
Pyramid Packages

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API Creation
Developer Tools
Khufu Project
Kotti Add-ons
Officially Endorsed
Template Adapters
Third-Party APIs
WSGI tools
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Pyramid Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Pyramid projects.

88 packages and counting!

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Package Categories

Add-Ons ( 61 )

Pyramid supports extensibility through add-ons.

Application Scaffolding ( 7 )

Development environments are packages which use Pyramid as a core, but offer alternate services and scaffolding. Each development environment presents a set of opinions and a "personality" to its users.

other ( 10 )

Anything else that doesn't fit into the other categories.

Projects ( 10 )

Working open-source examples of Pyramid projects. e.g. KARL Project

random 5

spacer 0usersptah
spacer 4userspyramid_beaker Beaker sessioning bindings for Pyramid
spacer 4userspyramid_mailer A package for sending email from your Pyramid application
spacer 0usersriotoustools
spacer 0userspyramid_xmlrpc XML-RPC helper code for the Pyramid web framework

Featured Package


How to get your Pyramid package featured here

Do you have a package that you'd like us to feature? Does it have tests? Are the docs on Read the Docs?

If so, tweet at @Open_Comparison with a link, and make sure the description field in your repo has been filled out.

Featured Grid

Khufu Project

The Khufu Project is the umbrella name of all components provided under name khufu_ running on the Pyramid web framework.

Packages: 9, Features: 0

How to get your Pyramid Packages grid featured here

Have you created a new and interesting grid?

Tweet at @Open_Comparison with a link. We'll consider featuring it.

latest 5

spacer 0userspyramid_amdjs
spacer 1userspyramid_persona
spacer 0usersAlmir (Bacula web interface)
spacer 1userskotti_sitemap A sitemap plugin for Kotti
spacer 1userskotti_image_gallery Add an image gallery to your Kotti site

Public Service Announcements

There are currently no announcements. To request a PSA, tweet at @Open_Comparison.

From the Official OpenComparison Blog

Our Django Book Has Launched!

The maintainers of Django Packages, Audrey and Daniel, wrote a book on Django! It's called Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.5, and you can buy it right now in e-book (PDF) form on the website:
Django, like any framework, has tips ...