Tag Archives: opencv

spacer Blog post By Tobias Nilsson

Get started with OpenCV on Android™ [tutorial + code example]

As our smartphones become more powerful, they can do more advanced things that previously required a high-end PC. One way to make use of the robust processing power of your smartphone is Computer Vision, which basically lets you use the powerful CPU in modern smartphones to interpret the images captured through the camera. The best approach to using Computer Vision on Android is through library called OpenCV. Check out our new Open CV tutorial where Erik Hellman, research engineer at Sony, explains more.

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Keywords: Android, developers, Erik Hellman, opencv
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spacer Tutorials By Erik Hellman

Get started with OpenCV on Android™

As our smartphones become more powerful, we can do more advanced things that previously required a high-end PC. One way to make use of the robust processing power of your smartphone is Computer Vision – the ability for a device to acquire, process, analyse and understand images the same way images are perceived by human eyes. Basically, we can use the powerful CPU in modern smartphones to interpret the images captured through the camera. Examples of use cases are face detection and recognition or simple post-processing of photographs. The best approach to using Computer Vision on Android is through library called OpenCV. Read on as Erik Hellman, research engineer at Sony, explains more.

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Keywords: Android, developers, Erik Hellman, opencv