jane siberry

All animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and our other brothers and sisters live full, expanded lives in this universe. No cages, no pens, no messing with their diets, genes, hormones. No beaks are cut off. No young leaves its mother until the mother decides. Flocks of parrots fly from tree to tree, busy, living large. In return for us removing our arrogance from their flow, they are teaching us more and more. Allowing us to see their 'real' intelligence. Magic leans closer.

Jane is currently on tour until June. (USA and UK)
If you would like to be included in the routing and have a living room that would hold 20-30 Siberry appreciators, please see salon proposals.

Jane has a new recording ready to go. She is waiting until the universe brings forward the right people to send it into the world. The first three recordings of the 'Three Queens Trilogy' were released simply and quietly but this 'summary' recording wants it's own dressing room with a star on the door. Interested parties: info@sheeba.ca

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