
Use All Five is an intimate team of exacting creative professionals.
They provide top-shelf design and development services from
their sun-drenched headquarters in Venice, California.

Use All Five was founded in 2006 by Levi Brooks and Jason Farrell immediately after finishing the Design Media Arts program at UCLA. The program has a heavy emphasis on Design and Interactive Programming, which is the fundamental core of the work at Use All Five. Since then, Use All Five has expanded to include many talented designers and developers.

Levi Brooks

Levi is Use All Five’s U.I./U.X. designer, content creator, and SEO guru. He’s either getting his hands dirty in some HTML and CSS, feeding the caffeine monster, blocking the aisles of bookstores, or double dribbling on the blacktop. Sometimes he plays soccer, because even hands need a vacation.

Jason Farrell

Jason is UA5’s heavy-graphics programmer, typographic taste-maker, 3D ace, PHP pro, and general problem solver. Jason loves contemporary art, politics, and barbecue, three things that don’t mix well. Most importantly, he has a midnight-coated pug named Lucas and you can’t pet him.

J.J. Kaye

As UA5’s front-end designer, JavaScript jockey, and CSS/HTML elder, J.J.’s staggering collection of finely pressed gallery books is frequently neglected. His numerous athletic achievements are thoroughly documented on formal complaints and police reports, all of which add street cred to the punk band he never started.

Matt Farmer

Matt Farmer is UA5's head of tech and Symfony slayer. He sprouted from the wilds outside Boston, then uprooted himself to chase code. He's worked from windowless offices, the bear-infested wilderness, and your mom's house. He stubbornly insists on coding sites in VI, a text editor older than him. Matt regularly bikes the distance to the moon and back, and his thighs are denser than a collapsing star.