
Elegant Lua unit testing.

  • Overview
  • Usage
  • Defining Tests
  • Asserts
  • Spies, Stubs & Mocks
  • Private
  • Output Types
  • i18n
  • Contributing

What's busted, precious?

busted is a unit testing framework with a focus on being easy to use.

busted test specs read naturally without being too verbose. You can even chain asserts and negations, such as assert.not.equals. Nest blocks of tests with contextual descriptions using describe, and add tags to blocks so you can run arbitrary groups of tests.

An extensible assert library allows you to extend and craft your own assert functions specific to your case with method chaining. A modular output library lets you add on your own output format, along with the default pretty and plain terminal output, JSON with and without streaming, and TAP-compatible output that allows you to run busted specs within most CI servers. You can even register phrases for internationaliation with custom or built-in language packs.

describe("Busted unit testing framework", function()
  describe("should be awesome", function()
    it("should be easy to use", function()

    it("should have lots of features", function()
      -- deep check comparisons!
      assert.are.same({ table = "great"}, { table = "great" })

      -- or check by reference!
      assert.are_not.equal({ table = "great"}, { table = "great"})

      assert.truthy("this is a string") -- truthy: not false or nil

      assert.True(1 == 1)
      assert.is_true(1 == 1)

      assert.has_error(function() error("Wat") end, "Wat")

    it("should provide some shortcuts to common functions", function()
      assert.are.unique({{ thing = 1 }, { thing = 2 }, { thing = 3 }})

    it("should have mocks and spies for functional tests", function()
      local thing = require("thing_module")
      spy.spy_on(thing, "greet")

busted test.lua


busted provides an easy cli with several options.

CLI: Running Busted

Usage: busted [OPTIONS]  [ROOT]
  ROOT                  test script file/folder. Folders will be
                        traversed for any file that matches the
                        --pattern option. (optional, default: spec)

  --version             prints the program's version and exits
  --help                prints the program's commands
  -o, --output=LIBRARY  output library to load (default: utf_terminal)
  -l, --lua=luajit      path to the execution environment (lua or
                        luajit) (default: )
  -d, --cwd=cwd         path to current working directory (default: )
  -p, --pattern=pattern only run test files matching this pattern
                        (default: _spec.lua$)
  -t, --tags=tags       only run tests with these #tags (default: )
  -m, --lpath=path      optional path to be prefixed to the Lua module
                        search path (default:
  --lang=LANG           language for error messages (default: en)
  -c, --coverage        do code coverage analysis (requires 'LuaCov' to
                        be installed)
  -v, --verbose         verbose output of errors
  -s, --enable-sound    executes 'say' command if available
  --suppress-pending    suppress 'pending' test output
  --defer-print         defer print to when test suite is complete

Predefined Busted Tasks

Busted 1.6 added a concept of "tasks", or predefined busted configuration options. You can create a .busted file in the root, which is automatically loaded if it exists. Default options are run if no task is specified. you can add any argument available in the CLI (listed above), using the long name. (Use verbose = true, not v = true.) Any arguments you specify will override those set in the task. An example .busted file might look like:

return {
  default = {
    verbose = true
  apiUnit = {
    tags = "api",
    ROOT = "spec/unit"
    verbose = true

This allows you to run busted --run=apiUnit, which will run the equivalent of busted --tags=api --verbose spec/unit. If you only run busted, it will run the equivilant of busted --verbose.

Defining Tests

Set up your tests using describe and it blocks. These take a description (to be used for output) and a callback (which either defines more blocks or contains the tests themselves. Describe blocks can have more decribe blocks nested. You can also use the functions before_each and after_each to define functions that should be run before any nested tests, and setup and teardown for funcitons that should be run before and after the entire block.

You can also use the pending method to leave a placerholder for a test you plan on writing later.

Tag your tests with #hashtags to run specific tests. When you run busted from the command line, add the -t flag to run a given tag. Seperate tags by commas to run more than one tag.

Describe: Context blocks

Describe takes a title and a callback, and can be nested.

describe("a test", function()
  -- tests go here

describe("a nested block", function()
  describe("can have many describes", function()
    -- tests

  -- more tests pertaining to the top level

Describe: Tagging Tests

Tag tests using #tags, and run using the -t flag to only run that test.

describe("a test #tag", function()
  -- tests go here

describe("a nested block #another", function()
  describe("can have many describes", function()
    -- tests

  -- more tests pertaining to the top level
busted ./test.lua -t="tag"

This runs the first group of tests, but not the second.

busted ./test.lua -t="tag,another"

This runs both groups.

