
How to Pay Dues & Join the Forum

To Prospective JAHF Members:

Benefits of membership include access to the secure, password-protected section of this website and automatic enrollment in our closed email list, intended for the exclusive use of members of the Japan Art History Forum. You must join the Forum prior to sending and receiving messages from the list.

While we welcome occasional announcements of, for example, new publications and museum exhibitions of general interest to our group, our policy is to limit announcements of commercial gallery exhibitions, sales, or other professional and commercial services. If you have any question about the propriety of a possible posting to our email list, please refer to the "Using Our Email List" section of the secure, members only section of this website. If that page does not answer your question, please directly contact the President or another officer.


Annual JAHF membership dues are US$25.00, or US$10.00 if you are a student. We accept multiple year payments. Payment can be made with any major credit card through PAYPAL, using the "DONATE" button below:

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We are sorry, but JAHF is not able to accept cash or check payments.

If you wish to pay by electronic bank transfer to our U.S. bank
account, please contact the JAHF treasurer for instructions.
email: jahf.treasurer@gmail.com


Also please send LIST OWNER (owner.jahf@gmail.com) some basic information in the form of a self-introduction: Name, institutional affiliation and position (if any), address, telephone number, fax number, brief statement of areas of interest in Japanese art history, and current projects (if appropriate).

Unless you specifically request otherwise, this information will be shared with other JAHF members through the list. Please note that joining implies willingness to have at least your name and email address distributed internally to other members of the group. In addition, unless instructed otherwise, all information you provide will be posted on the secure (members only) section of our website. If you have a web site address we can link that to the web site info on you also.

Your name will be added immediately to the subscribers' list on a temporary basis, until your payment has been received. If you do not begin to receive mail from the JAHF-list within about a week of your initial reply to list owner (owner.jahf@gmail.com), please send a reminder message.

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