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Swiss Go Association

spacer Schweizer Go Verband - Fédération Suisse de Go - Federazione Svizzera di Go spacer
spacer This is the homepage of the Swiss Go Association. Go 囲碁 is an asiatic board game. In Korea the game is called baduk 바둑, in China weiqi 圍棋. For more information about this game take a look at our Info Page. spacer


Jubiläum: 15. Winterthurer Samstagsturnier

spacer Jubiläum: Bereits zum 15. Mal durfte Winterthur zu einem eintägigen Turnier einladen. Zwanzig Personen fanden sich in der "alten Kaserne" in Winterthur ein, um vier Runden Go zu spielen.
Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben durfte ich selbst eine Partie mit einer 3 Dan Profi-Spielerin (3p) spielen.
Außerordentlich hatten wir nämlich dieses Jahr Besuch von Hajin Lee (3p), der Sekretärin des internationalen Go-Verbandes. Wer seine Partien in den Pausen analysiert haben wollte, war bei ihr in den besten Händen.
Die Getränke wurden wie immer vom Go-Club Winterthur zur Verfügung gestellt, sodass der Kreislauf während den anstrengenden Partien auch auf seine Kosten kam. Fotos, EGD.
philipp gressly freimann für den Go-Club Winterthur

Coupe Patrice Gosteli 2014

spacer Le temps était idéal ce week-end à la Chaux-de-Fonds à l’occasion de la Coupe Patrice Gosteli. Les participants ont ainsi eu la chance de pouvoir jouer dehors, ce dont ils ne se sont pas privés ! La victoire est logiquement revenue à Lorenz, qui a signé un joli 5/5 après une dernière partie haletante, qui a vu Félicien échouer pour… 0.5 point ! Ce dernier s’est finalement emparé de la troisième place, derrière un Dominik en grande forme. Le tournoi s’est déroulé dans une ambiance très conviviale, le saucisson était délicieux, et l’on se réjouit déjà de l’an prochain, où Lorenz est invité à défendre son titre ! Seul bémol, la participation était légèrement en-deçà des attentes. L’on compte d'ores et déjà sur vous pour jouer la Coupe Patrice Gosteli 2015 à guichet fermé ! EGD Photos

Swiss Team Go Champ.


2013-14 champion ZH was defeated in Round 1 by the Mercenaries with a game gasana-myn for 0.5 pts. The 25th oct will be the Patrice Gostelli Cup in La Chaux-de-Fonds, the 1.11 Samstagturnier in Winthertur, the 5.11 the Swiss Team Round 2 on KGS and the 11.11 the Pandanet European Team Round 2 on IGS


Zurich Tournament

spacer After a one year pause the Zurich Tournament has revived on a beautiful sunny autumn weekend. Most players took the opportunity to play in the patio which is actually in the center of the city's old town but as it is closed in by houses it's totally quite and gives the best environment to study some good variations in a hard fought game. Li Yue was so kind to review the games during the breaks, there was a good quality service of drinks, coffee and food! Thanks to Lyuba for taking care of all the organizational work to make this tournament happen and of course congratulations to the winner Avelio who just newly arrived at Zurich Go Club from abroad. Photos, EGD

Sylvain Praz won the Veyrier-Ko Go Club 2014

spacer Sylvain Praz won the Veyrier-Ko Go Club 2014 and deserved a nice promotion 1d, Semi Lee and Sebastien Ott were second and third. Thank you to the Veyrier City for the place, to In-Seong Hwang 8d who did wonderful teaching, to the Café de l'Union, to all organisers and to the 24 participants. Photos EGD

Swiss representant @ KPMC

Follow our representant @ 9th Korean Prime Minister Cup in Seoul

Swiss Go Team Championship 2014-2015

Swiss Go Team Championship 2014-2015 will start from October 2014 to April 2015, one wednesday per month.  Schedule 2014-2015.  Last Year results

European Go Congress Sibiu

spacer Fan Hui did it again: he is european go champion 2014. He fighted his way thourgh the knock-out beating Csaba Mero in the quater-, Ali Jabarin in the semi- and Alexandr Dinerstein in the final.
5 swiss Players participated and made an overall score of 22 wins - 18 losses in the main tournament and 6 wins - 9 losses in the weekend tournament.
It was a great congress. Everything was just as it should be: Good quality venue (air condition, spacy rooms, good tables & chairs). All in one place in the center of the beautifull city Sibiu. All was perfectly organized, plenty of good trips were done to the suroundings and there was a grill & bar for playing games late into the night.