It: Defining tests

it blocks takes a title and a callback. Tests fail if an uncaptured error is thrown (assert functions throw errors for failed tests.)

describe("busted", function()
  it("has tests", function()
    local obj1 = { test = "yes" }
    local obj2 = { test = "yes" }
    assert.same(obj1, obj2)

Before Each & After Each; Setup & Teardown

before_each runs before each child test, and after_each (you guessed it) runs after. setup runs before the entire block, and teardown runs after the block.

describe("busted", function()
  local obj1, obj2
  local util

    util = require("util")

    util = nil

    obj1 = { test = "yes" }
    obj2 = { test = "yes" }

  it("sets up vars with the before_each", function()
    obj2 = { test = "no" }
    assert.are_not.same(obj1, obj2)

  it("sets up vars with the before_each", function()
    -- obj2 is reset thanks to the before_each
    assert.same(obj1, obj2)

  describe("nested", function()
    it("also runs the before_each here", function()
      -- if this describe also had a before_each, it would run
      -- both, starting with the parents'. You can go n-deep.


Pending functions are placeholders for tests you plan to write (or fix) later.

describe("busted pending tests", function()
  pending("I should finish this test later", function() end)


Asserts are the core of busted- they're what you use to actually write your tests. Asserts in busted work by chaining a mod value by using is or is_not, followed by the assert you wish to use. It's easy to extend busted and add your own asserts by building an assert with a commmon signature and registering it.

Busted uses the luassert library to provide the assertions. Note that some of the assertion/modifiers are Lua keywords ( true, false, nil, function, and not) and they cannot be used using '.' chaining because that results in compilation errors. Instead chain using '_' (underscore) or use one or more capitals in the reserved word, whatever your coding style prefers

Is & Is Not

is and is_not flips the expected value of the assertion; if is_not is used, the assertion fails if it doesn't throw an error. are, are_not, has_no, was, and, was_not are aliased as well to appease your grammar sensibilities. is and its aliases are always optional.

describe("some assertions", function()
  it("tests positive assertions", function()
    assert.is_true(true)  -- Lua keyword chained with _
    assert.True(true)     -- Lua keyword using a capital
    assert.are.equal(1, 1)
    assert.has.errors(function() error("this should fail") end)

  it("tests negative assertions", function()
    assert.are_not.equals(1, "1")
    assert.has_no.errors(function() end)


Equals takes 1-n arguments and checks if they are the same instance. This is equivalent to calling object1 == object2.

describe("some asserts", function()
  it("checks if they're equals", function()
    local obj = 1
    local obj2 = obj

    assert.are.equals(obj, obj2)


Same takes 1-n arguments and checks if they are they are similar by doing a deep compare.

describe("some asserts", function()
  it("checks if they're the same", function()
    local obj = { name = "Jack" }
    local obj2 = { name = "Jack" }

    assert.are.same(obj, obj2)

True & Truthy; False & Falsy

true evaluates if the value is the boolean true; truthy checks if it's non-false and non-nil (as if you passed it into a boolean expression in lua. false and falsy are the opposite; false checks for the boolean false, falsy checks for false or nil.

describe("some asserts", function()
  it("checks true", function()

  it("checks false", function()


Makes sure an error exception is fired that you expect.

describe("some asserts", function()
  it("should throw an error", function()
    assert.has_error(function() error("Yup,  it errored") end)
    assert.has_no.errors(function() end)

  it("should throw the error we expect", function()
    local errfn = function()
      throw("DB CONN ERROR")

    assert.has_error(errfn, "DB CONN ERROR")

Extending Your Own Assertions

Add in your own assertions to reuse commonly written code. You can register error message keys for both positive (is and negative (is_not) cases for multilingual compatibility as well ("en" by default.)

local s = require("say")

local function has_property(state, arguments)
  local has_key = false

  if not type(arguments[1]) == "table" or #arguments ~= 2 then
    return false

  for key, value in pairs(arguments[1]) do
    if key == arguments[2] then
      has_key = true

  # state.mod holds true or false, which is true normally, or false if we
  # are negating the assertion by using is_not or one of its aliases.

  return state.mod == has_key

s:set("en", "assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s")
s:set("en", "assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s")
assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive", "assertion.has_property.negative")

describe("my table", function()
  it("has a name property", function()
    assert.has_property({ name = "Jack" }, "name")

Spies, Stubs, & Mocks

Spies are essentially wrappers around functions that keep track of data about how the function was called, and by default calls the function. Stubs are the same as spies, except they return immediately without calling the function. mock(table, stub) returns a table whose functions have been wrapped in spies or stubs.


