Urgent ELP Updates

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Hi there. Thanks for joining the international Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network e-mail list. As you are hopefully aware, ELP is a small prisoner support network that encourages people to write letters of support to jailed environmental and animal rights activists. By joining this list you will receive a regular bimonthly newsletter called Spirit of Freedom, which lists all the addresses of all the eco-prisoners ELP knows about. You will also receive, on an irregular basis, our Urgent ELP! Bulletins which will give you the names & contact details of any new prisoner ELP hears about just as soon as we've heard ourselves.

If you have not written to a prisoner before and are uncertain what to write, please contact one of the ELP volunteers and we will happily give you advice on how to start a letter to a prisoner. Likewise if you have been arrested and are facing imprisonment yourself or have a friend or family member who is imprisoned and would like support & advice again please do get in contact.

Thank you for supporting the prisoners.

ELP Support Network

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