserve properly in archives.

    Jul 20, 2009

  10. Peter Gasston

    TypeKit may be a short-term solution for nervous foundries, but long-term I’m nervous about consolidating too much power with a single provider.

    BTW, I always find the piracy issue a little specious; the major difference between the media and font industries is one of demand - media is massively attractive to a large audience, fonts only to a very niche one.

    Jul 20, 2009

  11. taris

    “uploaded to Web sites where they can easily be downloaded (stolen)”

    You mean where they can be copied and the copy than used in a copyright infringing way.

    Not one byte on my server ever got stolen. Bytes, as opposed to matter, are unstealable. If you describe things simpler than they are, you make them wrong.

    And besides: DRM will work someday. I think arround 1984 the technology needed for DRM will be used comprehensively enough. Than we will all be happy - Or at least nobody will be able to use a computer font to write something else.

    Jul 20, 2009

  12. micah rich

    You should reconsider the comparison with the music industry.

    Just because the industry isn’t lead by multi-national conglomerates doesn’t mean it isn’t an industry. The big foundries are very much like record labels, not in that they have thousands of employees, or earn billions every year, but in that they have economic & cultural influence in the market.

    But there are little guys in the music industry, too, that are just as hurt as the big guys by piracy. At least, those who don’t adapt to changing conditions.

    DRM didn’t work for the music industry, because people understand a model of ownership that’s continually reinforced – unless stated otherwise up front, when i’m given something, it’s mine. And people understand, at this point, that digital duplication of a file (whether that’s .mp3 or .otf) is zero cost. We’ll all acknowledge that it took work to make the original, and most designers, I expect will still assign some of the value that they would to the original work, to the no-cost duplicate, but to consider the duplicate to be equal in value to the original doesn’t work.

    So our second solution: renting typefaces. Typekit seems like a good solution for renting, if that’s what you’re looking for. It’s a good way to retain control . If you can convince people to rent, you’re all set. I bet to do that, cost per rental is gonna have to be pretty low, but maybe that’s the plan.

    Really, I think the foundries should do some tests with just allowing @font-face. Release a font or two, that costs what it would cost anyway, but the EULA allows for embedding. The audience they’re selling fonts to is an honest bunch of people who appreciate what it takes to make a good font. I think they’ll be impressed by how respectful we are, and how supportive we’ll be.

    Jul 20, 2009

  13. Dave Crossland

    Kernest isn’t from Ascender, its from a single individual, and it currently carrys only freeware and free-software fonts.

    Jul 20, 2009

  14. Stephen Coles

    Nice summary, John. Though I do think it’s important to include EOT Lite. .webfont is clearly the foundries’ favorite long term option, but if they want a non-raw format within the next couple of years they really need to come together and back some variation of EOT. There’s no other option out there beyond the web services like Typekit.

    Correction in your Twitter summary: Ivo is with FontFont.

    Jul 20, 2009

  15. Stephen Coles

    Foundries do not want their raw (.ttf and .otf) fonts uploaded to Web sites where they can easily be downloaded

    They also don’t want customers who have licensed fonts for desktop use to consciously or unconsciously break their license by using them on the web. The idea is that a unique web font format to make licensing more straightforward.

    Jul 20, 2009

  16. johno

    I think if it hadn’t been for TypeKit, then EOT (in the form that Ascender Copr. is using it), would still have some life in it. Personally, I think that TypeKit has killed off any chance of an EOT Second Coming. Having said that, I think it’s commendable that Ascender Corp. is doing something, and doing it now.

    I think you could be right. I think that any proposal that comes to be associated with DRM will, in the long run, fail. What do you think of TypeKit?


    How would the .webfont file format deter font piracy?

    I don’t think it will. It’s another layer of protection, so in that way it’s a deterrent, but not much one.

    Peter Gasston

    I’m nervous about consolidating too much power with a single provider.

    That’s understandable, but I do think we will see many more following in TypeKit’s footsteps. The competition will drive down prices; though I’m not sure what else it will do. If TypeKit gets it right (and the foundries feel they are ‘fairly’ compensated, then I think that perhaps it has the potential to be more than an interim solution.

    Perhaps ‘stolen’ is not the best choice of words.

    Not one byte on my server ever got stolen.

    But bytes could be take without your permission. If I use your copyrighted content without permission, then what am I doing? Technically, I may not be stealing, but I’m using it without your consent. Perhaps it’s simply ‘copyright infringement’ — if it is not stealing, then it is still wrong.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t understand anything you wrote in your final paragraph.

    You make some sound points. I shall rethink. Thanks for your contribution.

    Jul 20, 2009

  17. johno

    You’re right about EOT Lite. After I get a little sleep, I’ll append an overview.
    I was tempted to make the EULA connection (it’s very important), but ran out steam and space.

    Thanks for the correction. Ivo might be surprised to learn that he’s now working for FontForge :) Off to give him his old job back.

    By the way, how many names on that ‘ostentatious petition’?

    Jul 20, 2009

  18. Tom

    Well if these delivery method catches on I have a feeling web developers will have EOT format for IE8+ and everything else will use .webfont because it would be too easy if every browser rendered web pages in the same way.

    Jul 20, 2009

  19. Stephen Coles

    When I left there were 6 names on the EOT Lite petition. But I don’t think it’s that important. We already know from the panel that all the major foundries are open to any format that isn’t raw.

    > Personally, I think that TypeKit has killed off any chance of an EOT Second Coming.

    Typekit is really impressive and I’m confident it will be successful but it won’t be the only way to deliver type on the web. There will be fonts that are unavailable on the service and sites that won’t use a third-party service.

    (Written while sitting just a few rows behind Typekit’s Bryan Mason and Ryan Corver on a flight from Atlanta to SF. You really notice turbulence when you’re typing on an iPhone …)

    Jul 20, 2009

  20. dave

    Sorry, requiring some wacky new drm system is the opposite direction from where everybody else is going.

    And for your music industry comparison, it’s just a matter of scale. There are a few big foundries/music labels, and then smaller ones and then orders of magnitudes more individuals (both musicians and font creators).

    It’s just the font industry is so small and specialized that nobody outside the industry can name anybody in it.

    You could argue for exactly the same wacky drm for other web content from photographers, graphic artists, the news industry.

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