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5 Game-Changing Project Management Tools

Posted October 1, 2009 in Productivity, Tools/Resources


spacer Project management tools and applications are incredibly valuable to web-workers. Tracking time, tasks, people, and everything else is difficult, and the right project management tool can make all of the difference.

It’s been several years since the first web-based project management software debuted, and some of the best systems have gone on to become incredibly popular (I’m looking at you, basecamp). Some newer systems, like ActiveCollab and 5pm, have also joined the party and carved out their own segment of the market.

The market is still young, however, and new software and apps are emerging at a rapid pace. This new segment of applications is we’re going to look at today and, more specifically, we’ll be looking at some project management applications that are doing things differently.

In the ongoing quest for the perfect project management system, here are five tools that are changing the game:

1. OpenGoo

OpenGoo describes themselves as an easy to use web office that’s focused on productivity, collaboration, communication, and team management. All in all, I think that’s a very good description. The OpenGoo office was created by FengOffice and the open source community, and has actually been in the market for quite some time — only recently, however, have they been gaining significant traction.

OpenGoo is a very feature-rich productivity system, and in many cases would be too much for a freelancer or solo-preneur. If you work with a number of people though, this could be a great solution.

Why This is Game-Changing: I would consider OpenGoo a game-changing productivity tool for one primary reason — it is an open source system that is both very functional and easy to use. Many open source project management systems (like ProjectPier) are difficult, lacking in features, and lacking in support. OpenGoo has been getting very regular updates, bug fixes, and new features. In addition, the system is very robust and very well styled. Overall, it is a pleasure to use and it’s free.

Visit the OpenGoo website, or try the demo.


SUBERNOVA describes themselves as ‘project management for rockstar freelancers’. Their system handles many of the things that freelancers and web-workers require, such as invoicing, project management, and contact management — all of which is done can be done through a sleek web interface, and adobe AIR app, or an iPhone app. You can demo the system free for 30 days, and after that it costs only $5.99 to upgrade to the full version.

Why This is Game-Changing: SUBERNOVA is a game changer for a number of reasons. The fact that the application is available on three different platforms (web, desktop, and mobile) is a strong push towards complete integration — the industry will be heading further and further in this direction. They also fall into the category of “one app to rule them all”, similar to WorkETC below. Between these two facts, and the low cost of $5.99, I think SUBERNOVA is going to be a big player in the future.

Visit the SUBERNOVA website.

3. Projectivity

Projectivity is another open source project management system that you would download and install on your own server. They offer a combination of tools including portfolio management, project management, knowledge management, and collaboration.

Projectivity is very powerful platform with an interface that is both beautiful and easy to use. Setup is somewhat difficult if you aren’t a tech-geek, but it is certainly possible for the average freelancer with a little help here and there.

Why This is Game-Changing: Like OpenGoo, Projectivity is a game-changing piece of open-source software. Finding free software that is as mature and fully-featured as this is very difficult, and the fact that it has a great user interface and is easy to use is just icing on the cake.

Visit the Projectivity website, or try the demo.

4. WorkETC

WorkETC is a productivity tool that wants to handle your entire business in one place. They combine project management, CRM, time tracking, invoicing, and a lot more all under one roof. The software is a hosted solution with a starting cost of $29.95/month for their “freelancer” plan.

I’ve been following WorkETC for a few years now as they have developed from a complete underdog into a successful company, and I can say that the progress I’ve seen is amazing.

Why This is Game-Changing: If you’re anything like most freelancers or web-workers, you’ve probably got subscriptions to at least 3 different hosted software systems. WorkETC is a very promising company that is doing no less than going for the holy-grail of online software — the do it all application. It’s a tough goal, but after watching all of their progress I think they are well on their way.

Visit the WorkETC website.

5. Daylite

Daylite is a mac-centric productivity app that is quickly becoming very popular among designers and other freelancers. In stereotypical macintosh fashion, Daylite is very pretty and very easy to use. It is also very comprehensive in its feature set — including things like scheduling, project and task management, mail integration, and more.

Another important feature of Daylite is its mobile integration — specifically with the iPhone. For most of us, project management is not limited to the office, and so this mobile interface is a welcome addition.

Why This is Game-Changing: Daylite is a very different project management tool for two reasons, in my opinion. First, it is downloadable mac-only software. Despite all of the existing tools and software, this is one category that is rather empty. Mac-only productivity tools have almost exclusively focused on consumers, but Daylite is decidedly business oriented. The second reason that Daylite is a game changer is because of its mobile integration. We’re just starting to see mobile + desktop project management apps surface, and you can bet that this trend will be continuing into the future.

Visit the Daylite website.

What’s your opinion?

Project management is often a very personal thing for freelancers and web-workers. Some people like big systems, others like smaller ones. Some people prefer web-apps, others one-time-purchases.

What’s your opinion on these 5 apps — do you agree that they are game-changers? Are there others that you would recommend?

If you’re looking for some more information about the topic, check out this open thread to see how other freelancers are handling project management, and take a look at this list for the top 5 web-app combos for running an online business.

Related posts:

  1. 4 Game-Changing Things To Do With Your Business In January
  2. Open Thread: What Project Management Software Do You Use?
  3. Simple Time Management Tools Are Best
  4. Freelance Web Designer Tools And Productivity Management
  5. 15 Useful Twitter Tools For Web Workers


About the author: Mason Hipp is a designer, entrepreneur, and writer. He is co-author of the Book The Unlimited Freelancer, and has just recently launched a collection of premium graphic resources for web designers called MediaLoot. Follow him on twitter @MasonHipp

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  • spacer
    October 1st, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    For technology projects, consider It let’s you build your own workspace and then connect it all together on a cloud platform.

  • spacer
    October 1st, 2009 at 5:33 pm

    Nice five starts :) Subernova looks good.

    For web based project management suggest tools from 5PMweb –
    Simple, productive, easy and cheaper. A lot of great tools with intuitive interface.

  • spacer
    Luke Jones
    October 1st, 2009 at 6:37 pm

    I’m gutted, there aren’t many options for Windows computers, I’m looking for a piece of software that’s constantly running so I can manage everything properly.

  • spacer
    Mason Hipp
    October 1st, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    @Luke — Have you looked at Subernova? They have an adobe air desktop app that works well on Windows, and it synchronizes with the web-based and mobile versions of the app too.

  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 3:41 am

    Nice Post !
    I am looking more post from you.
    nice work!

  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 4:22 am

    Informative post Mason, and i really believe that most of the freelancers should use one or another web based PM solution, that is easy to use but yet powerful, I suggest to take a look at our tool

  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 4:46 am

    Great List. I use Freelance Total which is kind of like WorkETC in that it does everything, but is $5 rather than $30

  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 6:31 am

    I’m just now install the 1st one : OpenGoo. and after use this and others i’m answer you for the good one from this :). because i’m work with manuelly project mangamenet and don’t use any software but now i’m use openGoo .


  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 6:40 am

    hmm…Supernova sounds interesting. Can it be used on a windows computer? I also can’t get the “sign up” -section on the supernova page to work……is it only to be used on a Mac or something…? :)

  • spacer
    October 2nd, 2009 at 7:16 am

    Hi guys, we have a number of users reporting problems with the signup forms, we are also getting signups flowing in at the same time. If you have problems signing up just send an email to hello[at] and we’ll setup an account for you in a jiffy. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.