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Issue #5

“On my 93rd birthday I became aquatic, to the fury of my ex-wife and the Catholic Church.” – Nick Harkaway



Nick Harkaway’s First Sentence: Nick Harkaway is the author of Angelmaker, The Gone-Away World, and The Blind Giant: Being Human in a Digital World.


Tim Maughan’s #Burgerpunk: Originally the opening to the story ‘Flight Path Estate’ (published in the first issue of Adventure Rocketship!), this textual chunk was cut due to word count restrictions. The author sees it now as part of separate, never to be written story.


Kio Stark’s Pretend You Can Hear Me: A naked man in a bathtub gave the author the idea for this story. Apparently bathtubs and naked men lead to taxonomy problems. If it looks like a poem, it probably isn’t. If it doesn’t look like a short story, it probably is. The author gets the feeling nobody’s going to buy this explanation.


Jacob Silverman’s The Phage: Was found under a bridge crossing the Meuse in Rotterdam. An approach was attempted but rebuffed – clawed hands slashed indiscriminately. A few patient weeks, greased by cream puffs and a new jacket, and this orphan was coaxed into appearing here – a presence that, the author has been told repeatedly, remains reluctant and contingent.


Ian Sales’ The Incurable Irony of The Man Who Rode The Rocket Sled: Originally written for a railway-themed anthology, the link proved too tenuous. With footnotes, no plot, and genre content visible, yet near microscopic, the usual SF markets seemed unlikely homes.


 John Coulthart’s Babalon. John’s first public illustration work was for the Hawkwind album Church of Hawkwind in 1982. In the 1990s he produced the Lord Horror series Reverbstorm with David Britton for Savoy Books, and his Hard Cord Horror 5 was declared obscene in a British court of law. The definitive edition of his The Haunter of the Dark and Other Grotesque Visions, a collaboration with Alan Moore, was published in 2006. In 2012 he was voted Best Artist in the World Fantasy Awards. is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.