Customizing (and hacking) Nessus auditing with Powershell

December 5th, 2012 by Chris Weber

A common scenario:  You have tens of thousands of hosts deployed across your datacenters and use Nessus to scan them regularly for patch compliance or other vulns. But you want to look at more stuff, after all you’re running a scanner on each and every host, why can’t you audit for policy or configuration-related data? Well you can - Nessus has this compliance auditing functionality built in, which makes customized checks easier than writing NASL files. Instead, you can write these “.audit” files and simply certain tasks such as looking for files, content, users and groups, registry keys, and more. In the case of Windows machines, the compliance checking gives you an extra edge – access to Powershell. Powershell comes with certain restrictions though, namely that you can’t simply call your own scripts, rather you have to pass cmdlets in as args. However, read on…  You can run checks that either PASS or FAIL, or you can dump output back into Nessus for later retrieval and post-processing. Take a look at what a custom Nessus compliance check called “find-private-certs.audit” might look like.

<check_type: "Windows" version:"2">
<group_policy: "Windows file system audits">

 type             : AUDIT_POWERSHELL
 description      : "Search the file system for private certificate files."
 value_type	  : POLICY_TEXT
 value_data       : "" 
 powershell_args  : 'Get-WmiObject -query \\"Select Name From CIM_DataFile Where Extension = \'pfx\' or Extension = \'p12\' or Extension = \'p7b\'\\" | select -ExpandProperty Name'
 check_type       : CHECK_EQUAL
 severity         : LOW

Pretty simple, you just pass a Powershell cmdlet with arguments in like “Get-WmiObject” and get your data back. Now, I wouldn’t actually run this in production because searching the file system can be really slow and delay scan completion. But that’s besides the point. Once you realize you have access to Powershell you might be motivated to do more, and get more data. That’s what happened to me, and I simply had to find a way to run Powershell scripts.

So I did… Consider this technet script Get-SharePermissions.ps1 by Bigteddy at Technet. It basically dumps all the shares along with permissions on a Windows host. Now the Nessus interface with Powershell wasn’t designed to load scripts as I mentioned, and the documentation won’t help you figure out how to do it. But there is a way. A slightly modified version of Bigteddy’s script appears below, hacked into a Nessus .audit file. I’m leaving out the other components of the script, and just showing the “powershell_args” field:

powershell_args   : 'get-variable null | invoke-command -scriptblock { $shares = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_share | select -ExpandProperty Name ; foreach ($share in $shares) { $acl = $null; Write-Host $share; Write-Host \\"==============================\\"; $objShareSec = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter \\"name=\\"\\"$share\\"\\"\\" ; try { $SD = $objShareSec.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor; foreach($ace in $SD.DACL){$UserName=$ace.Trustee.Name;If($ace.Trustee.Domain -ne $Null){$UserName = \\"$UserName\\"}; If ($ace.Trustee.Name -eq $Null) {$UserName = $ace.Trustee.SIDString } ; [Array]$ACL += New-Object Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($UserName, $ace.AccessMask, $ace.AceType) } }  catch { Write-Host \\"Unable to obtain permissions for $share\\" } $ACL; Write-Host \\"=====================\\"  } } '

And there you have it. Sure, it’s not the prettiest thing, given the escaping required, but it works. Basically, the trick is to start the powershell_args off with a get-variable cmdlet, since Nessus only allows get-* cmdlets to start. Pass in null as the arg, and pipe your way to the invoke-command cmdlet, since the pipeline at least is allowed. Using the scriptblock argument there, you can shove your script in and escape special characters as needed until you get the output desired.

Until next time, happy scanning!

Tags: Nessus, Network, Powershell, Scanning

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