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      Fully-functional Windows version

      started 767 votes  ·  30 comments

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        Sublime Text plugin

        under review 690 votes  ·  6 comments

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          Minification and Concatenation

          planned 162 votes  ·  0 comments

        • Post a new idea 

        Recently updated ideas

        • Support for working with remote servers

          planned Updated 03/20/13

        • Support Compass on Windows

          planned Updated 03/20/13

        • Allow a way to set defaults on new projects (e.g. SASS defaults to nested rather than compressed)

          under review Updated 03/20/13

        Knowledge Base

        1. Getting Started 

          1. How do I start using LiveReload?
          2. What's the status of LiveReload? (3.x, 2.x, support)
          3. What can LiveReload do?
          4. How do I choose the best integration method?
          5. How do I install and use the browser extensions?
          10 articles 
        2. Use Cases 

          1. Overview of remote workflows
          2. How do I use LiveReload on iPhone/iPad/Android/etc?
          3. How do I work with file: URLs?
          4. If you edit files directly on your server
          5. If you edit remote files using Open With in Transmit
          9 articles 
        3. Languages 

          1. Choosing a CSS preprocessor
          2. LESS
          3. SASS / Compass
          4. Stylus
        4. Frameworks 

          1. Django
          2. Does my framework have a LiveReload plugin?
          3. Drupal
          4. ExpressionEngine
          5. How to solve ZURB Foundation import error in SASS?
          9 articles 
        5. Editors 

          1. Coda 1
          2. Espresso
          3. SubEthaEdit
          4. Sublime Text 2
          5. TextMate
          6 articles 
        6. Other Features 

          1. Compilation
          2. Custom (post-)processing
          3. Using a custom Ruby installation
        7. Under the Hood 

          1. How does LiveReload talk to my browsers?
          2. Output path autodetection
        8. Limitations 

          1. 32-bit Mac support
          2. JavaScript libraries incompatible with LiveReload
          3. LiveReload has problems with SSL (https)
          4. Monitoring more than 100,000 files
        9. Troubleshooting 

          1. How do I troubleshoot LiveReload?
          2. Cannot buy/install from the Mac App Store
          3. Chrome: “Extensions, apps, and user scripts cannot be installed from this web site”
          4. Compass: Unicode problems
          5. Compass: “Nothing to compile”
          12 articles 
        10. Tips & Tricks 

          1. Handling vendor prefixes
          2. Hidden preferences
          3. Keyboard shortcuts
          4. Using custom compiler versions
          5. Using with a version control system (Git, SVN, Hg, etc)
        11. API 

          1. LiveReload Protocol
          2. LiveRel is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.