1st European Pro

spacer Pavol Lisy from Slovakia managed to win 4 straight games at the European Pro Qualification. After the failed attempt to create a european pro system in 2010 the EGF found a chinese sponsor to make this a successful kick-off. They signed a contract for over 10 years collaboration so it looks like there is some secured activity for this pro system in the near future. We are looking forward to more qualifications and some big pro events for many years now. At the next Vienna tournament we will see already the next european pro, it will be one of the players that are still in the run: Cornel Burzo, Lukas Podpera, Ali Jabarin or Mateusz Surma. Congrats to Pavol for becoming the first European Pro! Wbaduk transmissions, Photos from the Strasbourg Quali

IGC Open 2014

spacer Under a big warming sun and a clear blue sky, the fifth edition of the EPFL Go tournament took place in Satellite, the campus pub, for the first time. The place is ideal, with a beautiful atmosphere, nice decorations and a terrace to play outside. The Satellite staff was really helpful and made sure that the tournament ran smoothly. You could have a slice of pizza or a beer, and play babyfoot between games.
As always, free accommodation was offered for the participants, and with the beautiful weather it was a perfect time to drink a beer or two under the sun. Some went to the border of the lake for lunch or just to chill. Some even went for a night swim…
In-Seong Hwang came once more to provide a wonderful teaching and sharp advices for the ambitious. He reviewed games and did a lecture at the end. As always, lot of knowledge to absorb!
We had 34 players, a  decent number and we would like to thanks all that made the journey.
spacer On a final note, congratulation to Nikola Mitic who won the first place, coming all the way from Serbia! This fantastic performance gave him one more GoR point!
Second place went to Félicien Mazille who did a great tournament, losing only to N. Mitic, and third place to Benoit Felix, who remains a fiercefull opponent.
It was a wonderful experience and we hope to continue this tradition year after year! Some people were so enthusiastic about this event than some talked of gathering a team for undertaking a European Go Congress in EPFL… to be continued. FAU

EGD, Photos

L'initiation (méthode Yasuda) au Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel

Bonjour à vous. L'initiation (méthode Yasuda), dimanche 18 mai 2014 au Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel, a connu un grand succès. A la suite de la Nuit des Musées, diverses animation d'origine japonaise ont été organisées le dimanche au Musée d'ethno.
spacer 1600 personnes ont découvrées ces animations, et plus de cinquante ont suivi les décos animées par Marcel Schweizer, qui avait en outre été invité par le Musée à présenter quelques-uns de ses travaux artistiques ayant un lien avec les calligraphies chinoise et japonaise.
Un petit garçon de quatre ans, accompagné de sa maman, est revenu trois fois dans l'atelier de go qu'il préférait à toutes les autres activités.
Par ailleurs, dèès le 19 juin, le Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel présente une grande exposition sur la culture japonaise.
A votre disposition si vous avez besoin d'autres précisions.
Avec mes amicales salutations.
Marcel Schweizer

Go for Luzern

spacer Auch wenn es schon sonnigere Wochenende gegeben hat dieses Jahr kamen am Sonntag doch noch einige Strahlen durch und man konnte wie bis jetzt jedes Jahr auch draussen spielen. Gewonnen hat Fikert Lars 2D vor Praz Sylvain 1K und Pillon Thibault 2K.
Fotos, Resultate, EGD is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its contents. This is a safe-cache copy of the original web site.