Relieve what Ails You with Maya Abdominal Massage

by Brenda Lytel on August 3, 2012

Everyone knows that massage can be rejuvenating and relaxing, but many do not know that there are varying techniques that can bring about a host of other considerable improvements. In fact, one technique called Maya Abdominal Therapy can produce significant restorative benefits, which can alleviate many types of physical ailments. Although this technique is new to the Western world, Diana Sheldrick of Ottawa is a skilled practitioner who has been providing these natural healing procedures since 2005.

The Scoop on Maya Abdominal Therapy

The Maya culture believed that physical, emotional, spiritual, and cellular function all depend on the unobstructed flow of energy through the body. Because of this, they also believe that many bothersome physical conditions are the result of hindrances to energy flow caused by the misplacement of organs. These beliefs led them to seek ways to redirect organ  location in order to alleviate physical problems.

In their search, they discovered massage techniques that were capable of doing just that; and for thousands of years the Maya's have been practicing this therapy, along with herbal treatments, to heal the physical burdens of their people. Dr. Rosita Arvigo, who sought to learn more about these skills, ended up interning with the last living Maya Practitioner and was so impressed with its effectiveness that she brought this knowledge back to the modern world and began teaching its theory.

Diana Sheldrick's Practice

As a registered Massage Therapist, Diana Sheldrick was no stranger to human anatomy, naprapathy, physiology, and natural healing practices; however, her current mission set forth when she completed one week intensive training in Arvigo (Maya Abdominal Therapy). Today, Diana runs a successful practice in which she uses Maya massage techniques to bring balance to the body by restoring the correct position of one's internal organs. Using non-invasive, massaging adjustments, Diana is able to readjust the position of internal tissues in order to improve numerous conditions, ranging from heartburn to cysts.

Some Common Ailments Relieved by Maya Abdominal Therapy

Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder
Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation
Bladder or yeast infections
Depression with menstruation
Ovarian cysts
Uterine fibroids
Pelvic congestion, pain
Early stages of prostate swelling
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Gastro Esophogeal Reflux (GERD)
Crohn's Disease
Digestive Disorders
Chronic indigestion or heartburn
Restricted breathing due to tension

What to Expect from Treatment

Despite that most people feel an affect after the first treatment, organ adjustment is a process that must be maintained in order to experience lasting results. Because of this, Diana recommends 3 to 4 treatments in the first week of therapy in order to ensure the effectiveness and proper movement. After that, treatment length typically depends on the number of years one has experienced the issue and the body's ability to preserve the organs proper position. In fact, Diana even teaches her clients how to perform small adjustment techniques at home to aid in the process and makes recommendations toward other beneficial lifestyle changes that will also help.

Despite that Maya Abdominal Therapy can involve maintenance in some instances, many clients feel a significant improvement immediately. By shifting organs back into place, Diana helps individuals to regain a state of homeostasis, improve the removal of toxins, and promote the transit of nutrients and oxygen throughout the system, which allows them to live a more healthful life. As the only practitioner of this kind in the Ottawa area, Diana's Maya Abdominal and Uterine Therapy clinic gets results that no one in the area can match.






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