This site aggregates some content from Rosetta Code, which is a website that presents solutions to programming tasks in many different languages.

In particular, we focus on the CoffeeScript programming language. Most of the content here was originally posted on Rosetta Code, and this content remains licensed under the GNU Free Documentation Licence version 1.2.

You can see the code used for crawling Rosetta by following this link.

Be a contributor! You can enhance the Rosetta Code site by implementing new tasks for CoffeeScript.

If you enjoy this page, please tweet it and /cc @shizowell.

Example 1

24 game/Solve

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
# This program tries to find some way to turn four digits into an arithmetic
# expression that adds up to 24.  
# Example solution for 5, 7, 8, 8: 
#    (((8 + 7) * 8) / 5)
solve_24_game = (digits...) ->
  # Create an array of objects for our helper functions
  arr = for digit in digits
      val: digit
      expr: digit
  combo4 arr...
combo4 = (a, b, c, d) ->
  arr = [a, b, c, d]
  # Reduce this to a three-node problem by combining two
  # nodes from the array.
  permutations = [
    [0, 1, 2, 3]
    [0, 2, 1, 3]
    [0, 3, 1, 2]
    [1, 2, 0, 3]
    [1, 3, 0, 2]
    [2, 3, 0, 1]
  for permutation in permutations
    [i, j, k, m] = permutation
    for combo in combos arr[i], arr[j]
      answer = combo3 combo, arr[k], arr[m]  
      return answer if answer
combo3 = (a, b, c) ->
  arr = [a, b, c]
  permutations = [
    [0, 1, 2]
    [0, 2, 1]
    [1, 2, 0]
  for permutation in permutations
    [i, j, k] = permutation
    for combo in combos arr[i], arr[j]
      answer = combo2 combo, arr[k]
      return answer if answer
combo2 = (a, b) ->
  for combo in combos a, b
    return combo.expr if combo.val == 24
combos = (a, b) ->
    val: a.val + b.val
    expr: "(#{a.expr} + #{b.expr})"
    val: a.val * b.val
    expr: "(#{a.expr} * #{b.expr})"
    val: a.val - b.val
    expr: "(#{a.expr} - #{b.expr})"
    val: b.val - a.val
    expr: "(#{b.expr} - #{a.expr})"
    val: a.val / b.val
    expr: "(#{a.expr} / #{b.expr})"
    val: b.val / a.val
    expr: "(#{b.expr} / #{a.expr})"
# test
do ->
  rand_digit = -> 1 + Math.floor (9 * Math.random())
  for i in [1..15]
    a = rand_digit()
    b = rand_digit()
    c = rand_digit()
    d = rand_digit()
    solution = solve_24_game a, b, c, d
    console.log "Solution for #{[a,b,c,d]}: #{solution ? 'no solution'}"

Example 2

Accumulator factory

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
accumulator = (sum) ->
  (n) -> sum += n
f = accumulator(1)
console.log f(5)
console.log f(2.3)

Example 3

Ackermann function

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
ackermann = (m, n) ->
  if m is 0 then n + 1
  else if m > 0 and n is 0 then ackermann m - 1, 1
  else ackermann m - 1, ackermann m, n - 1

Example 4

Add a variable to a class instance at runtime

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
# CoffeeScript is dynamic, just like the Javascript it compiles to.
# You can dynamically add attributes to objects.
# First create an object very simply.
e = {} = "bar"
e.yo = -> "baz"
console.log, e.yo()
# CS also has class syntax to instantiate objects, the details of which
# aren't shown here.  The mechanism to add members is the same, though.
class Empty
  # empty class
e = new Empty() = "bar"
e.yo = -> "baz"
console.log, e.yo()

Example 5

Align columns

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
pad = (n) ->
  s = ''
  while n > 0
    s += ' '
    n -= 1
align = (input, alignment = 'center') ->
  tokenized_lines = (line.split '$' for line in input)
  col_widths = {}
  for line in tokenized_lines
    for token, i in line
      if !col_widths[i]? or token.length > col_widths[i]
        col_widths[i] = token.length
  padders =
    center: (s, width) ->
      excess = width - s.length
      left = Math.floor excess / 2
      right = excess - left
      pad(left) + s + pad(right)
    right: (s, width) ->
      excess = width - s.length
      pad(excess) + s
    left: (s, width) ->
      excess = width - s.length
      s + pad(excess)
  padder = padders[alignment]
  for line in tokenized_lines
    padded_tokens = (padder(token, col_widths[i]) for token, i in line)
    console.log padded_tokens.join ' '
input = [ 
for alignment in ['center', 'right', 'left']
  console.log "\n----- #{alignment}"
  align input, alignment

