
Idinvest Partners

Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European mid-market private equity firm. With €3Bn under management, Idinvest Partners is active across different segments, including direct investments (growth equity, venture capital, and LBO), mezzanine, secondary transactions and primary commitments to funds.
Founded in 1997 as AGF Private Equity, Idinvest Partners was a subsidiary of Allianz until May 2010, when it became independent. With the support of Idinvest Partners, many companies have been able to grow and succeed globally. Recent success stories include Converteam (sold to General Electric), Zealand Pharmaceuticals (IPO on NASDAQ OMX) or Dailymotion (sold to Orange).



IT-Translation is an innovative fund conceived to add value to research studies in the Information and Communication Technologies. The aim of the venture capital company founded by INRIA and CDC Entreprises (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation, a French bank) is to invest in startups with seed capital and back them during the first years. IT-Translation focuses on the researcher-entrepreneurs who are looking for investments to seed their technology company.