
Emergent Chaos is a group blog on security, privacy, liberty, and economics. We declared ourselves the Emergent Chaos jazz combo here.

We’ve gotten a bunch of awards over the years, including “The Industry Standard’s Top 25 B-to-Z list blogs.

Adam Shostack is bandleader, and founded the blog. His homepage is here. He’s also the co-author of The New School of Information Security.

Chris Walsh is longtime contributor, and motivated us to turn into a combo,

Arthur’s bio is too long to fit in the margin of this page.

Mordaxus is a sharp-tongued Valley technologist who got into security when it became trendy. He’s been there since.

When speaking here, we speak for the President of the United States more often than we speak for our employers. We speak for each other only when we say so. You can speak to us by mailing bloggername@emergentchaos.com

The image in our header is a cropped version of an untitled Creative commons licensed image by Dave Mathis. The original is here.