Spies contain two methods: on and new. spy.on(table, method_name) does an in-place replacement of a table's method, and when the original method is called, it registers what it was called with and then calls the original function.

describe("spies", function()
  it("registers a new spy as a callback", function()
    local s = spy.new(function() end)

    s(1, 2, 3)
    s(4, 5, 6)

    assert.spy(s).was.called(2) -- twice!
    assert.spy(s).was.called_with(1, 2, 3) -- checks the history

  it("replaces an original function", function()
    local t = {
      greet = function(msg) print(msg) end

    local s = spy.on(t, "greet")

    t.greet("Hey!") -- prints 'Hey!'

    t.greet:revert()  -- reverts the stub
    t.greet("Hello!") -- prints 'Hello!', will not pass through the spy


Stubs act similarly to spies, except they do not call the callback of the function it replaces. This is useful for testing things like data layers.

describe("stubs", function()
  it("replaces an original function", function()
    local t = {
      greet = function(msg) print(msg) end

    stub(t, "greet")

    t.greet("Hey!") -- DOES NOT print 'Hey!'

    t.greet:revert()  -- reverts the stub
    t.greet("Hey!") -- DOES print 'Hey!'


Mocks are tables whose functions have been wrapped in spies, or optionally stubs. This is useful for checking execution chains. Wrapping is recursive, so wrapping functions in sub-tables as well.

describe("mocks", function()
  it("replaces a table with spies", function()
    local t = {
      thing = function(msg) print(msg) end

    local m = mock(t)


  it("replaces a table with stubs", function()
    local t = {
      thing = function(msg) print(msg) end

    local m = mock(t, true) -- will not print



Before Busted executes any tests it will define a global _TEST that can be used to expose private elements only in case of testing.

-- a new module with private elements to be tested
local mymodule = {}
local private_element = {"this", "is", "private"}

function mymodule:display()
  print(string.concat(private_element, " "))

-- export locals for test
if _TEST then
  -- setup test alias for private elements using a modified name
  mymodule._private_element = private_element

return mymodule

In the test specs it can be tested;

local mymodule = require("mymodule")

describe("Going to test a private element", function()

  it("tests the length of the table", function()
    assert.is.equal(#mymodule._private_element, 3)


Output Types

Busted supports several output types by default, and it's easy to extend busted to include your own output types.

UTF and Coloring: Pretty Terminal Output with utf_terminal

Uses ansicolors and utf to display a concise but informative output.


Clean output with plain_terminal

Uses safe characters and no coloring.


JSON for integration with json output

Useful for streaming or loading all results at once with the --defer-print flag.


TAP for use with CI systems

TAP is an agnostic protocol used by most automated testing suites.


Registering Your Own Output Type

If you pass the -o flag a path instead of a name (such as in busted spec -o thing.lua, it will look in that path to load the output file. Check out the existing output files for examples. It should have a signature like:

-- custom_output.lua

local output = function()
  return {
    header = function(context_tree)
      -- return if you want to write something specific at the top of the output

    footer = function(context_tree)
      --  return if you want to write something specific at the bottom of the output

    formatted_status = function(statuses, options, ms)
      -- displays at the end of the test. options contains options passed
      -- into the busted CLI, and ms is the ms spent running the tests.
      -- statuses is a list of test statuses after being run. You usually
      -- only return if options.defer_print.

    currently_executing = function(test_status, options)
      -- Fired off if options.defer_print is not true. You probably want to
      -- io.write() a status and then io.flush() to write it to output.

return output


Busted supports English (en), Arabic (ar), French (fr), Dutch (nl), Russian (ru), and Ukranian (ua) by default. Check out the existing language packs and send in a pull request.

Busted supports adding in new languages easily. Pass a --lang parameter to choose one of the built-in languages, or a path to a lua file to run containing your own language. Don't forget to submit languages in pull requests as you make them! Check out the existing language packs to see a template for what you should replace. Copy any of the existing files. It uses the say string key/value store for registration.

Examples: busted spec --lang=ar or busted spec --lang=se.lua


You can help! It's as easy as submitting a suggestion or issue, or check out the code for yourself and submit your changes in a pull request. We could especially use help with translations - check out the src/languages folder in busted and luassert to see if you can help.


  • DorianGray
  • ajacksified
  • Tieske
  • a-b
  • Yonaba
  • nilnor
  • kikito
  • faulkner

And many thanks to the libraries that help make busted possible!

gipoco.com is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.