Example 6


CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
Example 1
http = require 'http'
show_large_anagram_sets = (word_lst) ->
  anagrams = {}
  max_size = 0
  for word in word_lst
    key = word.split('').sort().join('')
    anagrams[key] ?= []
    anagrams[key].push word
    size = anagrams[key].length
    max_size = size if size > max_size
  for key, variations of anagrams
    if variations.length == max_size
      console.log variations.join ' '
get_word_list = (process) ->
  options =
    host: ""
    path: "/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"
  req = http.request options, (res) ->
    s = ''
    res.on 'data', (chunk) ->
      s += chunk
    res.on 'end', ->
      process s.split '\n'
get_word_list show_large_anagram_sets
Example 2
> coffee 
[ 'abel', 'able', 'bale', 'bela', 'elba' ]
[ 'alger', 'glare', 'lager', 'large', 'regal' ]
[ 'angel', 'angle', 'galen', 'glean', 'lange' ]
[ 'caret', 'carte', 'cater', 'crate', 'trace' ]
[ 'elan', 'lane', 'lean', 'lena', 'neal' ]
[ 'evil', 'levi', 'live', 'veil', 'vile' ]

Example 7

Anagrams/Deranged anagrams

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
http = require 'http'
is_derangement = (word1, word2) ->
  for c, i in word1
    return false if c == word2[i]
show_longest_derangement = (word_lst) ->
  anagrams = {}
  max_len = 0
  for word in word_lst
    continue if word.length < max_len
    key = word.split('').sort().join('')
    if anagrams[key]
      for prior in anagrams[key]
        if is_derangement(prior, word)
          max_len = word.length
          result = [prior, word]
      anagrams[key] = []
    anagrams[key].push word
  console.log "Longest derangement: #{result.join ' '}"
get_word_list = (process) ->
  options =
    host: ""
    path: "/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"
  req = http.request options, (res) ->
    s = ''
    res.on 'data', (chunk) ->
      s += chunk
    res.on 'end', ->
      process s.split '\n'
get_word_list show_longest_derangement

Example 8

Anonymous recursion

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
# This is a rather obscure technique to have an anonymous
# function call itself.
fibonacci = (n) ->
  throw "Argument cannot be negative" if n < 0
  do (n) ->
      return n if n <= 1
      arguments.callee(n-2) + arguments.callee(n-1)
# Since it's pretty lightweight to assign an anonymous
# function to a local variable, the idiom below might be
# more preferred.
fibonacci2 = (n) ->
  throw "Argument cannot be negative" if n < 0
  recurse = (n) ->
      return n if n <= 1
      recurse(n-2) + recurse(n-1)

Example 9

Apply a callback to an array

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
map = (arr, f) -> (f(e) for e in arr)
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
f = (x) -> x * x
console.log map arr, f # prints [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

Example 10


CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
# create an immutable Complex type
class Complex
  constructor: (@r=0, @i=0) ->
    @magnitude = @r*@r + @i*@i
  plus: (c2) ->
    new Complex(
      @r + c2.r,
      @i + c2.i
  times: (c2) ->
    new Complex(
      @r*c2.r - @i*c2.i,
      @r*c2.i + @i*c2.r
  negation: ->
    new Complex(
      -1 * @r,
      -1 * @i
  inverse: ->
    throw Error "no inverse" if @magnitude is 0
    new Complex(
      @r / @magnitude,
      -1 * @i / @magnitude
  toString: ->
    return "#{@r}" if @i == 0
    return "#{@i}i" if @r == 0
    if @i > 0
      "#{@r} + #{@i}i"
      "#{@r} - #{-1 * @i}i"
# test
do ->
  a = new Complex(5, 3)
  b = new Complex(4, -3)
  sum = b
  console.log "(#{a}) + (#{b}) = #{sum}"
  product = a.times b
  console.log "(#{a}) * (#{b}) = #{product}"
  negation = b.negation()
  console.log "-1 * (#{b}) = #{negation}"
  diff = negation
  console.log "(#{a}) - (#{b}) = #{diff}"
  inverse = b.inverse()
  console.log "1 / (#{b}) = #{inverse}"
  quotient = product.times inverse
  console.log "(#{product}) / (#{b}) = #{quotient}"

Example 11

Array concatenation

CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
# like in JavaScript
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [4, 5, 6]
c = a.concat b

Example 12


CoffeeScript section on Rosetta Code
(local link)
array1 = []
array1[0] = "Dillenidae"
array1[1] = "animus"
array1[2] = "Kona& is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.